How to lose your predictability


Don Juan
Jan 3, 2005
Reaction score
Here I am a senior in high school, and I am depressed. I am very involved in school. I'm in sports, band, and I excel in everything I do except socializing. I can never seem to connect with anyone. Can anyone give me advice on how to lose my predictability, actually have good conversations with people, and how to get invited to the "in" parties in high school?


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2004
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south west, uk
Whilst being predictable is a turnoff for women, are you sure that's what you mean? It shouldn't have that profound effect on you socially.

Read, how to win friends.....

If your sure it's predictability, read the Dice man. That'll sort you out.


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2004
Reaction score
A gossip is someone who talks about others, a bore is someone who talks about himself, a great coversationalist is someone who talks to you about YOU!

Just try to get to know the other person. Keeping it light and humorous works wonders.

Talk to them about their favorite subjects.

"How's the weather over there?" :D


Master Don Juan
Dec 30, 2004
Reaction score
high schools is worthless. just wait for college. find out where all the in parties are, then provided they have alcohol call crimestoppers. $250 bucks a bust. I learned this unfortunately after I graduated hs. I would've been stacking cash if I knew in hs.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
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Ok first of all you don't beed to become unpredictable. That isn't really a good trait to have. Women are the ones who are unpredictable and sometimes crazy. As a man, you need to be solid in what you do and show that you are strong.

Women often need a man to help screw their heads on straight.
If you are unpredictable a woman won't view you as someone she can count on.

I'm not joking about this. A woman once told me that she liked me because I knew how to set her right when she became confused.

Just stop listening to "what women want" non sense. Women don't know what they want. Sure they might say that they want a guy who is unpredictable but that isn't true.

Regardless, A real man doesn't focus on doing things to attract women. He doesn't change his life and take part in activities so that he can get women. Ask yourself what you want to do and what you really like doing. Focus on that.

When a woman likes you she will find anything that you do interesting.

My advice is for you is to become stronger and more powerfull. Then when you can demonstrate with actions (not words) that you are strong women will flock to you.

It is a fact that women find men of few words very attractive.

Focus on things that set you appart from other guys. Your focus isn't to attract women it is really to compete with other men.

Why can't you just host your own party? Why do you have to suck up to other people? Do things yourself and do things your way. Don't waste your time trying to fit in. People that feel the need to fit in are really just f-cken losers.


Don Juan
Jan 3, 2005
Reaction score
Hey, thanks for the advice so far, especially 00Kevin.

I've been trying to be my own man more and more these days, but naturally I am a different person. I wear different clothes, I like different humor, and different hobbies. I excel at most things I do and when I do excel, it makes other guys jealous. So naturally I get made fun of a lot. For example, I'll wear a old school shirt to school a guy will just come up to me and say in a sarcastic way, "nice shirt, fag." I'll try to walk confidently and someone will just walk up and punch me. How should I respond to verbal and physical abuse like that?


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2004
Reaction score
- nice shirt, fag
- nice mom, b1tch

that's simple;-)

when someone punches you, playfully punch him back... playfully, but strongly... he has to tell you: "hey man, what the hell?!" and u say "i'm sorry, i was just jokin" in a sorry manner...


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2004
Reaction score
You're thinking predictability is boring, no it's stable. Normal girls and normal people like stability and predictability.

So what about those people who say "be unpredictable" - This doesn't equate to disappearing for a couple days and ignoring all phone calls. This equates to once or twice a month taking a girl out to a long country ride or making her a great meal dinner. Spontaneous stuff like showing up with a bottle of champagne and chocolate cake and offering to go on a midnight stroll on the beach. Girls eat up that that crap.


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by 00Kevin
Ok first of all you don't beed to become unpredictable. That isn't really a good trait to have. Women are the ones who are unpredictable and sometimes crazy. As a man, you need to be solid in what you do and show that you are strong.

Women often need a man to help screw their heads on straight.
If you are unpredictable a woman won't view you as someone she can count on.

I'm not joking about this. A woman once told me that she liked me because I knew how to set her right when she became confused.

Just stop listening to "what women want" non sense. Women don't know what they want. Sure they might say that they want a guy who is unpredictable but that isn't true.

Regardless, A real man doesn't focus on doing things to attract women. He doesn't change his life and take part in activities so that he can get women. Ask yourself what you want to do and what you really like doing. Focus on that.

When a woman likes you she will find anything that you do interesting.

My advice is for you is to become stronger and more powerfull. Then when you can demonstrate with actions (not words) that you are strong women will flock to you.

It is a fact that women find men of few words very attractive.

Focus on things that set you appart from other guys. Your focus isn't to attract women it is really to compete with other men.

Why can't you just host your own party? Why do you have to suck up to other people? Do things yourself and do things your way. Don't waste your time trying to fit in. People that feel the need to fit in are really just f-cken losers.
I disagree that women find men who speak few words are attractive. Trust me dude, you are way off. Look at your own post, you typed more than you should've.

Or maybe you should've just condensed it to the usual caveman speak:

"Well, I guess so"

I think girls want a guy who knows what the hell he is talking about and when to say it.