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  1. I

    Please help me understand why my GF of 2+ years broke it off

    A woman here. Perhaps she genuinely thinks that you need to gain more experience as a man, since she was your first girlfriend. This is a dumb move on her side, because inexperienced male is less cynical and more devoted for a relationship material, but she herself does not have the knowledge to...
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    Does a woman "stop going for jerks" when her desirability wanes?

    The "jerkness" of a man is based on how much he is liked by women, not the other way around. If a man is spoiled by female attention, he will automatically be a "jerk". "Choosing" a husband, and being attracted to someone are two different things. For a partner a woman usually aims at a stable...
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    oh eharmoney let me count the ways you suck...

    Additional reasons: the single mom is fertile - very important if you want children. the single mom does not have a crazy biological clock ticking the single mom is genetically healthy, if her child is healthy, so you can expect healthy children with her. the single mom is not so selfish as a...
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    Proof Of Hypergamy!

    why else would nice cars exist?
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    Should a non-virgin bride wear white?

    "The first documented instance of a princess who wore a white wedding gown for a royal wedding ceremony is that of Philippa of England. This was not a widespread trend, however: prior to the Victorian era, a bride was married in any color, black being especially popular in Scandinavia. White...
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    Calling an ex-girlfriend 145 times in 11 hours lands a man in jail

    I dont think the guy belongs in jail, because I think he suffered some sort of a nervous breakdown which can happen when a person experiences break up. IT is a temporary blackout due to extreme emotions, so the guy needed psychiatric help. This is clearly done out of mental anguish, not with...
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    Dating and sociopathy

    To be honest i think that many aspects in todays world requires people to become sociopathic, not just dating. You are more successful economically if you have sociopathic traits --because at your job this behavior is rewarded. I still hope the good will prevail at a certain point ! After all...
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    Wasp waisted women considered "ugly" by other women

    I confirm. This is correct. As a woman I find these clothes super very weird on the otherwise nice women. Especially weird is on the thin british actress, Keira --forgot her name. She looks like a robot from a sci fi movie in this outfit. Only Kate looks good, but she is bigger/curvier than...
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    Women over 25 vs women under 25

    i cant speak for all women, but i definitely crave sex on a purely physical level more now that im 28 versus when i was 18, and it definitely became much more important with time. however don't know the reason for this - whether it is physiological or mental, but something definitely changes...
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    Do husbands who do housework get less sex because their wives don't respect them?

    Do husbands who do male work - like fixing the roof, fishing or hunting get laid more? Maybe there should be some USA government sponsored research to investigate the correlation between *******s and the typical "male" duties.
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    The cause for divorce and relationship break-ups in 21st century

    Because they (men and women) can. I come from a country where the wife does not get any financial incentives to get a divorce, on the contrary, she usually loses a lot, because there is no alimony, and the child support is minimal, divorce is still extremely common and rates are higher and...
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    Nerds need to stop being faggots

    How did you get that nerds have lower libido ?:D Plus a lot of "nerds" are much better looking than the "non-nerds". (i should know being around them all my life). Outside of the USA people are not so crazy about athletes in general anyway.
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    Lesbians are fat because.....

    By this logic gay men would be gay because they cannot get laid with a woman. However this is not the case as there are very very gorgeous gay males. If you are a gay male you would not be able to get laid if you are fat, while a fat heterosexual male has higher chances. My guess is that because...
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    What do you think of this man's wife hating his gaming hobby?

    From my personal experience, men also get very annoyed and jealous when their girlfriend/partner has a hobby they are not part of and they are not the center of her life. Some men even get jealous of their own children, when the woman is obsessing about them instead of about him. ****, not only...
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    the final battle... sex in longterm relationship

    O.P. a different point of view - i think the contraception may contribute to decrease in sex drive, since nuvaring is hormonal.
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    the final battle... sex in longterm relationship

    wanted to give my 2 cents on the issue.
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    the final battle... sex in longterm relationship

    well i cant get a man, but i still desire sex. see my point? no such thing as a healthy sexual woman wanting sex 1 a month for very prolonged periods of time. Especially a woman around 30...
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    the final battle... sex in longterm relationship

    (.)(.) the woman is with this man for 9 years :D has his child. you really think she rejects him for how he is wording his desire ? :D Even if she is completely bored with their sex life, she would want it more than 1 a month, unless she either has hormonal problems/depression/ is naturally...
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    the final battle... sex in longterm relationship

    you have sex less than 2 times a month and you say your wife does not have health problems? Your wife is either cheating or has extremely low libido, which is in itself a health/sexual problem. Does she masturbate? You cannot fix a very low libido by flirting with other women...even if u have 0...
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    I love being right.

    hehe youre right :) thanx