Best friend hooks up with chick I like

Aug 25, 2005
Reaction score
San Diego
So last night my friend had a little party theres 2 girls to 10 guys. We all are getting drunk and having a good time then my best friend takes this chick that i like up to his room. So i got pretty pissed and want to talk to him. He didn't let me talk to him until like 15 minutes later. So i tell him why the **** he's hooking up with this chick and he says he's not and that they're just talking. He tells me that he was talking good about me so i could get with her. And I tell him "you're not lieing to me right?" and he's like "no". So i think it's all good and they come down and chill downstairs. But later they go back up to the room for like 20 minutes and i barge in their and i hear her putting her clothes back on. And i was just like "you're a ****ing liar" and left.

So today she texts me "sorry about last night". and im like "its alright you both were pretty drunk". then shes like "well i feel really bad still". and im like "well at least you apologized". and thats about it. So right now my ****ing best friend lied straight to my face and hooks up with this chick he knows i like. ****ing pissed man. what else should i do????


Master Don Juan
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
Listen to yourself.

It's not your friends fault that you didn't hit that ass, it's yours. If you liked the broad, why didn't you ever get anything going with her before the party? Why didn't you make a move at the party? Why were you chilling on the sidelines hoping she'd ask you if you want to f*ck her, instead of taking some control?

Sorry to say man, just beceause he is your friend doesn't mean he has to pass up on getting laid just because you are shy and have a small crush. If you want something, TAKE IT. And this isn't just about ass, it's about everything. Oppurtunity knocks faintly, if you don't listen for it and don't strike the iron while it's still hot, you miss out. Be more assertive, take some control and get the sh!t you want, and don't blame other people for doing the same.


Don Juan
Dec 29, 2006
Reaction score
^^^ he's right

if she had any kind of interest in you she wouldnt have ****ed your best mate while you were there .

you gota actually make a move on what you want not just sit back coz this is what happens.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
MindOverMatter said:
Sorry to say man, just beceause he is your friend doesn't mean he has to pass up on getting laid just because you are shy and have a small crush. If you want something, TAKE IT. And this isn't just about ass, it's about everything. Oppurtunity knocks faintly, if you don't listen for it and don't strike the iron while it's still hot, you miss out. Be more assertive, take some control and get the sh!t you want, and don't blame other people for doing the same.
Listen to Mind. This girl is not spoken for and she is a "free agent" to do whatever she wants. If I were you I would congradulate my buddy for hooking up with her and ask him to give me a few tips cause' he is doing something right. Its not worth to be p1ssed on your friend because you couldn't bring your game up and snag her. You snooze, you lose.
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
2 girls and 10 guys. What is that, like odds are 1 in 5 that you would get laid there unless the girls slept with more than one guy at a time. So in a sence, given such odds, there is nothing to sniff at. You either have to be really good to be that 1 out of 5, otherwise, you are the 4 out of 5. Thus in that party, 18 people lost and only two people hooked up right?

Here are a few different throughts - why could you and your best friend have BOTH done her? What are you doing at a party with such a pathetic gender ratio, you should go to venues where there are more women then men.

Dayum itz jee

Don Juan
Jul 5, 2006
Reaction score
Ever heard? First come First serve (Well in this situation its first come first to get served) lols..


Apr 27, 2006
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the wisest man i have ever known is my daddy. suppose it is the combination of being a mean s.o.b. plus having me when he was 60 and my mother was in her early 20s. anyway, he always warned me against having friends. especially best friends. one thing to hang around with someone, another thing to actually like them. he wasn't much for liking people.

i speak as if he is dead, but in fact he is still alive. just isn't his same old self these days.
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
HahA, HORS ARE FOR EVERYBODY KID!! Wake up, The Matrix has you!!!

Hors don't need your permission to open their legs!:rolleyes:

Your friend did a "bang-up" job on her! :rolleyes:


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2006
Reaction score
i'm going to go against the grain and say i think what ur best friend did was messed up .... or the way he did it was.

personally i value trust and loyalty. when i find out someone is a liar or a cheater i never look at them the same again. because thier reputation is ruined in my eyes.

what happened between you and ur bestfriend was something small but what if in the future he was looking to start a business and needs a 10k loan from you? i think its a good way to judge someone's character because if they become a ***** on something small what about the bigger stuff?

yeah you messed up and your game wasn't on but that doesn't mean you deserved to be lied to.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
So today she texts me "sorry about last night". and im like "its alright you both were pretty drunk". then shes like "well i feel really bad still". and im like "well at least you apologized". and thats about it. So right now my ****ing best friend lied straight to my face and hooks up with this chick he knows i like. ****ing pissed man. what else should i do????
So what? are you planning on going back to her? And your best friend ? Cut them off and find yourself a new baby...
Aug 25, 2005
Reaction score
San Diego
Look guys wtf am i supposed to do?? it was 8:30 and the party is just getting started and i still have a long ass time go. we were just getting warmed up. i was talking to her and kinoing her a lot. i was planning on hooking up with later that night. it was all going good. but my friend just sat next to her and started hugging her and **** and then made her go up to his room within like 10 minutes of talking to her and just hooked up with her. i mean what the **** am i supposed to do??? he just totally stole her from me. i went up there to try to get him to stop and he told me they were just talking. but then they go back up there and hook up. what the hell would anyone else do in that situation????? probably the same thing.
Aug 25, 2005
Reaction score
San Diego
Luke Skywalker said:
2 girls and 10 guys. What is that, like odds are 1 in 5 that you would get laid there unless the girls slept with more than one guy at a time. So in a sence, given such odds, there is nothing to sniff at. You either have to be really good to be that 1 out of 5, otherwise, you are the 4 out of 5. Thus in that party, 18 people lost and only two people hooked up right?

Here are a few different throughts - why could you and your best friend have BOTH done her? What are you doing at a party with such a pathetic gender ratio, you should go to venues where there are more women then men.
i guess that's where i made the mistake. i the only two chicks to a party where there are 10 guys. thats like throwing meat to wolves. next time im not going to be the one supplying the girls.


Master Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
Reaction score
LaDanian Tomlinson said:
i mean what the **** am i supposed to do??? he just totally stole her from me.
He didn't steal her. She wasn't yours in the first place.

Definately sort out that male to female ratio, but change your outlook before anything else. It's not his fault you didn't get the job done.

I can blatantly say, grow up. You're just looking like the jealous guy who didn't get any action.


Oct 30, 2006
Reaction score
ermm... Didnt we make a virgin forumn especially for killacam?!?! wats he doin here! givin advice! neva had a gf in his life LMAO..... im sendin out a warning!! BEWARE KILLCAM!

Anyways, EVEN IF UR HOMIE was talkin to the girl and tellin her sht about u, thats still a chump move. You gotta step yourself up. walk the walk. dont let people talk for u .. thats just lame. especially when shes like 5 feet in front of u. :(


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
Deus ex Pianoforte said:
Your best friend f'ucked you over, and the chick thinks it's funny, so now she's trying to f'uck with your head for the attention. F'uck both of them, find somebody else to hang out with.
Remember the saying bros before hoes, and burn that into your head. There is enough pvssy out there for everyone, dont go barging in on a girl your mate has his eyes on, I know there are no rules in the dating game, but really man doesnt matter if they guy has a chance or not let him have his chance.

Then move in and take the girl, actually better yet go after some other girl and not wait. I never go after a girl that my mates may like doesnt matter if the girl wants to hook up with me or not. It wil hurt my mate alot when he finds out I'm nailing the girl he likes, and really a girl is a girl and can be replaced but a true friend cant.


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2006
Reaction score
YOu can't get mad at your friend because he beat you to the punch. Did u even kiss this girl?? she doesn't belong to you. The way you should look at it as at least your friend got with her.

If she liked you she wouldn't have fvcked your friend period. Let it be and get some other girls. Your acting like a total AFC.:down:

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score

This is too funny, you acted like a complete chode in a movie. Guy talks to girl you kick open the door to see them doing more than just talking. Its funny cause this actually affected you. The thing is its your fault for not closing when you was actually talking to her. (As RSD Ozzie would say "you're not a PUA unless you're a closer") In this case your friend is the closer. The thing that is funny is he a DJ or PUA? If the answer is no then why the hell are you crying over one girl when you know you can get a girl any time because you have the skills that can help you get any girl?

There was no need to act the way you did because that was a AFC move. Something similar to this has happened to me about 5 times by friends and it still doesn't affect me. Why because I know I can go out and get another girl. They have a hard time talking to strangers so it limits them and gives me more women to choose from. This is why I don't care at all if I see a friend trying to push up on a girl I know I'm going to let him because I know some of them have scarcity mentality.

Even right now a hb9 that all of my friends like. I started gaming her a bit (I met her through them) but they were trying too until they all blew themselves out. So now I'm the only one left and not once have I ever told them "I want this girl, find you're own chick."


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
MindOverMatter said:
Sorry to say man, just beceause he is your friend doesn't mean he has to pass up on getting laid just because you are shy and have a small crush. If you want something, TAKE IT. And this isn't just about ass, it's about everything. Oppurtunity knocks faintly, if you don't listen for it and don't strike the iron while it's still hot, you miss out. Be more assertive, take some control and get the sh!t you want, and don't blame other people for doing the same.
I echo every letter of this and suggest you print it out and pin it up somewhere where you can see it regularly.

Don't blame other people for your shortcomings. This is a good lesson for you, which you should embrace and learn from.