Walking away LTR


Master Don Juan
Nov 9, 2005
Reaction score
Woman love to make fights or just make a little fight to make You say sorry andf adore them. Speicalluy man who got HB8+ know this situations because the only way to get em was not to show them You cared about their looks or other stuff.
Beeing in LTR You cant give them all because they will loose interest so You have to be a bad boy sometimes. SO they make little fights.
After some time those fights are pissing You off [like You written 'sweet kisses' not 'iu love You' in the sms for goodnithg to them and they are gettins sad of it].
How to deal with thart?
Simple walk away. But its hard to know the moment when You should walk away.
Here is my tips.
1. If You feel the fight is gonna start, like You said something wrong and she has sad face. Go away saying You forgot about somthing.
2. If she started fight, simply stand up and go saying 'Goodnight'.
3. She does somthing that You told he not to do because its pisisng You off. Stand upo and walk away without a word.
4. Shes making fights, You are bored say 'IThats too much, im out of here',

This really pisses them off and make em think if they didnt do too much. Next day she sees You shes gonna be really nice and sorry for all she did. The thing is to get mad on her and leave before she gets too mad. If she gets mad on You You cant leave because that wont fix stuff. Thiung is to choose the right moment which i tried to give You.


Master Don Juan
Jan 14, 2006
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southern usa
Also, if she tries to start the fight, diffuse it before it gets going.

Once, I was sitting in the living room playing Xbox and my then-GF walked into the kitchen, then stomped into the living room and said "Why do you always play that game instead of spending time with me?"

I looked up and said "I think I'm addicted. But I think I know how to break the addiction. Every time I want to play Xbox, let's just have sex instead. Sound good?"

She just sighed and walked away.

But the next time I walked into the living room and turned on the Xbox, she came in and grabbed me by my belt, drug me to the bedroom and screwed my brains out. So that worked out really well.

My ex didn't smoke either, so when we would start fighting I would say "I'm going to go outside, smoke a cig and think about this for a minute"
Then I'd just stay outside for a while, she usually cooled down by the time I got back.

My question for the LTR guys.....have you, like me, ever started a fight just for the makeup sex?


Don Juan
Feb 2, 2006
Reaction score
those are very very cool tips for both genders. u guys are really smart, i ve used a lot of your techniques on u guys, worked all the time. i just want to tip u about women - smtimes we start a fight just cos we re bored and also make up sex is good after.

Don Ronny

Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Too true!

In my experience it is good for you to give her something to be upset about once in a while. Women crave drama like crack..they need emotional upheaval once in a while to be fulfilled. And then of course, there is the make-up sex.

I remember my last GF was really into this. She would piss me off and I would just leave her alone for a few days. No calls..no SMS...nothing! Eventually I would show up at her apt. and she would be all sorry and asking me to forgive her. I tell her I would consider it if the BJ was good enough. :eek: She always was a hard worker.

It was fun while it lasted. Unfortunately for her I can't stand being with the same woman for more than 6 months. Monogamy is not for me. Sorry ladies :(


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2005
Reaction score

Thanks to the OP for writing this, I needed a good kick in the balls.

I've been in an LTR for about a year now, and **** hit the fan yesterday. From my standpoint, I had done absolutely nothing wrong whatsoever. Anyway, I went over to her place expecting a fight. I went over there knowing that there were only two things she could say to keep me from walking away: either "I'm sorry" or "I'm really sorry."

This mindset worked for me: she ended up apologizing for everything the fight was based on, as well as all of the other things I brought up in addition. Needless to say, I was pretty happy about that. Now I'm back on track, and needless to say, it feels great. There's nothing worse than losing control of a relationship and forgetting how to regain it.

Anyway, thanks again to the OP. Sometimes it takes realizing that there is a way out in order to make things work.


Master Don Juan
Nov 9, 2005
Reaction score
anamchara - Im happy i could help. Seek for rest of my tips all have 'LTR' on the end of title.
I also used this technique today. My girl started pissing me off, we were going to go to city. She started talking some stuff, and asked me 'Where are we going then?' vey rude. When she asks that it means she wont liek the answer whatever its gonna be. So i said - 'im out of here'. And went out.
Few mins later she started callingsaying sorry and we had dope makeup sex.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 1, 2006
Reaction score
Dudes... I know this guy. He is successful and attractive (but he's a narcissist) - He owns his own martial arts studio and knows a lot of art forms (even has black belts for them too) - He owns his own mechanic shop too! He is pretty much the man that a lot of ladies want.

BUT.. a big BUT.

he is a wuss to the ladies, he is super nice to the ladies. He doesn't care much for the guys but wants to treat women like goddesses.

His current fiance (I'm shuddering) whenever she isn't getting what she wants or is stressed, she starts crying (which is her childhood method for getting something she wants) - She did this to this man because he wouldn't agree with a certain arrangement in some kind of party. The next couple of hours he bought some FLOWERS for her and said Okay we'll do it that way.

What a wuss. I feel incredibly sad he's going to marry her, to have that kind of woman to control you. SAD.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 7, 2005
Reaction score
well its just hard to know when to walk away or not and if theyre going to still be angry

i guess it works both ways, i still have the fear of losing m gf whenever she gets angry at me, so i try to just be nice to her. i've never gotten super angr at her before

i got quite annoyed one time, and jsut walked away and sat of the other side of the room. she picked up that i was angry and came over and started sayiing "awww whats wrong baby" and started kissing me and appologising for what got me angry in the first place.

so works both ways, u can't stay angry at a person whos treaitn gu so well, so that why i treat her well