Girl in band.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Well there's this girl in band I liked named Abby, and I don't know why, but I could just never bring myself to approach her. Today everyone in Jazz Band(Yes, she's in jazz band), went on an all day field trip were we performed at 2 different places. During this trip, I had several, and I mean SEVERAL chances(We've basically been together all day long) to approach her, but I never did it. My reason or excuse for not doing this is because I simply thought it would be awkward going up to her and asking something like "You ready for this performance?", especially when no one else in Jazz Band was talking about it. While I did talk to her a few times(For instance, I talked to her when I helped her unload the bus), I never really approached her. So dude, should I have been afraid to start a conversation with "You ready for this concert?" or "How do you feel about this being our last performance?"? I don't know, I'm just afraid it would lead to a boring conversation. Now that Jazz Band is over, I'll only see her in concert band. If I'm going to make my move it's gotta be soon since seniors are leaving soon.
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Don Juan
Apr 17, 2007
Reaction score
This is what I do. If something pops into your head, like something to say. Just say it. Really, grab your balls and say it. Or would you rather go everyday saying nothing but thinking about her all day long. You get home and probably still think about her and how you ***** out every day when you have these "chances".

Every time you see this girl, it is a chance. Trust me, having her blow you off when you try to talk to her is much worse than wasting your days thinking about what to say, and then never saying it. Btw, saying "Are you ready for this performance?" is perfectly fine. From now on, whenever you want to say something, just say it. It doesn't matter who you are saying it to.

P.S. Don't waste your days thinking about this girl. Seize the day, or die regretting the time you lost. You could be fixing your problem right now if you REALLY wanted it. Also, you won't be boring if you go into the conversation in a attitude or mindset thinking to yourself "I just want to have fun." Just have FUN!


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
This is what I do. If something pops into your head, like something to say. Just say it.
good advice. If whatever you say leads to a boring conversation, then this girl probably isn't a good match for you anyway.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Obsidian said:
good advice. If whatever you say leads to a boring conversation, then this girl probably isn't a good match for you anyway.
Not a good match? That wouldn't make a lot of sense. We already know we're both into jazz, and secondly we already know we both play an instrument.

The Shocker

Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2006
Reaction score
With my parents
wow, you guys have two things in common, might as well get married tomorrow...


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
You said it, not me. I was only bringing that up because music and jazz are two pretty BIG things to have in common. Oh and look at that, not only are we both in jazz band, we're both in concert band. Not only that, but we both do a sport.


Don Juan
Apr 28, 2006
Reaction score
C'mon man you already know the answer to this question. I know you know because I posted almost exact same situation in a thread a while back. You just have to do it.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
WhiteSoledShoes said:
C'mon man you already know the answer to this question. I know you know because I posted almost exact same situation in a thread a while back. You just have to do it.
Well yeah, I'm going to talk to her during concert band. But what to talk about? Apparently talking about music is a bore. I mean imagine this, a girl comes up to you and starts talking to you about a song you're playing, you're not going to be that interested.


Master Don Juan
Oct 6, 2004
Reaction score
Nottingham havn't got anything in common if you can't talk about it.

You got two choices.

1) Sit here asking US what we'd do.

2) Grow a pair, and talk to her. doesn't matter about what.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
WesCottII said: havn't got anything in common if you can't talk about it.

You got two choices.

1) Sit here asking US what we'd do.

2) Grow a pair, and talk to her. doesn't matter about what.
Well apparently we can, but I was talking to Superchill over AIM and he said it was boring. But yeah, what can we talk about music related? What instruments we play, the songs, it's a pretty vague topic.

Plus... grow a pair? The problem here is not that I don't have the balls to talk to her, it's that I don't know what to talk about. I'm asking for suggestions on what to say in this situation. I KNOW there is NO EXACT LINE but I'm looking for suggestions.

Also, is there really a point to approaching senior girls at this point? They're leaving in a month and to be honest, my game probably isn't going to be good enough in a month to actually get a girl to go out with me. Secondly, say I do get in a serious relationship, she'll be going off to college and that'll mess everything up.
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Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
Reaction score
ElStud said:
Well apparently we can, but I was talking to Superchill over AIM and he said it was boring. But yeah, what can we talk about music related? What instruments we play, the songs, it's a pretty vague topic.
That's a perfectly fine thing to open her with, I think superchill meant it would be boring to have a ten minute conversation about band, but I feel it's perfectly fine to open up and talk for a minute about your band class. Maybe talk about something funny that happened in band, something to get her to laugh.

Plus... grow a pair? The problem here is not that I don't have the balls to talk to her, it's that I don't know what to talk about. I'm asking for suggestions on what to say in this situation. I KNOW there is NO EXACT LINE but I'm looking for suggestions.
Stop making excuses, just say whatever your thinking, anything is better than nothing.

Also, is there really a point to approaching senior girls at this point? They're leaving in a month and to be honest, my game probably isn't going to be good enough in a month to actually get a girl to go out with me. Secondly, say I do get in a serious relationship, she'll be going off to college and that'll mess everything up.
You must crawl before you can walk, don't even THINK about a relationship if you can't even talk to her. Just have a nice conversation and then see where you stand. There's an excellent article that was on the front page a while back, I think it was by David D. He talked about how guys have relationships with women entirely in their heads to fill their emotional needs. Don't do this, go out and find a real girl.


Don Juan
Apr 19, 2007
Reaction score
Just talk about what you each played at solo and ensemble, summer plans, her college of choice, discuss how you think you got jiped out of your ratings (assuming its less then a superior w/distinction). Who cares if shes going away because shes a senior, just try to tag it and it move on, band chicks are freaks in bed, trust me, I know.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Touchout said:
That's a perfectly fine thing to open her with, I think superchill meant it would be boring to have a ten minute conversation about band, but I feel it's perfectly fine to open up and talk for a minute about your band class. Maybe talk about something funny that happened in band, something to get her to laugh.

Stop making excuses, just say whatever your thinking, anything is better than nothing.

You must crawl before you can walk, don't even THINK about a relationship if you can't even talk to her. Just have a nice conversation and then see where you stand. There's an excellent article that was on the front page a while back, I think it was by David D. He talked about how guys have relationships with women entirely in their heads to fill their emotional needs. Don't do this, go out and find a real girl.
I see so I can talk about band as an opener. Although I really don't know anything band related that would be funny. Can't really remember anything funny happening on the jazz band trip yesterday. Wait, I digress there was one funny thing that happened, when we walked into this restaurant and this classic rock stuff starts playing and she actually started dancing to it a little. Doubt she'll remember that though.

Also, I have had a decent conversation with a girl before, her name was Lauren. However, I haven't talked to her since the first approach.

Crazy Asian

Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2007
Reaction score
do u by any chance go to whs?


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score


Don Juan
Feb 23, 2007
Reaction score
Also, is there really a point to approaching senior girls at this point? They're leaving in a month and to be honest, my game probably isn't going to be good enough in a month to actually get a girl to go out with me. Secondly, say I do get in a serious relationship, she'll be going off to college and that'll mess everything up.
Until you got better game, just treat every girl that you interact with as PRACTISE. It'll take the pressure off the outcome and you'll be able to relax and focus on the interactions more. Chances are something might happen in the process as well. A wise player once told that even if you make mistakes with every girl you know.. once you got game, you'll be able to have them see you in a completely different light. So don't worry about making mistakes.. just remember.. its only practise so that you can play it right later!;-)


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
robstar said:
Until you got better game, just treat every girl that you interact with as PRACTISE. It'll take the pressure off the outcome and you'll be able to relax and focus on the interactions more. Chances are something might happen in the process as well. A wise player once told that even if you make mistakes with every girl you know.. once you got game, you'll be able to have them see you in a completely different light. So don't worry about making mistakes.. just remember.. its only practise so that you can play it right later!;-)
Well tell me... is there anyway I can make that story I mentioned above about Abby an opener? Also is there anyway I can make it funny?

I see so I can talk about band as an opener. Although I really don't know anything band related that would be funny. Can't really remember anything funny happening on the jazz band trip yesterday. Wait, I digress there was one funny thing that happened, when we walked into this restaurant and this classic rock stuff starts playing and she actually started dancing to it a little. Doubt she'll remember that though.


Don Juan
Feb 23, 2007
Reaction score
Your biggest problem right now is your communication skills. Forget openers.. they just stress you out and make you think that if you don't have the 'perfect' opener the conversation will fail. A conversation is not made or broken by an opener.

Why can't you communicate to women? Did you know there really just like us just with a set of breasts and a *****. And they're stupid? Did you also know that they're just as initimidated of us then we are of them?

You know how many girls I've came across that didn't know what to say to me, and that they got nervous and choked? Alot. My previous ex-gf choked twice for example!! She didn't know what to say and she asked for a second chance. That was a 7 month relationship.

What you think is that these girls have some of power, they really don't. Girls don't sit in the back and laugh at all the guys that approached them. In fact, they really never think about it unless we're talking about the guy they really dig - Then they wont shut up about them. But for the most part, girls have their own insecurities and so on. You kow even the prettiest girl out there, has so many insecurities. They have enough insecurities to worry about then to point out yours.

But see, you really do look at it all wrong. You act all shy, acting as if you dont care to talk, but really in truely - everyone knows you're shy and to scared to speak. You're better off on talking then being shy, you're better off on doing it then regreting that you never did it. Take opportunities when you see them.

And I don't mean go sit at home and plan a conversation - Then drag a girl out of a pack and present your lines. This means, actually talk to a girl without ever thinking of an opener or a closer or anything. Just talk as if they're normal. You know, they're human beings too - They just want you to talk to them like they're a person, not some God.

If you have nothing more to say, just leave. Leave the conversation, or get busy with something else. If I have nothing more to sayI just look at something and just walk up to it without sayin anything more... sortof wierd I know but it works.

Now, just remember -- You don't have to produce everything in the conversation - Let her talk.. Make her do halfies.. If theres silence, just walk away. Simple. Believe me, not every girl is good at conversations. They'll bore you out. I get so bored with some girls, I just want to sleeeepp..

But see, you never see that because you never talk to find this stuff out. You never talk enough to give a girl a sense of your personality. Girls love a guy with a personality. The guys that sit back and are all shy get nowhere. They don't get recognized, they're just thought of that they have no personality or way to scared of rejection.

So do this... Talk to EVERYONE you come across. Not just girls that you're interested in. If you go to the grocery store, talk to the clerk, if you go to a resturant, talk to the waiter and host, go to whatever not to the employees. These are perfect opportunities to talk to someone and to learn how to display your personality threw conversation. Talk to men, women, or chewbaca - whatever it is talk to them.

Some things to look for and answer are.....

do you give eye contact?
do you figit?
do you move around alot?
what are your nervous habits?
Does the way you face matter in conversation?
What type of conversations are best for small talk?
Can you walk into the place at another time, and will they notice you?
how do people react towards me?
how can you tell someone chokes?
what are negative body language signals that warns you to end conversation?

You should find that people are interested in what you have to say; And actually show interest in you. It takes time bro, but lets work on your communication.

I hope that helps, we'll just do baby steps and take our time with it. It's not an over night thing, it's nothing to really worry about. Have patience and pace things along - Don't even think tiwce about getting numbers.. lets also work into that..


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
robstar said:
Your biggest problem right now is your communication skills. Forget openers.. they just stress you out and make you think that if you don't have the 'perfect' opener the conversation will fail. A conversation is not made or broken by an opener.

Why can't you communicate to women? Did you know there really just like us just with a set of breasts and a *****. And they're stupid? Did you also know that they're just as initimidated of us then we are of them?

You know how many girls I've came across that didn't know what to say to me, and that they got nervous and choked? Alot. My previous ex-gf choked twice for example!! She didn't know what to say and she asked for a second chance. That was a 7 month relationship.

What you think is that these girls have some of power, they really don't. Girls don't sit in the back and laugh at all the guys that approached them. In fact, they really never think about it unless we're talking about the guy they really dig - Then they wont shut up about them. But for the most part, girls have their own insecurities and so on. You kow even the prettiest girl out there, has so many insecurities. They have enough insecurities to worry about then to point out yours.

But see, you really do look at it all wrong. You act all shy, acting as if you dont care to talk, but really in truely - everyone knows you're shy and to scared to speak. You're better off on talking then being shy, you're better off on doing it then regreting that you never did it. Take opportunities when you see them.

And I don't mean go sit at home and plan a conversation - Then drag a girl out of a pack and present your lines. This means, actually talk to a girl without ever thinking of an opener or a closer or anything. Just talk as if they're normal. You know, they're human beings too - They just want you to talk to them like they're a person, not some God.

If you have nothing more to say, just leave. Leave the conversation, or get busy with something else. If I have nothing more to sayI just look at something and just walk up to it without sayin anything more... sortof wierd I know but it works.

Now, just remember -- You don't have to produce everything in the conversation - Let her talk.. Make her do halfies.. If theres silence, just walk away. Simple. Believe me, not every girl is good at conversations. They'll bore you out. I get so bored with some girls, I just want to sleeeepp..

But see, you never see that because you never talk to find this stuff out. You never talk enough to give a girl a sense of your personality. Girls love a guy with a personality. The guys that sit back and are all shy get nowhere. They don't get recognized, they're just thought of that they have no personality or way to scared of rejection.

So do this... Talk to EVERYONE you come across. Not just girls that you're interested in. If you go to the grocery store, talk to the clerk, if you go to a resturant, talk to the waiter and host, go to whatever not to the employees. These are perfect opportunities to talk to someone and to learn how to display your personality threw conversation. Talk to men, women, or chewbaca - whatever it is talk to them.

Some things to look for and answer are.....

do you give eye contact?
do you figit?
do you move around alot?
what are your nervous habits?
Does the way you face matter in conversation?
What type of conversations are best for small talk?
Can you walk into the place at another time, and will they notice you?
how do people react towards me?
how can you tell someone chokes?
what are negative body language signals that warns you to end conversation?

You should find that people are interested in what you have to say; And actually show interest in you. It takes time bro, but lets work on your communication.

I hope that helps, we'll just do baby steps and take our time with it. It's not an over night thing, it's nothing to really worry about. Have patience and pace things along - Don't even think tiwce about getting numbers.. lets also work into that..
But dude.. it's not that I'm shy, I have friends, and I can hold a decent conversation with a woman. Sure, I still have a long way to go, but I'm at the point where I can hold a decent conversation. For instance, there was this girl named Lauren, all I had to was ask her if she was in track, and we had a decent conversation and she was actually interested in what I had to say. You think I'm at a lower level than what I'm actually at. No my social skills are not top notch(FAAAAAR from it) and I do still get very nervous before approaching a girl, but I'm improving. Trust me, I've already done half the stuff you said there.

But no... I'm not shy dude, it's just that when people talk it's hard to join in, especially if they're talkiing about random crap, or people you don't know.


Don Juan
Feb 23, 2007
Reaction score
Ok.. it may not ALL apply to you, but the most important points to take are:

This means, actually talk to a girl without ever thinking of an opener or a closer or anything. Just talk as if they're normal. You know, they're human beings too - They just want you to talk to them like they're a person, not some God.

If you have nothing more to say, just leave. Leave the conversation, or get busy with something else. If I have nothing more to sayI just look at something and just walk up to it without sayin anything more... sortof wierd I know but it works.

Now, just remember -- You don't have to produce everything in the conversation - Let her talk.. Make her do halfies.. If theres silence, just walk away. Simple. Believe me, not every girl is good at conversations. They'll bore you out. I get so bored with some girls, I just want to sleeeepp..

So do this... Talk to EVERYONE you come across. Not just girls that you're interested in. If you go to the grocery store, talk to the clerk, if you go to a resturant, talk to the waiter and host, go to whatever not to the employees. These are perfect opportunities to talk to someone and to learn how to display your personality threw conversation. Talk to men, women, or chewbaca - whatever it is talk to them.