Does anyone on this website have a gf who is HB9+?


Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Kingston, Can-a-duh
Mine is a 9. I showed a picture of her to a few buddies at work, and you get the normal wows, and good job, and the whatnot, but one buddy that has a female hottie for a sex buddy, told me he didn't think his female could compare to mine, and she's damn hot.

:D, and it doesn't even matter what she looks like, she's cute in my eyes, and she's really good for personality. I would take her over any blonde ditz anyday (as much as I want a blond)


Don Juan
May 31, 2006
Reaction score
My girlfriend currently is around hb9. I rejected her at first because I had onitis for a hb8. She started dating someone else and about 6 months later I got over the hb8 and decided why not try out the hb9. So i stole her from her boyfriend(who was an ass to her by the way). And now she is completely in love with me and just because Im with her I consider her to be 11-12 haha... I cant get over the fact of other guys hitting on her. Im naturally a ****y person so I just play around with the the other guys by making fun of them or out smarting them... works like a charm at parties. Other girls seem to talk to me more just because Im doing this, which make my gf jealous and she tries harder to get my attention which leads o great sex at night hahah... not to be too ****y or anything ;P


Don Juan
Aug 8, 2003
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
I date a 9.5, but she is a fckin btch. She is on her way out the door. that is one thing about hot chicks. they want everything, but they don't give sht. that and they are all about attention. i would much rather have a 7.5 or 8 with a nice body and the right attitude


Senior Don Juan
Apr 10, 2006
Reaction score
Supaman said:
I date a 9.5, but she is a fckin btch. She is on her way out the door. that is one thing about hot chicks. they want everything, but they don't give sht. that and they are all about attention. i would much rather have a 7.5 or 8 with a nice body and the right attitude
I agree... but your guy friends think you are god tho right?

Distant Light

Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
Reaction score
New York
I'd consider her an 8 but everyone else treats her like a hb11. Like she has a cute face but her ass is serious, an afcs always calling her over and trying to get her attention. I try heard to tell my friends not to call her over. Guys would go up to her and ask to touch her ass. (They know here not a total stranger) I only just want to fuvk her but lately I've been freezing her out because I hate how she acts towards all my friends. Like she would go around saying "Yep I'm a 9" and she got mad one time because I laughed when my other friend who is a natural said she was a 6 lol. (Her reaction was priceless) There are 3 other girls that guys consider 9 caliber but I'd consider them 8s. 2 of them I just game other 1 is part of my stable (stable=girls I fuvk)

I'm still in search in getting girls that I consider a 9 and not what others consider them. There is a stripper that a friend of mines see in the street sometimes, I want to game her but she has a kid and a bf. (Don't think I have that much skill yet to handle such logistics) If you guys love ghetto booty (I mean on some buffie the body type of ass) you would want to hit it, my friend says when she walks down a block the whole block stops to look at her walk.

Bigg Boss

Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
I rate my girl an 8 but my friends say like 9 and 10. But for me, to be a 10, you gotta have titties.

My girl has itty bitties.

But she's got a fat ass, and knows how to dress her ass off. So that makes up for her lack of boobs. Plus she's light skinned so that's a plus.And her sex game is flawless (while at the moment, I'm still working on mine, blah).

But she's an 8 for me. Maybe it's because after you've looked at someone for about a half a year, they're looks seem to deterioate before your eyes or their flaws start to stand out.


Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
My girlfriend is 22, I am 38, she is an attractive shy brunette, I think I would give her an 8 out of 10 rating for her overall facial and psysical beauty, but she doesn't think of herself as being attractive.
She is the type of girl who is pretty enough to have alot of guys chasing her if they are in the same environment like a college workplace or party etc, but not that gorgeous that she would turn alot of guys heads if they saw her walking down the street.
I myself am about an 8 out of 10 type of a guy as far as my looks are concerned, I like girls to be at a certain level of beauty at least a 7 or 8 otherwise I just can't enjoy kissing and bonking them.
I have had gorgeous girlfriends in the past but every guy wants to steal them away from me and I always get into punch ups with these guys whenever I have gone out with them, so I stick with the still pretty but not so desperately desired by other guys 7 or 8 out of 10 girls with long brown hair these days instead of the long blonde haired 10 out of 10 beauties.
I often see ugly guys with ugly girls and I can't understand why they are with them, how they kiss and have sex with them, as I couldn't, I would rather wank myself than screw a woman like that, even if I had a head on me like a Bulldog I still wouldn't date an ugly girl, I would just stay single and visit brothels I think. :up:
Nov 8, 2005
Reaction score
***** palace
My ex is prob 9 since she's a model and actually did some commercials that I haven't seen yet. Well once I get my computer back I'll post the pic of her but remember this was my freshmen year so she looks young in it. When I showed my friends they said she was wicked hot so ya I guess she's a HB8 an above. The reason I came here is to just improve my chances with HB9 and above and just improve my game.


Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
"Any woman that has managed to enjoy my company is perfect in my eyes. They are all 10s to me."