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  1. F

    How to lose your predictability

    Hey, thanks for the advice so far, especially 00Kevin. I've been trying to be my own man more and more these days, but naturally I am a different person. I wear different clothes, I like different humor, and different hobbies. I excel at most things I do and when I do excel, it makes other...
  2. F

    How to lose your predictability

    Here I am a senior in high school, and I am depressed. I am very involved in school. I'm in sports, band, and I excel in everything I do except socializing. I can never seem to connect with anyone. Can anyone give me advice on how to lose my predictability, actually have good conversations with...
  3. F

    How to lose your predictability

    Here I am a senior in high school, and I am depressed. I am very involved in school. I'm in sports, band, and I excel in everything I do except socializing. I can never seem to connect with anyone. Can anyone give me advice on how to lose my predictability, actually have good conversations with...
  4. F

    Telling Intresting Stories to Entertain?

    You're in high school right? Tell her about a time when you bombed a test or when you got a detention for doing something stupid. She'll probably laugh and be able to relate and tell her own story. Do you like music? Tell her about your favorite band and a funny story about them. Also, I've...
  5. F

    How to kill the wuzz inside of me?

    I recommend bringing along one of your guy friends and making sure he forces you to talk to hot women. Make sure this guy is outgoing and pretty smooth though. I've tried this before and my friend would introduce me to some of his friends and get them laughing then he'd bring me in and let me go...