girls that approach your friends


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
It's all cool guys, thanks for reading, some folk are just mindless twits
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Mar 19, 2007
Reaction score
Falkland Islands, Florida
Hated you for whatever reason, shy around you, other things, that's her Anti-AI against you, so that you don't approach her (not that you have balls to do). She's a cute chick and you're an AFC, she don't like guys like you. Give lady space and leaver her alone, stop getting frustrated around her, nothing gonna happen. Do your transformation to DJ.

She knows you have a thing for her, platonic thing that be, and it is her way by pointing out a single lady in the room, to say to you that she don't like you.

She's not interested in you, take it as constructive criticism and change a few things about yourself. This female things can be a major motivator for change, don't pass it up.

Problems with all AFCs is that they thing they can get laid NOW. If you want to get laid first you have to change, or else pay a hooker. Stop wasting your time on mental masturbation with some chick that don't like you, and change those things that make her don't like you, then you can get laid.

P.S. No, you don't have any future with that chick she pointed out, nor any other chick, nor guy. Concentrate on your own self, it's not a hard thing to do once you get started. (loose weight, gain muscle, improve your physique, improve your game, do the transformation man)


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
Hehe...thanks for the long and intricate reply. I don't mind constructive criticism, but, I do love it when I write a couple of lines and I get some tool telling me who I am and what I am aka not constructive when you know nothing about me. I see you are 26 years old, but I think you're really 16 years old as the only people I know who act like you do at your age are the broke, dead beat virgins who suck off the system (Why do I get the feeling I am paying for you to be online now?). You point out that I am an AFC that's cool, especially since you don't know me, but since you want to play the blame game I think you are just an insecure, ignorant key board jockey, dyck


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
She's not interested in you
i disagree. She may not be interested. But there are shy girls who are shy around everyone, including guys they like. You should judge to see if she is one of these girls or just uninterested. Just approach her if you want her and see what happens. Don't fear rejection just because you're not getting consistent IOIs from a quiet girl.


Mar 19, 2007
Reaction score
Falkland Islands, Florida
She's not shy. He thinks she's shy. Shy girls don't say things he said she say. I doubt this scenario even real, but if it is the op is an AFC and girl is not into him.

Check his other posts, he's a troll.

I feel like a fool giving him advice, so not worth it. Good thing is that he stay AFC for being afraid to admit he is one.

Some men are simply too depressing to look at, this one is depressing to read. He so insecure he had to delete his op and leave forums, lol. :crackup:


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
There is no need to have it on here you dolt as I am already talking to her. Your advice was worthless, if you can even call it advice. All you did is berate me for no reason, like I said, you are a judgemental keyboard jockey, waste of time and a reply. And yes, I am an AFC, If I was to listen to you and your wonderful wisdom that is. Mods, you should probably lock this one or delete it because there is no point for this thread at this point.


Mar 19, 2007
Reaction score
Falkland Islands, Florida
No, I'm the real deal. You have joined today, and thus far made 17 posts. You are sensitive and insecure, and throw off signs of AFC all over. Your original post presented you as an AFC.

You're not just an AFC who is seeking help, you are a troll. In time you will banned :kick:


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
oh posts are an indicator of how suave you are with the ladies now? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I guess that is your way of justifying your "pimpness" because of your measely post count, I bow down my master ;). Buddy, the only thing having a lot of posts means is you have no life and sit on this site all day (no offense to anyone who has lots of posts, it was directed at this post obsessed putz). Buddy, I bet most real macks out there don't even know of this site let alone have "high post counts".

Yeah, "Real Deal"...what do you think your Evander Holyfield or something? Yeah, Real Deal on the INTERNET. Insensitive and Insecure, actually I am neither. I really didn't care that you stated your opinion, but, are you so socially inept to not know that if you blatantly disrespect someone and start telling them who they are and what they are, the other person chances are isn't going to like it? Stick to the post you dolt. It's common sense but I don't expect you to be quick enough to get that obviously...and from some of your posts I gather someone stated you called a black person the N-Word to their face. Now isn't that cool, not only are you a judgemental keyboard jockey (I'm sure you didn't like that, but you probably won't like this one either) but you're also a BIGOT. Read a book or two or go on incase you don't know what that means.

I love how you keep calling me an AFC (that means your a real natural in the game, got the trendy net lingo down) when you don't even know me and judge me off one post. Unless you are here and have seen me with women, your opinion don't mean ****, you are just being a keyboard jockey. I shouldn't even be wasting my time and this will be my last post about this and you. And If I get banned sometime..oh wow..i'll be hurt. Probably would've been better I didn't come then to have to read your I.Q. lowering post.
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Don Juan
Apr 28, 2006
Reaction score
I hate it when guys come to forums, ask a question, and by the end of the thread are pissing and moaning about the answer.