Important stuff to do as a freshmen


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2006
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I missed out on a allot in the first two years of college. Hopefully you guys will learn from my mistakes:

-The first couple days are the most important when making friends. Social groups develop fast, so make making friends a priority when you get to college. It gets alittle harder to make friends with each passing day. After two weeks, its really hard.
-Just introduce yourself to people. Don't even worry about 'game' or whatever. A simple 'hi, im _____" will do. Everyone has been stripped way of their social circle and social proof, and everyone is open to meeting new peopl e. Just imagine that everyone has the same feelings you do towards meeting new prople, cuz thats exactly how everyone is feeling.
You don't need any fancy social tricks, mainly cuz most people don't know any. Most people have been dependent on their highschool clicks for friends their whole lives, so most won't know too well how to meet new people. They just do it.
-Knock on all your dorm mates doors with a roomate or a friend you just made (there's less pressure when theirs more than one person, and having another person establishes yourself as a social person).
-Leave your door open and have a sign that says "don't me shy, drop on by =]" to have in inviting aura to your room. Also design your room for socializing. One of my dormates did this, all we would all go to his room to hang out. He became an alpha male through this.
-Try to throw a party and invite as many people as possible, or if know of one, invite people to go with you.
-You'll be doing some 'friendswapping'. That is, hanging out with friends that you've met through other friends. Everyone does this to meet people they have more in common with. It might go on throughout your whole four years of college.
-In the dinning commons, sit with random people. Always go with one or two friends (again, to show your social side and to give people the option of meeting more people)
-Have as many conversations as possible, and after each conversation, get her phone number. No matter how small the rapport is, you will get the number. Even if you've never gotten a phone number in your life and are still looking deep within to find the confidence, just do it. Rejection rate is virtual non-existant in the first couple days of college. Not only will you get numbers, but they'll pick up too.
Think about it, everyone is new, people don't have any close friends right now, everyone's social proof has been stripped away and now everyone has anxiety. Girls who had 2-3 option of guys to chose from now have zero. This will be the easiest time ever to get numbers, don't waste this oppurtunity.
-Girls are also the most horniest at this time. Almost Every girl who is still a virgin will lose her virginity during the first quarter/semester/trimester of her freshmen year. Girls want to experiment, and they are also inexperianced. They've been dependent on using their social circles to get guys all their lives, and suddenly their thrown into the world of adult dating. Guys, use sosuave to your advantage, cuz everything you need to know about adult dating is on here. The girls will be in your world now, not theirs.
-Take very little and very easy classes for atleast the first quarter/sememester. This the most valuable socializing time you have. Classes can come later.

Thats all I could thing of.


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2006
Reaction score
all good points a few others are:

- introduce yourself to as many people in your classes as possible. you'll most likely be taking 101 classes so everyone in there is a freshman, no one has a tight group of friends yet so try to know as many people outside of your dorm because that'll just open up the possiblities of meeting girls elsewhere.

- every weekend try to go hang out at/drink at a different persons room. girls are more loose after a few drinks and after being introduced by someone they know it'll help out alot.

- go to class . don't **** up college

- don't think your too cool to do stuff ... they have alot of events on campus for the first few weeks of school ... even tho they might be lame make it fun and just go

- join clubs, another great way to meet people

and lastly loyalty ... the friends you make in college will last you a lifetime (from what i'm told ... i'm a senior)


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
I wish I wish I WISH I would have done all that stuff when I was in college.

Good post.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 21, 2006
Reaction score
Nice timing.. I leave in.. 4 hours.

Some good advice. I plan on throwing a floor party first night. I'm going up well stocked. :up:

Back to packing. :crazy:


Don Juan
Jul 7, 2006
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Westchester/Rockland NY
I was a ****'n social recluse in my college, but it was a engineering college and I was under alot of work...but never the less. If I knew what I knew now, I would have had enjoyed college alot more...NOte to your young guns.. there isn't a better place for a DJ than college,


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2006
Reaction score

and while im at it, i'll give one more tip.

Make friends who are closest to you geographically. If you try to make friends that are far away, you'll be 'left out of the loop' often. However, theirs exceptions to everything. Most of the friends i made who were far away were make through 'friendswapping'


Apr 27, 2006
Reaction score
American college life sucks. I will take a provincial former Soviet Republic train station over any college in America.

According to Health Services at Columbia University, 20-25 percent of college students across the country have either been infected with an STD or transmitted an STD to their sexual partners. Two thirds of all individuals with STDs are under the age of 25.

Take the slutty chubsters to the doctor before you do anything. Condoms ARE NOT totally safe. Thank God I was one of the recluses in college.


New Member
Aug 23, 2006
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east there sparky, don;t freak out the future college students such as myself.

Strap up and have a good time, the percentages are in your favor if you do that. Anyway, good post, starting college on monday.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 18, 2004
Reaction score
bump to this great post. i start college in 3 weeks so this really helps! any other advice?


Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2005
Reaction score
"Girls are also the most horniest at this time. Almost Every girl who is still a virgin will lose her virginity during the first quarter/semester/trimester of her freshmen year. Girls want to experiment, and they are also inexperianced. They've been dependent on using their social circles to get guys all their lives, and suddenly their thrown into the world of adult dating. Guys, use sosuave to your advantage, cuz everything you need to know about adult dating is on here. The girls will be in your world now, not theirs."

Seeing as I'm dating a girl in college and I'm still in HS this has me worried. I'm sure she won't cheat on me, but with booze you never know what a girl will do.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2006
Reaction score
everyone, take a look at ace of flames post.

This is what i was talking about with the low rejection rates. Even girls with boyfriends won't reject attempts to hang out with you. This happened to me a few times, and one time it was when a girl approached me.

People were just in a world where they knew 60-90% of the people in their class, and 30-40% of the people in their entire school. Now, they in a world where they know 1% of the people in their class, and .0001% of the people in their school. They don't like this, I remember I didn't like it. However, people will get used to this quikly, so first couple days are very important to establishing a highschool esque connection in your class, and you being apart of it.

One more tip, meeting new people is a team effort. It is much less efficient when you try to do things alone.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 18, 2004
Reaction score
good stuff!

hmm aside from what was mentioned above, what else can i do to establish myself in a better position here. like gaining popularity and being invited to parties and such.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2005
Reaction score
I would like to poin out that there is a high school forum for tips like this,for future reference.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2006
Reaction score
blinkwatt said:
I would like to poin out that there is a high school forum for tips like this,for future reference.
yeah i thought of posting it there, but the people who needs these tips are done with highschool. They just graduated 2-3 monthes ago.