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    "Backup Guy"

    Over the last couple months i've realized i've become the "back up" guy for a couple girls and am starting to get fed up to the point i don't want to respond to their texts. Girl A, friends from a while back we were really close but drifted apart. When she's not dating anyone she'll want to...
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    Benefits of Moving out?

    I moved out a few months ago and its worth it. Just make sure you have your financials lined up just in case something happens (eg. Losing your job). It goes beyond just being able to tell people you live on your own. It's knowing you can take care of yourself. Lots more responsabilities but...
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    LJBF girl is back

    i'll probably get flammed for this but i keep having this thought that i might have a little small chance. possibly some messed up version of do i get over that?
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    LJBF girl is back

    hi everyone, i was ljbf by a girl a few years back. she moved away and i moved away because of school. just recently we both graduated and moved back to the same area and she's currently single. she's single and is trying to use me as a confidence booster (flirting w/ me to try and get a...
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    cologne suggestions

    I wear Sean John Unforgivable ... clean fresh smell. I think you should go to the mall and spray a few on you ... see what you like. You're stuck smelling it all the time so you might as well really like it.
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    Exercising = Agressiveness?

    oh definatly its not but i didn't know it was the reason why
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    Exercising = Agressiveness?

    Hey guys, I got a personal trainer last summer and started working out alot. I've seen some great improvements ... lost 15 lbs and gained some muscle ... etc but i've noticed i've become more agressive. If someone cuts me off I get pissed off more or if i'm at a bar and some guy runs into me...
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    What are your views of Interracial Dating?

    i'm in the same situation ... i grew up in a white area ... like 95 pct white and the rest mostly asian. i'm mainly attracted to white girls ... come to think of it i've never hooked up w/ an asian girl but i wouldn't mind it
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    he should probably do something else that makes him happy.
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    Best friend hooks up with chick I like

    i'm going to go against the grain and say i think what ur best friend did was messed up .... or the way he did it was. personally i value trust and loyalty. when i find out someone is a liar or a cheater i never look at them the same again. because thier reputation is ruined in my eyes...
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    how to be agressive

    what are some acts you can do to show you are assertive or agressive ... need some ideas
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    how to be agressive

    any have any tips on how to be agressive in different situations like work ... hanging out w/ friends ... w/ a girl ....
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    Motivational songs/speeches etc

    I like to listen to successful people talk for motivation. Recently i've been listening to a lot of Diddy ... not just the music but some of his youtube/website videos. He's not the best rapper but just listening to him talk and hearing about the hard work is motivational to me.
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    weight loss compliments

    good suggestions ... i'm not to ripped yet ... but will get there gotta lose a bit more weight first
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    weight loss compliments

    hey guys i just have a simple question for you. at the beginning of the summer i started working out alot more, got a personal traininer, nutritionist, etc and really committed myself to losing weight. i wasn't really fat but a little bit chubby. i lost about 15 pounds and since school...
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    Getting her off

    if it gets too sensitive just leave your hand on her **** don't move it or nething but just leave it there and it'll provide a little more stimulation
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    Stole best friend's gf on accident. Interesting story.

    think about this ... how many chicks are you going to **** in your life? hopefully/probably alot but how many best friends are you going to have? yeah ur bf dropped the ball but when your at a bar or out kicking it and some guy wants to beat your ass who's going to step in? or later on after...
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    on being heard in the group

    say it with more confidence. make ur voice a little louder and make it sound like u know what ur talking about, and when someone interrupts you look at them and emphasize the word your saying specifically towards them. unless the reason they cut u off is cuz ur annoying
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    how to increase ones own drive/self motivation.

    the thing that helps me is just doing one small thing. right now i'm starting a business and i get busy w/ school, my other job, friends, etc but i always have a goal of doing one thing for the day. it could be something small like type up a letter, write an email, send my business card design...
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    Important stuff to do as a freshmen

    all good points a few others are: - introduce yourself to as many people in your classes as possible. you'll most likely be taking 101 classes so everyone in there is a freshman, no one has a tight group of friends yet so try to know as many people outside of your dorm because that'll just...