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  1. T

    Help me sosuave! I'm so depressed! URGENT

    Well considering they are in a LTR of 6 months, You would think a mature girl would show to compasion. I think she is still immature. Then again all of us are. When I look for a LTR I try to find a girl that wont just laugh at your problems. Do the same.
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    wants to bring her girlfriend on the next date. How to react?

    First of all when is your date? If its more than a week away, invite your friend who you trust with you and who actually does have game and is not shy. Call the girl and tell her that since she is bringing her friend you are going to bring yours. Tell your friend to try to get her friends...
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    Help me sosuave! I'm so depressed! URGENT

    Everyone had a different opinion. Some people do not want to "bone" many girls. Some people find that special someone at a very young age. my parents married each other when they were around 20 years old and they are still together and enjoying their sex life. Im very closer to my father than...
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    Help me sosuave! I'm so depressed! URGENT

    I second that a million times!!! Im in a very similar position. I quit my job right before I left for my vacation(which was about a month ago) They kept promising me better pay and a hiegher position and never came through so i just left. I did not get into any colleges last year so I took a...
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    Are woman intimidated by good looking guys?

    Well guys think about this... lets sat a good looking guy approaches a good looking girl. I would think her selfesteem would go up and they might think that they will get approached by many other good looking guys so they just blow off the guy in hopes of finding someone better looking. Now...
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    Which would you rather choose: HB4 or celibacy?

    ive personally seen some very very ugly guyes get gb 8s and 9s. There is always hope, just be confident in yourself. Go for the HB4 and have sex with her as much as you can. Get really good in bed and then find a hb5 or 6 and just move up. Use them as steps. Im personally very picky about girls...
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    when loosing IL from GF, routine to get it back.

    Most women think missionary is boring. Here is a good way to get to that G-Spot. Get her to be on top and lean her towards you like missionary but she is on top. And you do all the work. Just start moving up and down with your hips and you will start rubbing that gspot like no other. 9 of 10...
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    Cardio in a cold day

    get some under armor.. It will keep you relativelly warm.. just dress warmly but dont sweat too much because they will lead you into getting a fever and just getting sick. So bee careful dress lightly but stay warm. NOT HOT. I would just suggest going to a gym and doing cardio there until it...
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    Low sensitivity

    Well you should try going to a urologist and get that checked out. I bet there is a creme that will help you a little. Its nothing to be embarrassed about. I had problems with my foreskin. It was too tight i could not get it down one bit. Went to the doctor and he just pulled it down. Hurt like...
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    good shampoo and bodywash

    Any good smelling body-wash and my fav shampoo is head and shoulders refresh. I get a lot of compliments when I use this shampoo. Smells Great!
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    FR: A Tokin' Good Time

    Everyone has their own way to have fun. I smoke weed almost everyday. It does not make me any less of a man that I am. Its tons of fun when you do it in a safe enviroment. We tend to drive around while we smoke a blunt then we go do something thats fun. Like county fairs, concerts, clubs...
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    Brit in San Diego...any advice?

    Heh I personally get turned on by a girl with a british accent. It ill make you unique and interesting. So USE it to your advantage. Good luck! Hit the clubs and get some play. American chicks should be easy... considering ive dated couple british girls and they were really hard to get.
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    Jealous Friends

    Honestly I would have reacted the same in that kind of situation. If you would have said Hey did someone drop a glass or somehing of that matter you would look like a ***** in my opinion, because you are trying to avoid conflict. Yeah some people would say that an Alpha Male would just look past...
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    Crest Whitestrips

    Ive tried the strips, butmy teeth were too sensetive for me to keep going. So I just brush with whitening tooth paste. Arm & Hammer I believe. Ive noticed some change. Plus you habits dictate the change too. If you smoke or drink coffee you teeth will prob not change from just toth paste.
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    errection problems

    goto a doctor! dont take any pills you get from the internet. they are not going to help you. So goto the doctor!
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    Short or Long Hair?

    ^^ yeah gets some sideburns going... I dont really see what the problem with gel is. Everyone has their own style. Do what YOU think is the best not what other people think is better. I personally have gone through long short gelled, un gelled hair. Personally I hate having long hair so I keep...
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    Does anyone on this website have a gf who is HB9+?

    My girlfriend currently is around hb9. I rejected her at first because I had onitis for a hb8. She started dating someone else and about 6 months later I got over the hb8 and decided why not try out the hb9. So i stole her from her boyfriend(who was an ass to her by the way). And now she is...
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    Guys, i have a major major problem....

    Ive been following this topic for the past 3 days and I persoanlly think that you should go with B-Lemond. He has many stronh points and does seem that your girlfriend is trying way too hard to be a challange. Just do what ever lemond said and it might fix your problem... then again it might...
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    Not a problem just a question.

    Thanks, thats something I will think about. My goal is fo her to have as much fun she can possibly have. I just think its funny that she tries so hard to hold her orgasm, when she can go multiple times. Maybe she just thinks that it is proper to orgasm at the sam time as your partner. Maybe she...
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    Not a problem just a question.

    Well Ive been having sex with my girlfrind for about a month now and sometimes she reaches her climax before I do. I tell her to go ahead and orgasm but she refuses to. She keeps saying that she wants to do it at the same time as I do. There is one position that we started doing latelly that...