Myspace Macking, experimenting.

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Senior Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
Las Vegas
Ok, I know, I know, Mysapce is not a place to pick up chix, but I just want to see how far I can go and try experiments. I have read up on the Myspace macking in the tips forum and tried that. So now I want to see what you guys would answer to this questions.
I know, I know, all Myspace girls are attention *****s but Im just trying(experimenting) wouldnt you experiment or try what you read here? I would and I wouldnt care if it is the hottest girl I have seen and use a tip that has never been fully used. I rather try and fail so I can learn a lesson.

So make sure when you answer these questions that you are not an AFC, try to be funny etc. I will repost with results etc. and if I am succesful. Plus THIS DOES NOT REPLACE ACTUAL DATING ETC. I AM JUST EXPERIMENTING.

From a girl on her blog/bulleton

Boyfriend application.....fill it out and send it back to me



Where do you live?

Why do you want to fill this out?

Describe yourself (what do you like and don't like):

What do you think about me?

What was your first impression of me?

Do you still feel that way?

Do you want to kiss me?

Would you kiss me in public?

Would you kiss me in the rain?

Do you like to cuddle?

Would you cuddle with me anytime I want?

Pick one word to describe me:

What reminds you of me?

On our first date, where would you take me?

If I were wearing really ugly clothes, would you still show me off to your friends?

Favorite color?

Are you controlling?

Are you FUN?

Do you fall in love easier than most?

Have you been in love before?

Do you have sex?

Would it matter if we didnt have sex?

If so why?

What do you spend most of your time doing?

Do you like camping?

Do you have a job?

Do you go to school?

What are your future goals?

Do you drink?

Do you do drugs?

Would you let me play my music in the car.... even if you hated it?

Favorite music, top 5 bands?

Do you like chic flicks?

Would you hold me during a scary movie?

Do you play in the rain?

Would you go shopping with me?

If I didnt like you style would you change it for me?

Do you consider yourself a hopeless romantic?

Are you trying to impress me?

What is the first thing you notice about a girl?

What would we do when we are together?

What's the coolest and most unique place you would take me on a date?

What's the most romantic thing you have ever done for a girl?

Have you ever cheated on somebody?

Did you tell them?

If you cheated on me would you tell me?

Are you afraid of commitment?

Could I trust you?

Do you want to get married & at what age(if it matters)?

What do you think the point of a relationship is? be honest!

Would you be willing to drive to see me?

How far?

How often?

What’s your favorite movie?

Can you cook?

Would you cook for me?

Do you have a good sense of humor?

Do you like to dance & are you any good?

Do you work out?

Would you work out with me?

Could you help take care of me if I was sick?

Do you like surprises?

Can i surprise you?

Would you surprise me?

Did you lie on any part of this?

Anything you would like to tell me that I don't know yet?

Anything else you wanna tell me to better you chances of getting this position?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
WTF is this? Why would a chick want to fill out such a long 'application' for a guy she doesn't really know? ONLINE for that matter?

You're really putting yourself in a weak position doing this... just the number of questions in itself shows you have waaaaaaay too much time on your hands.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2006
Reaction score
Out of the box
lol, this list and the bootycall agreement... too much!

There is so much material here it is not funny, it's breathtaking, and in hindsight, boring;)


Don Juan
Jan 3, 2005
Reaction score
Do not fill out the survey!

But I like to experiment with a little online macking. It can definitely put you in the right mindset for the real thing. Just make sure you get your a** off the computer and mack in real life. Priorities.
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