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  1. G

    my GF looks like my Male Best friend

    lets see some pics.
  2. G

    Wanna See Me?

    the guy in that pic doesnt bench 250lbs. i bodybuild and can tell by looking at him he cannot bench as much as that.
  3. G

    she only wants to be friends

    well the thing is she did like me. so on the date i was just concentrating on making a move rather than wondering if she liked. we ended up holding hands but thats it. but you wouldnt hold hands with someone you didnt like, would you. so i dont get why she just wants ot be friends now. ill be...
  4. G

    she only wants to be friends

    i just acted mysterious by not giving much of myself away unless she asked. i made her pay for her own stuff simply by saying 'we'll be paying seperatly' i was the one who sent a text message ot her first, asking her out again. i didnt have enough credit for a call and was pretty...
  5. G

    she only wants to be friends

    i dont really want to call her up. i just want to send a a text. i dont want to be rude like that becuase my friends know her and her friends, i know OF her friends, some of my friends are going out with some of her friends. so i dont want to be rude to her.
  6. G

    she only wants to be friends

    so after taking a girl out she decides we should just be friends. I dont know how i got into the friendzone. i acted mysterious, made her pay for her own stuff, didnt give her compliments, went on an action date, used some kino etc. is it worth being her friend. she said she wanted to be...
  7. G

    What am i doing wrong????

    yeah man, dont worry it. use it as a leanring experience.
  8. G

    Getting numbers but stuck there...

    i tried looking for girls online. id start off getting their msn adresses but i found this boring becuase they never talk well. id saying something and theyd just reply back with something simple like 'lol'
  9. G

    How To Stay Calm?!?

    i wouldnt think she'd ignore you just becuase you only gave a smile when she said hello. you could always start up a conversation with her next time you see her, so she knows you're not rude if you thnk she thinks you are rude for it.
  10. G

    girl i asked out said no and now ignores me

    also ive known her sicne about september 2003 as shes in my class in college but we've never really spoke.
  11. G

    girl i asked out said no and now ignores me

    IMO the date went fine. i enjoyed her company. i got her laughing somtimes and had fun. there were moments of silence but it was an hours drive to get to the show so it would be hard to keep talking about stuff for that long. I dont think i pissed her off. i didnt take the piss out of her or...
  12. G

    girl i asked out said no and now ignores me

    so i took this girl out to see derren brown's show on monday. we had a good time. i ended up owing her £5 as i bough mine and hers programm with her £10 note I text her wednesday asking if she wanted to go to the cinema next week with me. i said id pay for her ticket a si owe her £5. (half...
  13. G

    damn. i didnt make a move :(

    thanks for all your advice. we'll be on half term next week so i wont see her then. and shes apparently 'working split shifts' =\. the week after my class is going on holiday to Tenereef. me and her are also going. could i use this ot my advantage. how should i act around he rin...
  14. G

    damn. i didnt make a move :(

    haha that'll be the day. it was easy asking this gril as shes in my class and i knew she liked derrne brown (as i took her to one of his shows). i dont dare approach girls i dont know. maybe say hi to them buts that it
  15. G

    damn. i didnt make a move :(

    ok. so in a bout 2 weeks ill aks he rout again. what exatcly should i say. can i just say "you want to come bowling woith me on XXX" or shoudl i ask when shes free first?
  16. G

    damn. i didnt make a move :(

    thats some good advice but if i do that then she'll only come for the date, not becuase shes interested in me. if she was interested in me she wouldnt care where we went
  17. G

    damn. i didnt make a move :(

    well i asked her if she wanted to go to the cinema with me next week and she said that she couldnt as she was working split shifts. its obviosuly an excuse becuase if she wanted to go she would have. so its all over :(
  18. G

    damn. i didnt make a move :(

    i went out with this girl last night who ive know for the past year and a bit but have never really spoke to. the conversation was good. i was making her laugh etc. but i didnt make any moves and im really kicking myself for it. i really like this girl and like spending time with her...
  19. G

    other source of protein ok?

    bumpo to the above guy. its good if its a complete source of protein. whats your goal anyway. If you're trying to build muslce then you need to eat more caloires than you burn rather than just a lot of protien. Obviously you need a certain ammount of protein but you also need a certain...
  20. G


    that plan is aweful. do you have to help out with digging. if not, then dont. weight train 3 times a week using the push, pull, leg split. MON: chest, shoulders, tris WED: back, bis FRI: legs Do HIIT 3 times a week on your off days in the monring after you have eaten something such...