Is this girl into me? (YES! Another one of these threads!)


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2006
Reaction score
Hey guys, Brighty here with a situation:

I'm a Junior she's a sophmore (Girl A) and basically she's pretty popular in her grade and I'm popular in my grade, so its all good. But she's shown some interested signs in the short, short time I've known her (try like three days, she's normally outgoing from what I've seen, but I'm guessing she might be shy around new people) but lately I'm wondering if she's still interested, tell me what you think.

Basically she mirrors my body language, a lot. We sat next to each other the other day and we seem to be sort of in sync, its kind of weird. When I crossed my arms she crossed her arms a few seconds later and we continued to subconsciously mirror our body language, even right down to the point where we both sarcastically said 'alright then' when someone in the class said something stupid. Now, she's popular and really good looking, and shes got a lot of sophmore guys after her. But I'm not like those typical guys, so I decided to flirt with her one day and then lay it off today and flirted a bit with Girl B in front of her, to show her that I'm not dazzled and I dont worshop her because of her looks.

Just for example today:

Girl B: (to the teacher) Can I get something to eat real fast?
(few second pause)
Me: Hey (Girl B who's not bad herself), here's two bucks, can you get me a soda downstairs?
Girl A: oooh (to the teacher) can I go get something too?

I then decide to end up going with Girl B to get the soda, because lord knows she would've taken my change ;) , and Girl B and her friend go down with me, while Girl A already left when I was still talking to Girl B.

We get downstairs and I start deciding which kind of Powerade I want, while noticing that Girl A is immediately surrounded by sophmore guys again. Whatever. I cross my arms and continue to browse (hard decision, I know) and then she breaks off from her group and comes over to the vending machine next to mine, glances at me real fast as she turns her head and then crosses her arms too and looks at the different sodas for like a total of ten seconds before those drooling horny average guys come back up to her and start trying to get in her pants.

See, I don't have much to go on YET, but I was wondering is her mimicking my body language a good sign? Its also worth mentioning that she glances at me a lot (especially when we're in the hallways but not nearby each other, for example, when she's talking to a friend off to the side as I'm passing by, but I just play it off as I didn't see her/too good).

I'm having trouble approaching her because she's always surrounded by friends, any tips for that as well?

Thanks a ton for your help guys!


Senior Don Juan
Jun 1, 2007
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC, Canada
alright well for the "her into you" part ill leave to somone elese to give advice, as im still becomeing more experianced with that, but as for your last question on approching, just walk up to her even if she has tons of friends or guys drooling over her around her. it will make it seem that your confindent to her and thats good, also that you dont care what others think of what you do, and that you talk to people when you want to, and that your better/more important then a bunch of pathetic guys that are allways around her.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
Yes. Do something about it, stop playing hard to get damnit.
You're the guy not the woman.


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2006
Reaction score
int3l said:
Yes. Do something about it, stop playing hard to get damnit.
You're the guy not the woman.
I dont know, I have a feeling that throwing myself at this girl who basically can have her choice of any guy is just going to put me in the average catagory and she'll discard me.


Don Juan
Apr 28, 2006
Reaction score
The approach thing should be a walk in the park. Just go up to her, if she sees that you have the air to just cut through her friends thats points right there man. Use it, you're an upperclassmen.

She's interested in you obviously. You don't have to throw yourself at her..but a show of interest would work towards your benefit. Right now the line on your graph of progress is like this: -----------. That's good for now, but eventually it will start dying down unless you make a move before it does. Showing interest will not lead to you getting thrown in with the other guys..because she is already attracted to you, and they do not have that.

I'd say find a way to get her after school. That's where the magic will commence.