Alphamale Bodylanguage and other helpful stuff


Don Juan
Jun 5, 2007
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Girls are able to tell if they want to fcuk you in about 3mins of seeing you.I asked 4 girls who were my sisters friends to sit down as i walked into the room and as

i walked out.First time was how i usually walk,they said i looked like a scared,and how nervous i looked.I was pretty shocking since i knew them all for quite

some time.Second time i waited about 5mins while i went over on how to walk like an alpha male.I entered the room and they all sat in silence.I asked how was it

and they said its a heck of a lot better than it was before.Its important that you know as much as you can about body language,especially since what a girl says is

entirely different then the way she acts,and it is the foremost form of displaying that you ARE ALPHA.Communication through spoken words plays a much

smaller part, but is still vitally important.Practice this stuff,sure it'll seem stupid at first but it pay's off.Eventually you'll do this stuff natural and since its summer

for most of you guys or if your on vacation people will notice a change.

Body Language
>Slow relaxed movements,not fast walking

>Open body posture (open shoulder and arms displaying,legs apart

>proud confident walk,confident smile

>When walking keep your legs apart

>feet grounded when sitting

*i cannot stress this enough,this shows you are insecure

>Turning your head so fast while your addressed

This along with looking down is a sign to girls that this guy is scared and insecure

The whole idea is to have a cool,calm and collected image.Some guys just have the look of an alpha male without needing to show it through body

language(muscle men)

>don' t lean in

>speaking slow, with pauses creating anticipation
>not saying 'excuse words like 'erm', 'uh', or 'you know what i mean?',and 'right?' at the end of sentences
>not talking in a boring, mumbled voice.
>not talking in a dull, low voice
>not stuttering
>not taking too long to answer questions
>speaking in various pitches(a low voice may sound good, but if there are no fluctuations in your voice you will sound monotone)
>not talking too quietly

The following is a list of alpha attitudes that a typical alpha has/does...

* Not asking for advice from friends, only on rare occasions(eg.asking a friend where should we go?What should i do about...?)YOU should be the one who

makes the decisions and knows exactly what to do(and most of the time you probably will/do but say something like 'i don't mind...' or something similar)

* Not startled by **** tests/rude remarks, or people trying to dominate you through insults

* Take the lead in all situations, an alpha male is the ALPHA MALE OF GROUP, you should be the one who makes the decisions, stands up for your

friends etc(but not to the point where you are too controlling)

* Doesn't need to impress with material items, it is as though you are trying to prove you are a man/buy womens affections. Don't buy people gifts unless they

have EARNED them

* Having authority(this one is VERY IMPORTANT, in every aspect of a pickup to a relationship. An example is simply having the confidence to SAY 'NO'. She

will give you much more respect for being YOUR OWN MAN. why would you put someone else's interests before yours...but remember not to over do it, just if

she wants to go see a chick flick or something and you don't, whatever

* Being passionate about interests, hobbies, work etc. You should always look at the good in things. If you have to paint you entire house, or do

something you have to do bit don't want to its better to have an upbeat attitude about it is much more appealing than whining an complaining about it, and displays you role as a leader.The reason girls are attracted to rich men is not just the money but the strong desires and passion they have to get that far.

* Taking up space with your body, leaning back, spreading yourself out,not pecking/leaning in etc

* Has strong eye contact when talking to girls,hardly ever looks down.When talking to guys less eye contact shows your dominant,reply to his conversations of coausre just don't look at him <<<<<<<very important

* Has a polite an calm authority rather than aggressive <<<<<<<very important

* Is calm under pressure <<<<<<<very important

* Is uninterested in cool things(stays calm, doesn't start screaming like a girl when he sees a cool car etc),especially girls. Why should you be

interested?You've seen it an one it all before....

* Is uninterested in what others think <<<<<<<very important

* Doesn't need to be aggressive, or even hurt another person to please himself or show dominance

* Has the power and confidence to do WHAT HE WANTS, WHEN HE WANTS <<<<<<<very important i can't stress enough.I hate it when i see a guy sit in an S shape chair just to talk to a girl,put yourself first before her.

* Rewards people for generous actions and compliments

* Makes people feel comfortable in your presence

* Has mind set that women are trying to impress you, and that you are the catch

* Not letting others dominate or affect YOUR REALITY.(In other words, if another PUA or an AMOG tried using AMOG tactics/lines on you, you would just

blow them off, no one should affect your reality in a negative way...the trick is not to care) <<<<<<<very important

* Not afraid to kino(it's awkward for a woman when a guy touches her LOOKS and what he's doing, it should be done naturally)
When you first meet a girl above all your first goal should be try to touch her,a handshake,a touch at the elbow JUST TOUCH HER!

* Never laughs at own jokes(or at least till other people start laughing)Am practicing to not laugh as much,like when i laugh i laugh and keep my mouth close with a big smile.Laughing out loud tends to make you look like an @ss especially if your the only one

* Always leans back

* Is interesting
How you do this?,by hanging out with interesting people,watching interesting stuff and listing to interesting stuff.Do this:buy the funniest/coolest movies you know like Clerks II,Jackass 1 & 2,the ocean movies wedding crashers and fight cluband ONLY watch that NO TV,if you want more movies get some.Next download or buy songs that only make you want to dance or sing or if the make you happy "like Blink 182 stuff some of their songs are crazy funny".Doesn't matter its rock,hip-hop whatever,next go on youtube and look at funny videos like awkward boy.If you keep exposing yourself to these kinds of positive funny interesting things you'll soon become like them.

*Never gives apologizes
Sorry to interrupt you but....
Am sorry that i.....
I can't believe i did that ....

*Smiling way too much
You come off like a freak of nature who has 1 single facial expression


Senior Don Juan
Oct 25, 2006
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You cannot practice to be a dominant person, you are either born one or not. There is only so much bluff/bullsh#t that you can get away with and only with other non dominant persons.


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2007
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edmond said:
You cannot practice to be a dominant person, you are either born one or not. There is only so much bluff/bullsh#t that you can get away with and only with other non dominant persons.
Actually, that is only if you are trying to incute this changes in you before you change your character. The character must be changed, not the personality.


Don Juan
Jun 5, 2007
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Yes you can practice to be a dominant person,this is not bluff or bullsh!t.Do this every single day along with being more assertive with yourself.Also some of those things were taken from my anxiety and phobia workbook so it helps your body posture and overall well being.But hey you don't have to take my word on this,you can totally disregard this post if it comes as bs....I mean the only other people in the world that i can think of that would say stuff like this are police officers,politicians and other authority figures....


New Member
Oct 24, 2003
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All skills can be learned

Jolly_Roger said:
Yes you can practice to be a dominant person,this is not bluff or bullsh!t.Do this every single day along with being more assertive with yourself.Also some of those things were taken from my anxiety and phobia workbook so it helps your body posture and overall well being.But hey you don't have to take my word on this,you can totally disregard this post if it comes as bs....I mean the only other people in the world that i can think of that would say stuff like this are police officers,politicians and other authority figures....

You are limiting yourself if you don't believe you can change yourself. I know I'm a different person than I was ten years ago, and itis because I made a conscious decision to change. Becoming more dominant, or alpha, is definitely achievable.

For instance, start practicing making quick decisions. We all have little decisions to make every day (what kind of coffee, which dressing for our salad, which colour underwear to buy...). Practice by making these decisions very quickly. Obviously, bigger decisions, like what kind of car to buy, should be done after some research, but the little decisions each day have very little consequence attached to them.

Practicing eye contact goes a long way toward becoming the dominant alpha male. People believe what I say more when I look them directly in the eye.

These are but two traits of the masculine male. Learn what the rest are, make a list, and incorporate them into your everyday life. Do this for six months, and you'll amazed at the difference it makes. Of course, many guys will see a noticeable improvement within days of making this an important area of your life.

As an aside, I've been noticing lately how women order men around. I hear "come here!" instead of "will you come here, please?". The males in our society in North America have become so pussified that this is considered normal behaviour!

What do you do when a woman gives you an order? Here's what I do, my "Jeopardy" answer.

Her: "Fill my water bottle." (I'm standing by the water cooler).

Me: "Can you rephrase that in the form of a question?"

Her: "What?"

Me: "Please rephrase that in the form of a question."

Her: "Will you fill my water bottle, please?"

Me: "No."

This makes her laugh because I made her jump through a bunch of hoops, then told her no, anyway. Have that one--it's free!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 28, 2006
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Melbourne, Australia
A small tweak to posture and walking I discovered is to make sure your chin is not down too far. You want to look ahead with a level gaze, or even slightly up, with the chin raised.

This creates a nice air of superiority. Otherwise you'll end up looking at the world submissively from under your eyebrows. Having your chin up slightly doesn't mean you are a snob or a jerk....just interact with people as per usual, like a smooth gentleman.


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2006
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Bay Area, California, Currently in SoCal (UCR)
A few things i do not agree with.

You said something about do not be interested in what people are saying<<<<<very important

that can be a big backfire, it is VERY rude. If someone were not interested in what i was talking about, and especially if they try to portray that they are not interested, i would be just go talk to someone else. it is annoying when people show no interest in what you are saying. it does not make you seem anymore alpha, it just makes you seem like an a-sshat

the key is to not go crazy over what someone is saying, be interested, just don't get all hyper.


New Member
Jun 9, 2007
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edmond said:
You cannot practice to be a dominant person, you are either born one or not. There is only so much bluff/bullsh#t that you can get away with and only with other non dominant persons.
If you're really 41 years old and you think this way, that's sad. That's like saying you're either born rich or you cant be rich....That's how limited people think and that's why they dont get anywhere.


Don Juan
Jul 16, 2007
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In your post you said that

- no stuttering with words.

what do you do if you have a stammer then?

All those ideas are good in principle, and it can probably be done, but you'd probably spend so much time making sure your voice isnt too low, or too high, too deep, talking slowly enough, but answering quickly that you'd forget what you were talking about and then *crash and burn* my friend.

I applaud the effort and the thoughts you've put into your idea though. :)


Don Juan
Feb 18, 2006
Reaction score
This post has a lot of BS and a lot of good stuff.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
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Somewherez in USofA
Learn to do the 'Alpha' body language by watching Gladiator and the Terminator. Women are interviewed to know what walk or BL looks the most attractive. It is that dominate holier-than-thou attitude that gets 'em going.

You can walk fast, but take bigger strides. Girls typically walk faster but with smaller steps. Take up space to project power.


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2007
Reaction score
Ryan69 said:
This post has a lot of BS and a lot of good stuff.

Which ones are BS? (Not saying you're wrong, just would like to know what specifically you disagree with and why).


Don Juan
Jul 31, 2007
Reaction score

Brilliant post with alot of great ideas and information here.

:rockon: :rockon: :rockon: :rockon:


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2006
Reaction score
Bay Area, California, Currently in SoCal (UCR)
Jizzee said:
In your post you said that

- no stuttering with words.

what do you do if you have a stammer then?

All those ideas are good in principle, and it can probably be done, but you'd probably spend so much time making sure your voice isnt too low, or too high, too deep, talking slowly enough, but answering quickly that you'd forget what you were talking about and then *crash and burn* my friend.

I applaud the effort and the thoughts you've put into your idea though. :)
The idea is to practice so that it becomes second nature.


Don Juan
Jul 22, 2007
Reaction score
I have found after I got my head together eveything else fell into place including my bodylanguage... its good to have some guidlines though, cool post.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 4, 2007
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edmond said:
You cannot practice to be a dominant person, you are either born one or not. There is only so much bluff/bullsh#t that you can get away with and only with other non dominant persons.
Untrue. In my younger years I was never at the bottom of the flock, but I was content to be second to someone (the alpha of the group obviously.)

I'm assuming that when you say an innate alpha male you are referring to the chemicals that assert such behaviors.

In reality, these chemicals can simply be amplified.

Testosterone mainly. I began to work out, became much, much stronger (and physically fit) and soon took control without realizing it.

Confidence was born from the effect my personal changes on the environment, so that a born "alpha male" was dismissed.

But then again, maybe I was born an alpha male and the death of a close family member resulted in me becoming more quiet and taciturn before recovering later in life.

This is, of course, all speculation based on personal experience. But I doubt you have anything better to base your assertion on.


Aug 7, 2007
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I do not believe less eye contact with a male portrays dominance. If anything, it shows submission, or at least that's what I believe.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2008
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Lol that was great. Can you rephrase that in a form of a question... and then when she does u say no anyway, ha I got a good laugh out of that one.

How exactly do you "walk like an alpha male" though?


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2007
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I'm a visual learner :(

I could read about "alpha" body language all day but it would be 100x easier to just see and compare the two.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2007
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The Paradise City where the grass is green and the
knowbull said:
I do not believe less eye contact with a male portrays dominance. If anything, it shows submission, or at least that's what I believe.
Spoken for truth. Some guys are so defensive they'll try to fight you for looking at them the "wrong way." But most will just back down. Eye contact really is a battle of's a good quick way to weed out flakes, liars, chumps, b!tches, and other undesirable riff-raff.

Eye contact is powerful stuff. Stare at a dog long enough, it'll either bite the sh!t out of you or it will whimper and turn away. When you are working with a horse you wait for their eye to soften, it's a sign of submission. People aren't a damn bit different.