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  1. I

    how to make normal men approach me ?

    ok, so no bar alone, but more like classes and courses kind of thing, if a bar then early. dont look arrogant. hard to say with the ratings :D thanx will try.
  2. I

    how to make normal men approach me ?

    Can you define "play the game" in a bit more detail ? thanx for your responses ! i am eager to play any game, change myself etc, however dont know in which direction. it is hard for me to judge my own attractiveness, since every woman considers herself attractive. However i am definitely at...
  3. I

    Break off Engagement - Exit Strategy??

    :D:D:D yeah, try gay and/or impotent then
  4. I

    how to make normal men approach me ?

    Well I do all those things...I started to think i dress too nicely tbh (i am from eastern europe and am very conscious of not looking "slutty" but i do try to keep my looks proper and elegant). If someone would approach me i would smile the crap out of myself and be the most approachable person...
  5. I

    Break off Engagement - Exit Strategy??

    As a woman, my worst nightmare is to be married to someone who doesn't love me and am always very very cautios about this. So, just be as honest as possible about how you feel, she will be very hurt, but better than some stupid games to make her leave you - then for sure she will resent you much...
  6. I

    how to make normal men approach me ?

    Hi there guys. After reading a bit in this forum i do have more appreciation and sympathy for everything guys have to go through in life. However am even more puzzled about my situation. I have not had a boyfriend in a long time and really really need to start dating again, however i NEVER...