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  1. W

    i was never meant for high school

    Well this thread sure contributed to the greater learning of the community.
  2. W

    Is this girl into me? (YES! Another one of these threads!)

    The approach thing should be a walk in the park. Just go up to her, if she sees that you have the air to just cut through her friends thats points right there man. Use it, you're an upperclassmen. She's interested in you obviously. You don't have to throw yourself at her..but a show of interest...
  3. W

    3 approaches at the Mall

    I don't get it. I dont really come here any more but drop by in occasion, and every time i see about 5 ElStud threads and say to myself "What the hell this guy has to be a troll...why is he still staying". Now w00t comes by, suspiciously seeming to be a double account, and sounds like another...
  4. W

    Really Flirty Girls and attention *****s

    At my school, there are a lot of Alpha males. There are also these type of girls that flirt with everyyyoneee. And because they are so flirty they get a lot of guy attention which they just suck up. I hate these girls. So these guys are always being real alpha around them, teasing them...
  5. W


    Are you really Jlaix? Why would you say that bull****?
  6. W

    Smiling too much?

    If the smile is natural, then it will give off the positive energy behind it. Smiling is contagious, and says nothing but you are confident and comfortable in your current position (again thats if it's NATURAL).
  7. W

    girls that approach your friends

    I hate it when guys come to forums, ask a question, and by the end of the thread are pissing and moaning about the answer.
  8. W

    A Day Late and a Dollar Short

    It was a ****-test and maybe LMR. I'm thinking she either Got scared because they comment made her think you thought she was easy. So she had to put you in your place and back away. OR Was push-pulling, and trying to establish her control over you. Which you didn't do too swell on her...
  9. W


    Yea there's some type of a ban on these. But even if there weren't, it's still a dead horse that's being beaten. In some cases looks are automatic door openers, where guys without looks might have to manually open the same door. Same door though, same thing when you walk through.
  10. W

    Girl in band.

    C'mon man you already know the answer to this question. I know you know because I posted almost exact same situation in a thread a while back. You just have to do it.
  11. W

    I am socially retarded.

    Watching comedians is a really good idea for developing sense of humor. The first step you need to take is find what kind of humor makes you laugh. That type of humor will come easiest to you to replicate because it will be natural. Like for me, I watched a lot of Andy Milonakis, Jim Gaffigan...
  12. W

    plz help m out...!!

    forget about her. you screwed yourself
  13. W

    Improving social proof.

    out of all the guys you make small talk with and say hey....pick the guy you seem to be closest too already and start talking more and then go sit with him at lunch. Then his friends will start to befriend you if he has.
  14. W

    Silly girls, trying to make a comeback..

    This is always happens to me... You ever talking to a girl, all flirty like, keeping pretty strong eye contact, and you say something that you know is incredibly witty and freakin' amazingly clever...then of course she laughs, and then she says some bull**** stupid comment back just for the...
  15. W

    Approach = Awkward

    Well, so I don't have any problems whatsoever with talking to a girl, conversational skill, flirting, .etc. But my problem is this: Approach. See usually the girls that I'm attracted to, it's usually just by turn of fate that we start talking and I like to jump on the opportunity. Well...
  16. W

    I havent been growing whats up?

    Up until like 8th grade I was always tall and bigger than everoyne in my class. Up until middle school I was usually the tallest, or at least the 2nd tallest. But now im about to turn 16 and I haven't grown but maybe 1/4" in the last 1 1/2 - 2 years. I've been stuck at 5'8 for a while now...
  17. W

    Cold heartless &%#!@?

    This girl I've been flirting with for a while. She was always flirting with a lot of guys, but I was flirted with most. Recently the level and deepness of the flirting was increasing, so I casually inserted "we should go out sometime, somewhere OUTSIDE of school", she comes back with "outside of...
  18. W

    Don't know what to do...

    Okay. so we are going out this, should I have any goals in mind for this date?...I dont really know how far to try and take it on the first date.
  19. W

    Don't know what to do...

    Okay...well update. she's not really running away... I guess just shy? So after a few conversations I've pretty much gotten to this: Her saying "Guess who I like" Me saying something like "Me" Her shying away from yes or no, or saying something like "I dunno, is it you?" can I just tell her I...
  20. W

    Don't know what to do...

    Alright, well I didn't log the convo, and its over....But I remember it clearly... This is pretty much what was said (no changes or biases or anything) HER: sooooooooooo who do you like ME: guess HER: just tell me so I can check my answers ME: I'll tell you if you tell me who you like HER: No...