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  1. F

    Myspace Macking, experimenting.

    Do not fill out the survey! But I like to experiment with a little online macking. It can definitely put you in the right mindset for the real thing. Just make sure you get your a** off the computer and mack in real life. Priorities.
  2. F

    Frequency of Weight Gain Protein

    My math was off on my squats. Instead of 285 I meant to say 245. But I still have huge legs compared to my arms being a middle distance track runner doing cardio my whole life. Anyway thanks for the info. I think I'll only use my protein/gainer post-workout to save money.
  3. F

    Frequency of Weight Gain Protein

    Yes, I mean a gainer. I want to overall muscle mass. Right now I am stuck at 150lbs at 5ft 11in. I am really lean, but I still look a little scrawny. Right now I do three sets of ten with 135lbs on bench. I can do 18 marine style pullups and I do three sets of ten with 285lbs on squats. I...
  4. F

    Frequency of Weight Gain Protein

    I'm thinking about buying a weight gain protein, and I am either going to use it once a day in the evening or every other day after my workout. I lift every other day, and I have been eating a ton of food but I haven't been getting the results I want. So to increase the mileage on the...
  5. F

    Same Birthday as ME!

    OK, you win. Here is the true meaning of sharing a birthday with a girl with a "smoking" body: It means the girl is the devil and she's going to drag you to h*ll with her too. She is extremely horny and she just wants your man juice. So if your willing to give up your soul, stick it in her.
  6. F

    Can you be too big of a jerk?

    I also agree with On_The_Top. Lately, I've found out that being a jerk does work really well with stuck up girls who are used to attention and the really social girls. But if I use my sarcastic humor on the normal to shy girls, they usually don't get my humor and they eventually get pissed...
  7. F

    Omaha, Nebraska

    What up dude? I'm from Glenwood right across the river.
  8. F

    Don Juans Everywhere!

    USA/ Iowa/ Glenwood or USA/ Nebraska/ Omaha
  9. F

    Was I right to bail?

    Dude Pvssy-eater, I'm waiting for the right girl to have sex with, and this b**** was definitely not the one. I want the first time to be something more than a hookup where I contract an STD. So have fun eating your pvssy.
  10. F

    Was I right to bail?

    I was dating this chick from another town that I met at a track meet. I didn't know much about her but she seemed really cool. So I went out with her a few times and on the third date, without even asking, she started spilling her guts out to me, saying she'd had sex four times with three...
  11. F

    Can you be too big of a jerk?

    I like playing the ****y and funny routine when I am out meeting girls, but sometimes I think I come off as being an a******. I like to make fun of the girls, but sometimes they get offended. For example, I was talking to this HB8 at a concert and she's talking about how good looking she is...
  12. F

    What am I doing wrong?

    Are you in any clubs or sports at school? You can meet tons of girls at sports events, band concerts, speech contests, and lots of other crap like that, especially girls from other schools. That gives you a chance to start from scratch with girls who don't know you. But basically, just act...
  13. F

    LTRs, how do they work?

    I'm just curious to know how these long term relationships in high school work. I'm sure you've all seen the couple at school that is always together and hardly ever talks to anyone else. How do you think they stay interested in each other?
  14. F

    Good Conversations

    What do most of you guys talk to girls about on dates, at school, or anywhere? I've tried talking to girls about the things I'm interested in (video games, cars, rock music, and sci-fi movies), but usually it doesn't work.
  15. F

    Being Different

    Did you move to Omaha? I live in a suburb of Omaha in SW Iowa. Everybody in my school is white except two or three people. And one of those guys is the most popular guy in our school, and he was homecoming king this year. I recommend using your differences to make friends. The homcoming king...
  16. F

    Verbal and Physical Harassment

    I am in high school. So what should I do if a teacher is watching? Beat the kid up anyway, threaten him, or be the dreaded nark?
  17. F

    Verbal and Physical Harassment

    How do you guys respond to verbal and physical harassment, especially when you are around girls? For example, when there was down time in my math class today, a smaller, younger kid was talking sh*t and calling me his b*tch. Then he started poking me, and when I turned around he ran away...
  18. F

    Am I a loser if I don't go to prom?

    dude, bring one of the "goody goody girls" and then get her talking with some of her friends. Then just ditch and have a kick@ss time with your buddies.
  19. F

    The High School Don Juan survival guide

    Wow, amazing post! This pretty sums up my philosophy towards life. Good points throughout.
  20. F

    How to lose your predictability

    Thanks for the advice guys. Sorry for posting in DJ Tips column. I tried to erase my message but it wouldn't allow me.