on being heard in the group


Senior Don Juan
Jan 8, 2004
Reaction score
Sometimes I find myself in the group of 5-6 people and we are having a discussion. It could be at the party or in my discussion group. The problem I encounter is that I am not being noticed.

There is always one or two people who dominate conversation. For example we are just talking and I decicde to ask people a question or make a comment. Then 2 seconds after I open my mouth someone else will start speaking and interrupt me., and I am ignored. Or I am just being ignored even if I had a chance to finish what I was going to say.

I tried to talk louder and sometimes with a pretext like "guys..what do you think about this?" It works better,but I am not sure why certain people in the gruoup are able to dominate conversations so easily.

I have a discussion group for one of my classes,5 females and one other guy. So this guy just fvcks up my speech all the time. I start talking but then he completly ignores my speaking and starts his own thread.

Any advice on how to improve in this situation?


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2006
Reaction score
say it with more confidence. make ur voice a little louder and make it sound like u know what ur talking about, and when someone interrupts you look at them and emphasize the word your saying specifically towards them.

unless the reason they cut u off is cuz ur annoying


Don Juan
Jun 18, 2006
Reaction score
Yea, I used to have that problem.

The more confident you are with your speech, the more people will be excited to listen. Think about motivational speakers. They are paid to talk, and they can do it well. Theres a reason why theyre PAID to do it, and that is because people will listen to them.

I've noticed the effect of confident speach in party type situations (or any social situation with lots of people). I've noticed, the more outgoing I am about what I'm saying, more people tend to listen. I've even been able to get the attention of other people (both men and women) that wern't even invovled in the conversation I was having (e.g. people who were talking with another group of people nearby)

I mean, it makes a lot of sense. People will want to hear your conversation if it sounds interesting to listen to, and in order to make it interesting, you have to sound interested, and genuine (and confident)