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    Should i tell her?

    well for the record... most of the time she does have to go, because it was something that i forgot she was going to do or she is in the middle of doing something, (out with friends, ect.) so.. i either tell her, well alright then, call me when your done or she will say "ill call you when i...
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    Should i tell her?

    Hi When I am speaking to a girl on the phone, sometimes im catching them on the way out or in the middle of something... She will tell me she will call me back," when she is done " "when she is back" ect. But when she doesnt call me back... it bugs me and feels i shouldnt call her at all...
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    Friend to Girlfriend!

    ¿ ¿
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    Friend to Girlfriend!

    well yeah.. i talked to her for like 5 minutes today cause she anwsered her friends phone when i was calling this other girl, said hi, how is it going, la la, and she said here is "girl 2" Other than this 5 min., I havnt called her for awhile now and she has made no effort to call me, she...
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    messed up situation i have the same problem but minus the boyfriend... but if ur sure they are breaking up, then b/f has nothing to do with it... we have the same problem =\ that link is a full thread on it tho, read up
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    Friend to Girlfriend!

    yeah i guess, imma just chill then and see if she comes to me... shes been hangin out with this other guy latly, and if they hook up... =\ sucks to be me then... but yeah, i also lost $60 at the casino - but looks like imma just lay off her and the casino for a bit - ahh =\ hurts when i...
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    Friend to Girlfriend!

    yeah im just gonna distance her for a bit, "suppost to do something tomarrow" ment, suppost to be hangin out, but im just going to tell her i have other stuff to do (which i actually do) - im going to the casino with some friends and yeah... she didnt call back last night, ha =\ but, she said...
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    Friend to Girlfriend!

    well i didnt go to her house today, we talked on the phone for a few and she said she would call later tonight i know i shouldnt be like typing everything that happens and everything i do out here , but it seems to really help me get my **** straight and my thoughts out. tomarrow im pretty...
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    Friend to Girlfriend!

    hmm well thx guys, im probably going to go over there today, ill see what happens and update it tonight
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    Friend to Girlfriend!

    hmm well if i go in for the kiss when the time is right, should i just give her a quick kiss and smile.. or, should i move in nice and slowly and see what she does and make it a nice kiss? like if we aer just sittin on the couch, long eye contact..should i just move in nice and smooth and see...
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    Friend to Girlfriend!

    yes that the problem, i really dont want to **** up the friendship if shes not intrested, because before i even had intrest in her as more then i friend we used to hang out and i always had a blast with her... thats why i need to find out without ****ing up the friendship! ive tried like...
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    Friend to Girlfriend!

    hmm nothign seems to be working, ive been doing everything other then just GOING for it, everything still is the same, and i just get more and more frustrated, im really good friends with her bestfriend, do you think it would be a bad idea to try to talk to her about it and see if she can not...
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    Friend to Girlfriend!

    -update- ok ive been hangin out with this girl like every other day for this last week, everything has been good, intrest levels seem high.. but one problem... sometimes after awhile of hangin out some of her guy friends stop by, but the way she acts to some of them.. all flirty and...
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    friend to girlfriend #2

    hmm news update about friend to girlfriend... the other day, me and her went out, had a real fun time, alot of kino, alot of everything, my intrest level was high and it seemed to be hers was as well .. i go home and everything is fine the next day, she calls me that night, and wants to...
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    Friend to Girlfriend!

    hmm news update .. the other day, me and her went out, had a real fun time, alot of kino, alot of everything, my intrest level was high and it seemed to be hers was as well .. i go home and everything is fine the next day, she calls me that night, and wants to hang out with some friends...
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    Friend to Girlfriend!

    thx alot guys for the advice, i will be taking all this into consideration and seeing what happens, ill reply here if i get any updates But keep posting and helpin me out here, its really appreciated, thx Wish me luck
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    Friend to Girlfriend!

    hmm :( - this was a couple months ago tho.. we have been just "friends" since then i guess, but i would really want more, its stressing me out everytime i think about it! :( Make me a time machine. Will be greatly appreciated. Until its made tho, i guess i will step up the kino a bit
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    Friend to Girlfriend!

    hey - to clear a few things up. "If you were "pretty good friends," don't you think you'd know whether she had a boyfriend or not?" what i ment was "If she GETS a b/f" cause NO she does not have one right now... but anyways, i get what your saying on how i came on to her b4 and then...
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    A friend seems to be "stealing" all the girls i get

    Sloppy Seconds for you my friend.
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    Friend to Girlfriend!

    ok, ive posted this awhile back before, had some replys and just relized to move on, i stoped calling her and trying to DJ her and stuff for awhile, but now.. shes calling me and talking and what not... We hung out the other day and i really enjoyed it and again now I want to be more then...