3 approaches at the Mall

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Don Juan
Mar 1, 2007
Reaction score
Hey, ive been reading Elstud's threads and i think hes really onto something...
i was at the mall today and i made 3 approaches, one was a black girl, and the other 2 were white... first for the black girl...
I was walking through the mall and i saw this black girl... she had a huge ass and nice tits... i followed her for about 10 minutes until i finally worked up the nerve to go up to her...

Me: excuse me, but im doing an interview... i was wondering if you like burger king or mcdonalds better..?
Girl: KFC *she laughs*
Me: well thats a bit stereotypical dont you think?
Girl: why is that?
Me: i dont know... just because...
Girl: what are you trying to say?
Me: nothing, sorry bye
*i walk away*
Here i think the girl was interested in me, but i got really nervous by the time she started talking to me seriously, i was shaking, but i was close to getting her number if i wasnt so nervous... any1 have any ideas as how to calm my nerves?

the 2nd one was a redheaded girl... she was prlly about a 7 because she had braces...
Me: Excuse me but im doing an interview and i was wondering if you like hollister or abercrombie better?
Girl: ummmmmmmm. Abercrombie!
Me: you sound excited... do you go there a lot?
Girl:Yea, like all the time i love it in there
Girl:Because the music is cool and the clothes are awesome
Me: well, that is true.
Girl: i know...
Me: would you like to hear a story?
Girl: about what?
Me: this one time in canada.
Girl:i would love to but i have to get going. My mom is waiting for me
Me: ok, well this one time, me and my cousin were in toronto and my cousin saw this guy who looks like prince, but he didnt say hi to him. I was like dude thats so rude, what if that was really prince? you know what i mean?
girl: no, i really have to go though, bye.
Me: ok, but wait, is there any way we could continue this conversation some other time?
Girl: no, sorry i gotta go bye.
This was an awesome approach, probably the best one of the day. The girl was showing real interest in me and i almost was going to hug her before she left. I know i could've gotten her number if she didnt have someone waiting on her, but unfortunately... thats the way the cookie crumbles.

Last, was a brunette, she was maybe like a 5-6, but its the practice that counts.
Me: hey, im doing an interview, and i was wondering if you liked prince or elvis more.
Girl: Prince.
Me: oh my god! me too! speaking of which, this one time i was in Toronto with my cousin and we saw this guy walking down the street that looked just like prince. My cousin never said hi to him, so i was like dude, thats so mean what if he was actually prince, the superstar!
Girl: cool
Me: yea, so what are you doing here?
Girl: my friend is in the bathroom, im just waiting for her right now
Me: o thats cool, yea im just here shopping alone
Girl: cool
Me: yea
Me: so whats your phone number?
Girl: i have to go to the bathroom.(she walks into the bathroom)
i didnt want to talk to a girl that just went to the bathroom, so i just left.
Man, if that girl didnt go to the bathroom i would've accepted her number, but timing just wasnt right. i bet she was sad when she came out and i wasnt there. poor girl, if only she was hotter than a 5-6.

ok so what do you think?
Elstud, love the prince line, almost every girl shows interest in it.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Okay dude, nice having the balls to go up there, but make your own stories though man, it'll work MUCH BETTER if you're telling about something that actually happened to you, than just using a made up story that NEVER happened to you. What I'm basically saying is Prince thing works for me, because it happened to me, however, if YOU'RE telling the girl that story you're not being completely honest because you weren't there with me and my cousin(Or were you? :D). But yeah dude, use your own stories it'll work much better. That's probably why you failed that set, the girl could sense you weren't being true to yourself. Also, in the future don't ASK her if she wants to hear the story, just say the story, you don't need her approval to say it. Also dude, I realize I did the same thing back then, asking questions and stuff, but check my more recent approaches and you'll see I start to make statements rather than asking questions. So yeah, make statements, just talk to the girl about something in the environment and something she's doing. But DON'T ask questions.

A good example is going up to her and if you see her having difficulty finding clothes say "Wow, you seem to have trouble finding what you're looking for. You know, they say girls that have a hard time finding what they're looking for in the mall are usually picky". There you go, a STATEMENT, not a question, not trying for rapport, but a statement. Or hey, just compliment her on her dress or something and then FOLLOW that statement with a question. For instance, "I like your red dress. Is red your favorite color?". Or instead of asking a question you can just keep talking, like I went up to this one girl with a white shirt and I was "That's a nice white shirt. But the bad thing about white shirts and is they stain easily" and she was like "Yeah, I have two", then I go off into cold reading.

And overall, just loosen up man, have fun with it, learn to be yourself and love rejection. Stop relying so much on things you have planned in your head to say to the girl and just go up to the girl and say ANYTHING, ANYTHING. I once went up to a girl, said "Hey", just stood there for 15 seconds and then she laughed and said "Are you going to say something?" because she felt the social awkwardness. All I said was "Hey", but you know why that worked? She could sense I was not bothered by the social awkwardness, that I wasn't bothered by her not saying anything. Most guys will be bothered if a girl isn't saying anything and will react to that by saying ANYTHING to stay in the set.


Don Juan
Apr 28, 2006
Reaction score
I don't get it. I dont really come here any more but drop by in occasion, and every time i see about 5 ElStud threads and say to myself "What the hell this guy has to be a troll...why is he still staying".

Now w00t comes by, suspiciously seeming to be a double account, and sounds like another troll.

WTF is going on?


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
WhiteSoledShoes said:
I don't get it. I dont really come here any more but drop by in occasion, and every time i see about 5 ElStud threads and say to myself "What the hell this guy has to be a troll...why is he still staying".

Now w00t comes by, suspiciously seeming to be a double account, and sounds like another troll.

WTF is going on?
Keyboard Jockey alert. You're all the same, you come in to threads saying something to deliberitly start an argument. Typical of the Keyboard Jockey, you don't really have any success, but you like to come into threads acting like you've done anything and then you mow down those guys who are making an attempt to improve. It's really sad you have nothing better to do with your life than troll forums. Why don't you actually GO DO SOMETHING and leave us WHO ARE DOING SOMETHING ALONE.


Don Juan
Mar 1, 2007
Reaction score
haha, nice one WhiteSoledShoes, but im not anything from LOTR! Just because Elstud and i are great in the field doesnt mean you have to come in here and try to make fun of us because you're jealous of our progress... :box: so ya... bugger off :cheer:..
Elstud, im rather convincing when i tell stories... just because i tell them just like i was there. so it doesnt matter if i tell a story that never happened to me, or never happened at all... :D... The girls totally are into me i just either get nervous, or they have to go... luck is not on my side, but i will fine a girl soon... i can sense it!


Senior Don Juan
Aug 20, 2007
Reaction score
Who gives a Fvck about Burger King LOL...

Be direct... stop these games kiddooo


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score

nice that u approach, but u obviously have no idea what u are doing.

things I like to point out

- u have nothing interesting to say after the (boring) openers

- u don't attract her, u start with comfort right away

- u act nervous and have bad BL

- ur "stories" don't DHV

that's all for now. Correct the above and u'll be more successful.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 20, 2007
Reaction score
ChrizZ said:

nice that u approach, but u obviously have no idea what u are doing.

things I like to point out

- u have nothing interesting to say after the (boring) openers

- u don't attract her, u start with comfort right away

- u act nervous and have bad BL

- ur "stories" don't DHV

that's all for now. Correct the above and u'll be more successful.

Read through Magic Bullets


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
ChrizZ said:

nice that u approach, but u obviously have no idea what u are doing.

things I like to point out

- u have nothing interesting to say after the (boring) openers

- u don't attract her, u start with comfort right away

- u act nervous and have bad BL

- ur "stories" don't DHV

that's all for now. Correct the above and u'll be more successful.
Good advice, but don't stress opener TOO much. If you can follow it up well, you can use a bad opener and still get in. If you stress opener too much you'll just get MORE nervous, trust me I've been there. When I stopped caring so much about opener and relying on routines, approaching got A LOT easier. Same with stories, if you have the right frame, you can tell the most boring stories and girls will laugh. You don't need to be a great storyteller to make girls interested. Just let loose man and say whatever it is you want to say. Stop thinking so much about what to say and simply, SAY IT.


Don Juan
Feb 10, 2007
Reaction score
New York
w00t said:
haha, nice one WhiteSoledShoes, but im not anything from LOTR! Just because Elstud and i are great in the field doesnt mean you have to come in here and try to make fun of us because you're jealous of our progress...
Uh yea, no offense but you can't say you're "great in the field" when you can't even close right.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Oh my god, the number of sh*t talking keyboard jockies who don't do anything on this board is numerous. Post an FR or something to PROVE you can back up your sh*t. Until then, stop bragging or acting like you're bigger than you are.


Don Juan
Feb 10, 2007
Reaction score
New York
Sigh... when exactly did I "act bigger" or talk sh*t? All I said was that you can't close so you can't say you're great in the field. Besides, I'm not the one who post unsuccessful approaches all the time. Props for actually trying unlike "magic pill" people but really, I haven't been around all summer and I come back to see the same thing. Post when you actually make progress.


Don Juan
Mar 1, 2007
Reaction score
im sorry senorsuave, but its obvious you dont know what your talking about since you think that my approaches were bad... they were all excellent... except for the black girl/


Don Juan
May 24, 2003
Reaction score
I don't get these at all. It lasts a few seconds and you consider that a success?


Don Juan
Mar 1, 2007
Reaction score
stop calling me a troll... and it wasnt just a few seconds... it was at least a minute a piece... i would like to see one of you tell me a time you had more success than i did on this day

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
i'm just confused why you would have to use a story that isn't yours... and a story that wouldn't increase a girls interest...?

elstud is right about you need to stop planning what you're going to say before you speak... the prince or elvis thing... even if she said elvis was her favorite... you still woulda started talking about prince. don't even lie.

stop focusing on what's in front of you. when you're getting to know someone, it's much easier to talk about the surroundings. your goal shouldn't be trying to get them to talk, but to have fun with them in the moment.

they OBVIOUSLY were NOT having fun.


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2006
Reaction score
dont u guys realize? hes making fun of elstud

hes coping his lame aproaches techniques and stuff and overexagerating them... i mean he said he was close to getting a girls number by talking to her for 5 secs.. hes obviously just kidding.. but he prolly denie it lol.. liek elstud denies hes a troll.. or well a geek..creepy one too


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2007
Reaction score
Chase12 said:
dont u guys realize? hes making fun of elstud

hes coping his lame aproaches techniques and stuff and overexagerating them... i mean he said he was close to getting a girls number by talking to her for 5 secs.. hes obviously just kidding.. but he prolly denie it lol.. liek elstud denies hes a troll.. or well a geek..creepy one too
Haha,... Chase "got it."

Hey youngin's, this post is drowned with sarcasm.


Don Juan
Mar 1, 2007
Reaction score
no its not...
it all actually happened... but i mean think what you want
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