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    Something Special I Did Today

    it also shows confidence. i used to tlak to all the outcasts last year, and eventually a few of the hottest girls, and school started talking to me:D
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    Some quick makeout tips...

    you fogot sucking on her tounge. i have never done it, or even made out before, but i have heard its tons of fun
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    Some quick makeout tips...

    you fogot sucking on her tounge. i have never done it, or even made out before, but i have heard its tons of fun
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    Online Dating.

    i have always thought it meant just interacting through the computer
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    My First Rejection

    at least it was a confidence booster for you. if it were that way for me, i would be the most confident person in the world(been rejected everytime i ask someone out)
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    Slight Problem

    no. i just tried talking about normal stuff, and thats when i started getting laughed at.
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    Online Dating.

    What do you think of online dating? i personally think its kinda dumb. i think you would rather kiss a real girl, and not a computer screen. you cant take the computer on dates with you:p , and for all you know, someone of the same gender is on the other end. any other opinions
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    Slight Problem

    I know im gonna sound like an AFC, so i dont care if i get flamed or not. i have always had a problem with self confidence. i never talk to anyone, i just kinda wait for someone to talk to me. it all started when i was about 12-13, and whenever i would talk people would laugh at me no matter...
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    christmas presents

    jewelry might be a good idea, but dont run out and get something thats $2000 dollars or anything
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    well if they were trying to flirt with me all they did was make me ready to beat the crap out of em. but what kind of threats would i use anyway?
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    i need some help with someting. these three *****s in the hallway stole my graphing calculator, and my CD player. i could only describe them to the police officer at my school by thier skin color, and what thier leader of them was wearing(only her jacket). although a guy on the football team...
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    "this" or "that"

    what would you rather eat, a sponge, or a bar of soap
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    stupid question #(lost count of the stupid q's i have asked)

    thanks for the advice, i know i should have said this earlier, but i think shes about a year or two older than me, would i talk about differnt stuff, or the same stuff you guys are posting
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    stupid question #(lost count of the stupid q's i have asked)

    well anyway. there is this hot girl who i see at school sometimes(shes an 8), and i have the hardest time thinking of what to say to her. i have introduced herself to me causse i had to sit next to her on the bus since thwat was the only empty seat. anyway. what can we talk about. i panic...
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    Help(i know this is an afc question)

    well im not having sex till im married, and its wrong to use girl for sex. they are not objects.
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    Help(i know this is an afc question)

    what do you do when a gil flirts with you, and you dont have any interest in her. there is this girl dj'ing me shes about a 3 or a 4, and shes a good friend, and everything i just havent felt about her like that. what should i do. i am worried about loosing a friend. help
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    Girls with short hair.....

    well it depends on how short. it dosent bother me if its like a mushroom hair lookin type thing, but not if she looks like she is going to join the navy(buzz cut)
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    Halloween Party

    i would say spin the bottle might be fun, but i dont know if your parents are home
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    Wow First Kiss!

    5th grade huh. i still havent made out with a girl yet, but anyway, congrats man.