talk with ex-oneitis


Senior Don Juan
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
well, I talked with my ex-oneitis today on MSN ... going slow and boring (she's boring lol), then the interesting part came.

I changed my MSN name to some Fight Club quote (when Tyler Durden is in the car, before the crash, and says "Look at you ! You're ****ing pathetic ! Stop trying to control everything and just LET GO !"). She then says "Who's your name about ?" Jokingly, I answer, "for you, don't you recognize yourself ?" Then, I add "Why, you felt it was directed at you or soemthing ?" Here's where the punch came ...

She answered "No, I know I'm a good girl and you love me" (might have been "like me" instead of "love me", it was a french convo that I translated hehehe).

I didn't panick, answering "Oh, really ? And where did you hear those lies ?"

Anyways, the thing is, I almost haven't talked to her this year, didn't talk to her since last the beginning of the summer, so why would she say that ? Is she thinking that I'm somehow trying to make her jealous or somehting ?

I don't really care what she thinks, but it just bothers me that, even when I'm completely desinterested, she still sees my actions as moves on her :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
May 6, 2004
Reaction score
Maybe because she was your ex and she was your oneitis that she thinks you're still making moves on her. Afterall... you two are broken up, why are you still talking to her? Move on much?

A good idea is to give up ex's. Nothing but trouble. Some people agree there are some advantages to keeping ex's around, but I think there isn't anything you can't accomplish on your own. If you were really disinterested, then why are you even bothering talking to her when you could be out talking up many other girls?

If you were in your right mind and had other girls in your mind, she should be nothing to you and you wouldn't even bother wasting a post on her. Just block her and avoid her, move on with your life. She's annoying and annoying people shouldn't be graced with your recogntion.


Senior Don Juan
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
by ex-oneitis I meant that I had a oneitis on her, but not anymore (not that I went out with her). Anyways, she started talking to me on MSN, and I was bored, so why the **** not hehehe.

But, yeah, I have moved on now : I'm interested in a lot of other girls, her not included (she's now around the bottom of the "wanted" list), but it just pisses me off that, me acting pretty cold around her gets her thinking that I'm still attached.

Meh, whatever. She'll see soon enough, when I'll be out with another girl, that she means nada for me.


Don Juan
Sep 1, 2004
Reaction score
She either
a)meant it as a joke
b)knows you are not interested in her anymore and is trying to make you like her again by reminding you how you used to feel about her
c)thinks that you still like her and are trying to make her jealous

I can remember near the end of the school year last year I had a one-itis. Anyway whenever I talked to her she would either ignore me or just say hi and move on. If I hadn't talked to her for a while she'd start saying hi to me and trying to get me into conversations. When women think that they're losing their grip on someone who liked them then they'll try and get them back. Now that I've lost interest in my one-itis shes always trying to talk to me and always "accidentaly" walking in to me. My advice is just to let her think what she wants and just laugh at the fact that shes analising what you do so much as to notice when you speak to eachother and when you don't.


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
It was obviously a joke. I hear that phrase all the time. "blah blah blah, because/but you love me."