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    Yeah man sounds like either old or cheap cologne. To get girls you gotta invest in some good stuff. If you are looking to buy some, take a girl with you. It's always good to get feedback from the target demographic.
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    New Universal HB scale

    Nice one man very simplified. However me and my friends still use the age old 1-10 scale. But we kick it up a notch and use decimals. Ahh the high school memories.
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    You love your car more than me?

    I never have recieved this question, but I always have a response ready just in case. I am not completly obsessed with my car but I like to keep it nice and clean so i wash it once or twice a week. If a girl told me that I would just keep it simple and say "Look you and I both know thats not...
  4. T

    G/F's friend's hate me!

    A girl's friends are her direct influence. Her friends will constantly tell her to get rid of you. And she will listen to them over you. Besides man let your girl go out, trust her it's part of a relationship.
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    Break Up Problems...

    Will do guys thanks for the advice and the quick reply.
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    Break Up Problems...

    k broke up with the girl yesterday for various reasons. I gave her the "Let's just stay friends" speach, but now she is talking to me way more than she ever did and it's a little wierd for me. How can I dull down all of this "super close friendshio" stuff without being brutally honest. Thanks
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    I am insanely confused...

    Ok, I am in this relationship with theis girl, we were good friends for a while and like one day she suddenly told me about all these feelings she had for me. Anyway long story short we are together and have been for like a month. Anyway she has been screwed over by a bunch of guys so she says...
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    Girls and nice cars

    Yeah dude the car should be a perk, not a primary. I don't use my baby to get girls...
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    ARRGH. I suspect this girl is playing me!!!

    That girl is poison dude, she is probably only making herself feel better by seeing what a guy would do to get with her. I fell for this early on, cut bait and move on.
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    Need some dumping advice..

    lol man why didn't I think of that!
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    Need some dumping advice..

    Well I did it, she went totally insane and came off just as I suspected, this horribly needy and desperte girl. Apprently she is one of these girls who thinks that we are engaged after the first date. Then in a attempt to be sympathetic and try to tleast end in a favorable way, she closes off...
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    Need some dumping advice..

    Hey fellas, I will try to make this brief... Pretty much I met this girl on an internet friends directory that my school uses. She looked me up and we got to talking. After a few conversations she wanted to meet up. So we did and lets just say that now that I saw her I wasn't as attracted as...
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    She flirted heavily, but rejected me

    Man maybe she just doesn't like giving guys her number, try just asking her out instead of her number...and for futue reference, when someone is taking the time to give you advice...don't tell them to eat you.
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    Widow ladie hit on me

    Man keep away, I know a guy who went through something similar, and found out that the reason she didn't care was because to was on enough anti-depressants to calm down a rabid wolverine...keep your distance.
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    Long/WILD story - Lost my virginity tonight!

    Man I am so sorry that I can't pat you on the back for this one. You were not thinking with your brain. Please I plead with you get checked out by a Doctor. Not a wise choice man, not a wise choice at all.
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    Mixed Signals--- How can I decipher this...

    Man I haven't seen it like that... yeah man I am cutting bait. Thanks for the advice, I knew it would be good to join this board.
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    Mixed Signals--- How can I decipher this...

    Sorry man, kinda new here I really didn't notice that, but I will check it out.
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    Mixed Signals--- How can I decipher this...

    Hey fellas, I got a bit of a pickle going on. To tell this long story in a few sentences would be impossible, but fortunatly I am lazy so I can put my skills to good use. See I have known this girl for a while, she really flirts with me and I am sure she really likes me. She has a boyfriend...
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    assume the girl likes you

    Hey man there is no need to say that you have a life and you don't depend on this board too much. Everyone comes here to either give adivce or get advice. No need for sheap shots, we are all here to hel each other