when loosing IL from GF, routine to get it back.


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2005
Reaction score
It feels like the "IL" from my GF has died. She dosen't seams so intressted in having sex anymore. She let me but just lay threre like a dead fish. Not as it used to be, and the attention from her is much lower.

What is the best way to handle this. ACT more dissintrested in her, and look after new girls? or?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 16, 2005
Reaction score
It looks like you have got your self into some form of routine.

If you think back, towards the start of the relationship, what you did with her in bed was new to both of you ane exiting. Alot of people in LTRs fall into this trap. They keep doing the same damn thing everytime they get into bed and sooner or later, either you or her will get bored of it.

Try new things, talk to her, ask her what she wants and how she wants it. Get her to talk to you about her fantasies. Try different positions, read up on women's pressure points and learn how to REALLY please her. Spend more time on foreplay and turning her on.

And for god sake! do not beg her for sex if she refuses to give it to you. Act really cool about it and try some freeze out methods. Hopefully if you follow the steps above, it wont even need to come to this.

good luck


Senior Don Juan
Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
Sofia, Bulgaria
Blah, you're already in bed with a woman, cannot turn her on, and you are looking for a way to TALK your way out of this. Man, read some sex tips somewhere.


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2005
Reaction score
She starts to nag on my confidence, is not easy. I can do foreplay for hours. But she don't even move. But she dosen't say no, and are wet so i just keep going.
Before it was she who whanted all the time, and i almost got tiered of it, because it was like 10 times a day. So ofcourse it makes me worried. So not sure what to do. Maybe act more alof and dissintressted in her?

Before i felt i was the prize, and she started to complain that did not give her enough attention,
and did not show her my feelings, that i cared about her. So i started to show her more that i cared
about her, and now is it like she has spinned the wheels. Is like the opposite maybe, the problem is somway there. Not sure.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
nighter said:
She starts to nag on my confidence, is not easy. I can do foreplay for hours. But she don't even move. But she dosen't say no, and are wet so i just keep going.
Before it was she who whanted all the time, and i almost got tiered of it, because it was like 10 times a day. So ofcourse it makes me worried. So not sure what to do. Maybe act more alof and dissintressted in her?

Before i felt i was the prize, and she started to complain that did not give her enough attention,
and did not show her my feelings, that i cared about her. So i started to show her more that i cared
about her, and now is it like she has spinned the wheels. Is like the opposite maybe, the problem is somway there. Not sure.
Well you know the answer already.

By the way...how old are you two?


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2005
Reaction score
Iam 23, and she is 25.

The problem is i whant a carring LTR. If i have to play alof and dissintressted all the time, it sucks.
If thats the case, The only option i see it is NEXT. By the way i suspect she has some kind of borderline personality. If iam not wrong she have gotten that diagnose, so guess thats a big red flag.

The problem is that it feels also if i don't give her attention she looks for it somewhere else. So
i guess the LTR is doomed because i have trust issues.


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2006
Reaction score
nighter said:
It feels like the "IL" from my GF has died. She dosen't seams so intressted in having sex anymore. She let me but just lay threre like a dead fish. Not as it used to be, and the attention from her is much lower.

What is the best way to handle this. ACT more dissintrested in her, and look after new girls? or?
in a LTR myself. use to always initiate the sex and after 3-4 months...i sensed her getting less interested. now funny thing is i dont initiate nothing. after a week of doing that, she asks ME to come here...last time she did that, told her i was tired. she said "WHAT?, come here please..."
so i did and ****ed her real good.


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2005
Reaction score
Testiculz: Thanks i gona try that tactic.

One think i also have think of alot. Is whit this girl. When i find what i think is
the right angle to press the G-spot best in missonary. Even if i do it gently,
and on her expression it feels like i hit it right. Looks like she have a great time and i found it. She pull me out like she almost dosent whant to feel good.

At first i thought there was just some teasing or something like that, but she do it all the time. Dosent let me please her, and after i have come and i whant to continue to please her she dosent let me. So ofcouse it feels like i suck in bed :p
but she dosent give me a chance to give her what she deserve, and neone else have ever complained. But this starts to drive me nuts.


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2006
Reaction score
nighter said:
Testiculz: Thanks i gona try that tactic.

One think i also have think of alot. Is whit this girl. When i find what i think is
the right angle to press the G-spot best in missonary. Even if i do it gently,
and on her expression it feels like i hit it right. Looks like she have a great time and i found it. She pull me out like she almost dosent whant to feel good.

At first i thought there was just some teasing or something like that, but she do it all the time. Dosent let me please her, and after i have come and i whant to continue to please her she dosent let me. So ofcouse it feels like i suck in bed :p
but she dosent give me a chance to give her what she deserve, and neone else have ever complained. But this starts to drive me nuts.
just relax...visualize yourself ****ing her like a God everyday and before you know it, you will be.


Don Juan
May 31, 2006
Reaction score
Most women think missionary is boring. Here is a good way to get to that G-Spot. Get her to be on top and lean her towards you like missionary but she is on top. And you do all the work. Just start moving up and down with your hips and you will start rubbing that gspot like no other. 9 of 10 times she will have her orgasm before you. Works like a charm when you dont think you are pleasing her the right way. Most girls hate being on top because it usually means that she has to do all the work, but this time just suprise her. She will love it! And yeah just hold off on the sex for couple days. My girlfriend gets pissed off when I do this to her. Ive learned from my past mistakes that having too much sex in the beginning of a ltr will doom the whole ltr. Women for some reason dont understand that. Well I get very bored after a month or so. So i start doing role plays they are really fun. Dont be afraid to get rough, sometimes I come home and I just push her against the wall and start out very rough. Just try these things out. If this does not work then I just dont know how to help you.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2003
Reaction score
The problem is that you changed yourself for her. When in reality it was the previous you that she was attracted to. Its very important for you NOT to change yourself for wowen as it will devalue you to her.

You only change yourself for you.