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    Walking away LTR

    yea Thanks to the OP for writing this, I needed a good kick in the balls. I've been in an LTR for about a year now, and **** hit the fan yesterday. From my standpoint, I had done absolutely nothing wrong whatsoever. Anyway, I went over to her place expecting a fight. I went over there...
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    David DeAngelo: good or bad?

    david d I like David D., though he doesn't offer that much PRACTICAL pickup advice (he gets guest speakers for that). If you ever want to really work on your inner game, I'd highly suggest his Mastery series of CDs.... that series really helped guide some of my personal development.
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    Is Monogamy Natural?

    hmm Ideally, I'd like to have both a girl that I have an emotional connection with, and the freedom to screw around with as many girls on the side. The 1 girl I have a connection with, I'd be able to stay faithful to on an emotional level (i.e. I wouldn't worry about falling for a random ONS)...
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    Peacocking in College

    also just another thought... When guys say "hey, nice shoes" it's almost always written off by the girl as a weak-@ss attempt to chat her up. When a girl says it, however, it means that 1.) you really do have good shoes. and 2.) she's making a weak@ass attempt to talk to you. Run with it...
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    girlfriend putting on weight

    hm I've gone through this experience with a couple girls, so I hope my advice to you will be helpful with your relationship. 1.) Like the above posters said, don't hold a double standard. Even if you've got 3% body fat and a 39 bpm resting heart rate, you've got to watch what you eat and how...
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    Peacocking in College

    my thoughts I personally like peacocking. I look for things that give girls an opportunity to comment about... for me, it's not simply about standing out; you could do that by wearing underwear on your head. Rather, I work on getting noticed initially for my demeanor, looks, and the way I...
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    Opinions on a new bit

    hm good point.
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    Opinions on a new bit

    cube game
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    Have you ever dated a girl who is obsessed with you?

    ya obsession (if she's truly obsessed) is not something to mess around with... you could run the risk of ending up in a really dysfunctional relationship... a girl that has time to spend drooling over your pictures (and the looniness to collect pictures of you from your friends) probably has...
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    Internet approaching

    funny I got a message yesterday relevant to this discussion: This was effortless. All it took was putting up a decent profile on myspace and this random girl emailed me. But the ease with which one can get dates on the internet shouldn't be the issue of the discussion. Rather, it's a...
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    Opinions on a new bit

    also I forgot one last thing: mrRuckus was right, I'm talking about mini-unicylces... they're the lastest craze! No, seriously though. The Muni is the SF public transport system. It's comprised of busses and light rail trains. The BART is another train system that operates in SF, but...
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    Opinions on a new bit

    yo Triple X (and all above posters) - you don't have to apologize to me for "harsh" criticism. I guess it would be kind of harsh. I'm really, really bad w/day time game. I'll agree... cube game probably is a ****ty idea. I'm a rather attractive guy (most girls rate me around 9+), so...
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    Opinions on a new bit

    This is something I just thought of, I'd like to get some feedback on it. Situation: you ride the same muni to work every morning. Every morning (or almost every morning) you see the same girl sitting on the train. Approach: Sit across the aisle from the girl (if the seat is open). Ask -...
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    A weird type of approach...

    agreed I'd agree with the above posters; a simple "hi" might be the most effective approach. I've found that girls keep their ***** shield extremely high on busses and subway cars (and why not, w/the # of skeezy dudes riding on them)... a simple hi, and a big smile is probably your best bet. ...
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    Nice guys "myspace article"

    hmm hb 8.1 . . . pretty cute, but the picture with her wearing a von dutch hat really repulses me.