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  1. J

    Tips on Overcomming Anxiety during an Approach

    i tried it twice,didn't like it.My friend does that stuff everyday...
  2. J

    Alphamale Bodylanguage and other helpful stuff

    Yes you can practice to be a dominant person,this is not bluff or bullsh!t.Do this every single day along with being more assertive with yourself.Also some of those things were taken from my anxiety and phobia workbook so it helps your body posture and overall well being.But hey you don't have...
  3. J

    Friendzone: Where's the Exit?

    It is hardly possible, and certainly not worth it, to pursue a girl who you are in the friendzone with. End of story. When girls put a guy into the friendzone this is how they view them: He is sexless. Neither a guy nor a girl. In my reality, he has no penis. We can cuddle, we can hug, i can...
  4. J


    Try this:Tell her directly that your going to get her,soon not now because your taking your time but soon.Say it with confidence and full eye contact.Go enjoy yourself at prom so she'll see you having a great time with other girls.Then when she's alone isolate away from the dance floor into a...
  5. J

    Alphamale Bodylanguage and other helpful stuff

    Girls are able to tell if they want to fcuk you in about 3mins of seeing you.I asked 4 girls who were my sisters friends to sit down as i walked into the room and as i walked out.First time was how i usually walk,they said i looked like a scared,and how nervous i looked.I was pretty shocking...
  6. J

    Tips on Overcomming Anxiety during an Approach

    Since i have a bit of social phobia and OCD,i tend to get nervous,start to get sweaty hands,and my heart beats really really fast.The following methods are ones that i use to overcome anxiety Quick Help method: If you want to get rid of your anxiety fast,then i suggest talking to nearly...
  7. J

    When she says, "Hold on a sec, brb"

    If you want to text use Myspace, a lot better than AIM,but then again AIM did get me to hookup with a girl.
  8. J

    Getting money out of girls? (not prostitution)

    lol "pay tributes to you as a god." i kinda laughed out load.. What you could do is say "Do you have a dollar i can borrow" i was with a friend who did this,he's extremely funny and while i was with him he asked about 5 people,3 of them actually gave him money.
  9. J

    How to PROPERLY get 9's and 10's and the hottest girls

    When a girl that is hot,ask how does she look the usually responds is something positive,*you look great don't worry about it,or you look nice*When a super hot girl ask for a favour for the guy ends up doing whatever it is.When the Super hot omega girl tells you her problems/story on whatever...
  10. J

    Fun little games

    These games are used to get the girls laughing and to make you much more interesting,use whatever variation you want to them. The Thumb game *also and excellent AMOG tactic* Tell the girl you want to show her a trick that will show just how smart you can really be with this milk...
  11. J

    Friendzone: Where's the Exit?

    ....just ignore her and when she starts talking to you do what i for me
  12. J

    Getting money out of girls? (not prostitution)

    id do what I.A.F.Y.B.would do.
  13. J

    When she says, "Hold on a sec, brb"

    i seriously would have logged off or left the convo and when she got back i would have said i was talking to so and so,thats i would have done when i use to have aim,if it was in person i would have turn around or left her,they always come back
  14. J

    That other guy...

    Lets see you approach a set of girls,got them to laugh enjoy themselves everything is great until...another guy comes in takes your girls away and have you standing there looking like a total chump.Sucks doesn't,these guys are known as The AMOG. Alpha Male of the Group. Otherwise known as:THAT...
  15. J

    some friendly competition

    lol your funny you should have never gotten drunk...that kills people's chances,but anyways best bet is to treat her like the ugliest girl you have ever met,don't act rude to her just uninterested.Other than that yeah you prolly blew your chances.Dont apologize either.
  16. J

    Arousal during dances

    when am grinding i tend to wear only boxers or ill wear shorts and go commando.If its real dark ill end up sagging my pants real real low. What ive done(got excellent results)usually ill let the girl do her thing.After a while ill start to feel up on her and stomach and breast's,sometimes ill...
  17. J

    Chick claims she 'doesn't remember'.

    personally id go with the first one except i would just only act disinterested in her.You got contact info why not go ahead and get to know her plus get this,you can make up stuff like"how could you not remember the hook-up? don't you remember us wrestling up stairs,just the two of...
  18. J

    Difficult Situation

    I seriously think whenever a girl says she has a Bf,she really means thats she has a best guy friend.She likes you not the Bf by doing this you do realize that you could cause major problems and most of them pointing towards you.....While talking you have to direct the convo to make her tell...
  19. J


    how bad?