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    how do u know how she feels about you? if u havnt talked to her?
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    High Expectations...

    why would u think hes gay?
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    High Expectations...

    hey guys, I think i haev to high of expectations in girls, i am always giong for the way hott ones and when i talk with them and **** i get all intiminated....should i stop being a puss and go for this **** and not get all shy and nervious or go with the 100 of average chicks that like me...
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    girl-friends vs girlfriends

    girl-friends TO girlfriends hi, i cant figure out this girl, shes really flirty with me all the time, sits on my lap, touches me, but she has a b/f, and i do not want to come between them because i do not want to end up fighting someoen over a girl, i think thats pointless...but i hang out with...