Girl in band.


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
If your not shy then you know the answer to the problem. Just make the move. who rlly gives a **** wtf you gonna say, ATM your not doing anything, u might as well go do it any way. Say whatever comes to your mind, Whats up, Hi, what u doing, How u been, and billion other openers.. It rlly is about making the move, not thinking about makin a move! Just do it.

Women come and go. And time is running out. You should just learn and master approaching women. Once you do that, then you can move on into more complicated things.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
So basically since opener doesn't matter I could just start up with "Hey, how's it going?" and still have a good conversation. If she just says good I could follow up with "Only good? What did you have a bad week or something?".


Don Juan
Apr 15, 2007
Reaction score
ElStud said:
Well there's this girl in band I liked named Abby, and I don't know why, but I could just never bring myself to approach her. Today everyone in Jazz Band(Yes, she's in jazz band), went on an all day field trip were we performed at 2 different places. During this trip, I had several, and I mean SEVERAL chances(We've basically been together all day long) to approach her, but I never did it. My reason or excuse for not doing this is because I simply thought it would be awkward going up to her and asking something like "You ready for this performance?", especially when no one else in Jazz Band was talking about it. While I did talk to her a few times(For instance, I talked to her when I helped her unload the bus), I never really approached her. So dude, should I have been afraid to start a conversation with "You ready for this concert?" or "How do you feel about this being our last performance?"? I don't know, I'm just afraid it would lead to a boring conversation. Now that Jazz Band is over, I'll only see her in concert band. If I'm going to make my move it's gotta be soon since seniors are leaving soon.

You know what they say man... A girl in the band is worth two in the bush.