I am going to be very nice and, on the off chance that that was your picture, throw in my two cents.
Unfortunately I have to agree with people that think you are less than a 6, and your actual score on hotornot should abundantly confirm our honesty.
That in mind, view the dating, love, and romance thing as a game, like basketball. Each of us probably has an innate limit on how good of a basketball player we can be. But that doesn't mean we can't improve. And a basketball player doesn't, or shouldn't take it personally when he's winded midway into a game...he needs to condition himself, which is just a matter of putting the hours in.
Same way for you. YOU are something that has no face or body or even beliefs...all of these things change over a lifetime. But YOU need to make the decision to improve your tools, and start lookin' better. Get yourself to a gym straighten your hair do away with the glasses and never neglect to shave the vital parts of your body. That includes keeping downstairs under control.
I separate the concept of YOU from the way you LOOK, to help YOU not be hurt by my advice on your looks. Looks are to a great extent under your control, and there's really little excuse for being less than a 5. It's usually indicative of self-esteem issues, quite often caused by some kind of abuse.
Do you have a shrink?