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    Should I text my ex on Christmas Day?

    You know what...I say text her. I think it is the best for you to realize it is over. Text her and wish her a "Merry Christmas" add on whatever you feel is necessary (Speak with your mind not your heart it will make you sound soft) So when she DOESN'T respond back after you guys were "So...
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    You think so
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    Yea u right...I hate it but i only explain the negatives between us. Yes she is very stressed out and it may be that but it bothers me knowing we are on a college campus
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    Break up! I'm stressed out and getting needy.

    I can understand what you are going through because i am somewhat in the same boat. I feel that some of the Older DJ's do not understand that being in a LTR at a young age and being with that same girl has a feeling of being "preferred" because we grew up in a technology era. And I KNOW you know...
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    Im going to look 4 something new then call it quit. NOt answering calls at random hours today because you are "sleep" doesnt add up to me...(sounds weird but everyday with the same excuse) Having "headache's" everyday and able to still go to sleep all day. Stomache aches and still sleep that...
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    Really appreciate all the advice! I still want to continue the relationship. I mean we been through a lot together in 3 years, and i really don't see that chemistry with the chicks on campus. Me being so tight on her when I think she is up to cheating I do feel that it can drive her...
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    Yea she claim she isnt that type of person with all these signs. Im in search for some advice how to deal with this situation then building up anger with my detroying relationship.
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    Well i've been dating my girlfriend for 3 years and since we have entered college, things has been rough between us. It could be my insecurities from knowing how us college males are, or actual facts about why i feel that I think something is going on. 1. She claims she sleeps a lot. Which...
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    Sex is difficult!

    ^^^^can i get some tips?
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    Pac Vs Floyd March 13th

    Manny has NOTHING TO LOSE. He is a beast with the hands pack a bang. Im going with Maywheather because of his techniques but because of Manny's background that makes him the winner of the fight.
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    Sex is difficult!

    No she isn't relax when we try. It seems as though she is calm when we she gets in the mood but when Im going to put it in thats when she complains about pain and being scared of it. I NEED A TIP OR SOMETHING
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    Sex is difficult!

    Usually sex is easy and this is my first time with my virgin. ITS SO HARD! This is my third time trying with my virgin partner and I am struggling to get in. I tried oral getting her extremly wet didn't work. Strawberry flavored lube it didn't work and Im stressing. PLEASE HELP!!!
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    The 9 Signs Of Little Or No Interest

    Please explain this in deep details I think we on to something
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    sex pushed away????

    appreciate it. I am over doing the whole situation which maybe the reason she talked it out with others. I was with her today unexpected and she was a little bit loose but you can tell that her friends conversation was on her mind.
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    sex pushed away????

    I'm in a relationship with a girl who is a Virgin. she was ready im ready to change it and we a talk about it everyday. Well friday she was suppose to come over my place and we was going to kick it at night watch a movie and i was suppose to change her views of life lol. But she told me her...
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    How To Make Love - For Beginners

    IM SO GLAD THIS TOPIC WAZ MADE!!! Im having serious trouble with sex and i need help! Not to brag but ***** seems to come easy for me. Girls just seem to want to **** and im far from bull****tin. But sex aint coming threw for me. Yesterday I got a girl wet ready to ****. (this happened to...
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    Urgent Help!!! Hard to get got me thinking I Quit!!!

    Aw well I know she is interested and she just might be a boring person which is messed up. to pretty to be one lol. so how do i stop the short answer madness!
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    Urgent Help!!! Hard to get got me thinking I Quit!!!

    Okay its this girl who I think is fine and I want to start a relationship with her. It no doubt she feel the same about me. She is a 9 or 10 I mean she is exclusive!!! I get to know her she is a nice girl but she barely says anything!!! I seen her at the school and she was talking to a guy who...
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    Bad Situation!

    I don't think it is over with. I'ma see her again. By the time we get back to school I should have the confidents to approach again with no problem.
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    Bad Situation! please?