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  1. D

    another journal...ZERO to HERO hopefully

    3/3/11 today was decent..was playing around with this girl i met at school today...well we have the same class for the whole year but i never actually talked to her, today i was bored and approached her (shes about high 7 low 8ish) and it went smoothly...other than that just ran my dog...
  2. D

    //The Chronicles of BPH\\

    where do you do your approaches?
  3. D

    Theminatar's Workout Journal

    the optimal diet plan should consist of 20%fat 40%carbs 40% protein... for bulking(building muscle) i tend to do 30fat 50protein 20carbs for cutting (losing fat) i do the 20/40/40 you cannot build muscle and lose fat at the same time, u must alternate in periods ie..i want to get to a lean...
  4. D

    another journal...ZERO to HERO hopefully

    ohhhhh just thought of something! ok so my good friend has a gf, and she has ALOT of hot single would you go about at becomeing closer with the gf as to get squeeze into her social she knows about me, but she doesnt know me idk...she sees me around and...
  5. D

    another journal...ZERO to HERO hopefully

    soo havent really posted much...completely forgot that i had this thread lol aight so first :health... i bulked for about a week or 2 and pushed up to 200..than cut for a bit down back to 185-187...down to 9ish % bodyfat :) wanna get bigger arms because they are kinda out of proportion with...
  6. D

    attractfed to girl with bf

    your call
  7. D

    working out of your comfort zone?

    when cant think of anything to say..squeeze your left nut very very hard till noise comes out, this will break the akward silence dont be mad just wanted some laughs lol
  8. D

    another journal...ZERO to HERO hopefully

    we had a mutual friend and we were both at her (friend) party...we made out on the couch and she gave me her number..and we have hung out a few times and we talk really long on the phone
  9. D

    another journal...ZERO to HERO hopefully

    girl just told me she loved me? i like her alot (alot alot) but she lives pretty far from me and i would only be able to see her maybe 2-3 times a month (depending on how persuasive i can be with my brother/parents/friends with cars) not sure what to do right now? need a bit of don juan help...
  10. D

    another journal...ZERO to HERO hopefully

    first actual success last night...last night i went bowling with a bunch of my friends and there was this hb8 sitting silently just watching... i forced myself to get out of my head and approached her and had a nice high energy convo...i tried to keep control the whole way, and i did pretty...
  11. D

    another journal...ZERO to HERO hopefully

    I ran into an old friend...I knew her from last year when I was a super tubbster and since we met up she has been acting differently around me..I tried using tips from Rsd Foundations and was being playful yet in charge and she responded very well...some potential here wish me luck!
  12. D

    another journal...ZERO to HERO hopefully

    Day 3: today was ok...i had some nice convos with a few HB5-6s but i was rlly sleepy today haha... trying to do the "talk to 5 women a day" thing and hopefully my conversational skills will get better
  13. D

    another journal...ZERO to HERO hopefully

    I got the blueprint decoded...
  14. D

    another journal...ZERO to HERO hopefully

    Day 2: today was much better! i practiced MMA last night and i guess that got my manliness rolling haha..i was sooo social today and i tried flirting with this one chick but turns out that she had a guy but i was saying hi to everyone and was doing my best to have conversations with people i...
  15. D

    another journal...ZERO to HERO hopefully

    Day1: wow today was terrible...i was so juiced yesterday about trying to be extra social today today was the same as every other day..i basically did my work, and talked only to friends in class.. at lunch i ate and sat there with same group of friends just sittin quietly and than i went...
  16. D

    another journal...ZERO to HERO hopefully

    hi i pretty much explained my situation in my below thread down there l l l V any ways i want to completely recreate my self and break free from the social akwardness that i live everyday... so i'll post my progress as often as i can... i...
  17. D

    Weird situation need help asap

    I've been fat all my life..,up until about august of last year...I worked my ass of and lost bodyfat and gained alot of muscle (granted I'm still a bit flabby) I went from 5'10 240lbs to 6'1 183 lbs with 14% bodyfat So yea a big transformation The problem is I am still stuck with that fat...