The Popular man's mindset


Senior Don Juan
Aug 26, 2005
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The popular man who we'll call the man is the person you see women chasing after, men idolizing, and one who is a DJ.

Whats makes the man, the man?
-The man does not need women to make him happy, and he knows it.
-The man does not seek approval of others, but for the improvement of himself.
-The man does not treat other DJs as gods, he treats them as he treats everyone else.
-The man does not care what others think or say about him cause he knows he's a man of value.
-The man demands respect, and rightfully earns it.
-The man is neither nice or the Jerk he is the DJ.
-The man presents him self as the man by showing the confidence he has within, on the outside
-The man does not talk $hit about others cause he's got better things to do.
-The man has goals (sports, job, etc) and he knows women are distractions.
-The man is a good person not the nice guy, but the good guy
-The man is fun to be around, because he's active, but not annoying
-The man does not close himself to others. He's open and positive
-The man dresses like the man
-The man is not influenced by others he influences them.