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  1. M

    The "DJ"

    Good post but I don't really believe that going through the third path will cost you any women unless you want it to. I have missed out on loads of oppertunities for girls either because I did/said something I wanted to say/do and they didn't like it or because I would prefer to be improving...
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    talk with ex-oneitis

    She either a)meant it as a joke b)knows you are not interested in her anymore and is trying to make you like her again by reminding you how you used to feel about her c)thinks that you still like her and are trying to make her jealous I can remember near the end of the school year last...
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    Advice Needed

    Im guessing you prefer the really hot chick but are too scared that if she rejects you you'll lose the other chick. You've gotta make the choice thats best for you even if it's got a lower chance of success than another choice. You said yourself that it would be better to have the one chick so...
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    Messing with a girl when giving high fives

    Id say it would be classed as funny but its hardly going to make any differance anyway. I can imagine 2 girls haiving a conversation Girl 1: But he was perfect for you he was funny, intellegent, all other DJ traits why did you dump him? Girl 2: He went to give me a high five and pulled his...
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    Girls Girls Girls

    It does girls good as well because girls dream about meeting their perfect guy(a DJ) Yeah I agree with you by here I just get the feeling that alot of people seem to over-estimate the power of these things and start to focus on the material over the attitude. They then get nervous when...
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    I would say go for it because one problem Ive noticed while making friends with people is they feel ok to ****block. When I dont make friends with anyone and just go for the girl I never hardly interrupt, but if I make friends with them they start talking to me and all that. My advice is to not...
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    Goils goils

    This Times for real, If you are going to be nervous and desperatly try to make them laugh then they probably will not laugh because you will not be projecting it in a funny way. About feeling bad because other girls already like you: are you prepared to go out with every girl who likes you...
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    Goils goils

    Re: I haven't read the bible either. Are you going on about me not knowing whats good for me based on my age? What I feel is good for me is not having to remember anything and still get a good success rate. I'm not really prepared to read loads of stuff at the moment when I'm still focusing...
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    How long can oneities last?

    Oneitis is something really hard to get rid of. Before I knew about this site I had a really strong oneitis for this girl. Since I found the site I've been out with girls who are better than her in every way but I still get a sort of nervousness when I see her. Its nowhere near as bad as it was...
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    feeling out of place if alone.

    Theres probably only one way around this problem and I know it's not the solution you want but you'll just have to go out alone and force yourself to approach. At the start just talk to everyone. Guys, girls, people who work at the mall, absolutely everyone even if you just say "hi" you've got...
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    facial hair on girls

    Well you could invite her around your place have sex or whatever and when she goes to sleep you could shave her moustache:D . Sorry I can't think of any good ideas at the moment but deffinatly don't use a neg about it unless she is really beautiful and especially really confident.
  12. M

    My gf had an abortion in the past.....what does that say about her?

    This deffinatly shows that she trusts you alot if she hasn't told anyone else. It could be some malicious lie but who knows. You cannot judge someone by they're past anyway. Alot of us used to be AFCs, we changed now. Would you like it if you told someone about a girl that you were to scared to...
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    Girls Girls Girls

    This is a good post. I feel the end goal should be getting the most out of interaction (sex, whatever), having the most fun possible and learning from the experience. I also agree with the part about not understanding women while using these techniques, it is not much good using C&F if you do...
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    Bangin' Mid teens

    I'm not going to say anything about the sex laws cause I'm not hypocritical but just to be safe I'd wait till she was 16 give it to her as a birthday present or something:D . Like AMF said there will be more complications because she will probably not be used to going this far and it could give...
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    Road of the Champions

    Amazing post it's one of the posts that really stick with you. Good job baseball:D .
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    Serious Problem Neeedd Heeelllllpppppp

    If you're to scared to approach then this post will probably help alot
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    You Must Give 110%

    yeah I agree quite alot. I see alot of people reading the dj bible going on other websites learning more techniques, memorizing material when its just gonna make getting girls more complicated. I'm not saying this doesn't work because I know it does but I prefer to just be natural about it. I...
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    Here's the problem

    Your post is good but I prefer just sitting down anyway as it shows confidence or if you don't want to just sit down say "hi Im gonna be sitting down by you after I've found a book" then go pick up any book and sit down and chat to her.You should not ask girls for permission to do things...
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    HELP A.S.A.P. please!!!

    One of the posts I remember reading was the 10 commandments and if I remember correctly the first one was "Do not worship good looks" option 2 is exactly that. If you're going to think like this you'd better do 4 because "Im worried she's so beautiful" is loser mentality. There are better...
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    what the **** would you do?

    PiHiPlaya is right. What is so bad about this anyway? You say you love her and that you wouldn't want to leave her but a little thing like this that I, or any other DJ, wouldn't care about makes you reconsider your relationship.