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  1. M

    Am I being too much of a prize?

    WOW that's abit harsh, i'm just saying my opinion dude...chill out.After reading his thread i thought he sounded too much like he was some kind of god and everyone else is worthless. Yes i can understand you need to act like the prize...not the PRICK!.
  2. M

    WTF is up with AFC guys getting the girls?

    You might be right, But i find it hard to make friends with women as they always seem evasive or if they would rather be somewhere else... Also i don't think i have anything in common with most girls.....when i talk to them all i think about is how i look to them and what to say next to them...
  3. M

    WTF is up with AFC guys getting the girls?

    I did ask my brother about this last night and he came out with "It's because they are comfortable with themselfs and don't seem to care about their imperfections...faults etc." I do think my brother has a point here...i do seem to overly concerned with my appearance and how girls see me...
  4. M

    WTF is up with AFC guys getting the girls?

    Ok so you know what i'm gonna say from the thread title?...ok if you don't this is what i mean. I'm full of confidence,charisma..etc....i'm an average looking guy who talks to loads of girls. Yet lately i'm starting to fall into self pity and doubt (the dead zone). the reason being you...
  5. M

    Am I being too much of a prize?

    Welli think i think your talking like your some kind of god, any self respecting girl will tell you to go **** yourself...which you no doubt will have to if you continue acting like this. -Malachi
  6. M

    Women go for looks more then guys

    I've realized this now for about a month....doesn't matter how good you are or if you have rock solid confidence like i do. Girls will next you untill they find a great looking guy. -Malachi
  7. M

    How big is your c0ck?

    AHAHAH......just AHHAHAH!
  8. M

    After you have sex for the first time?

    It is a name people called me after someone....but not Malachi Constant.
  9. M

    an example of an AFC

    yeah he sounds like a challenge...but do what it takes!!. Why don't you go out with him one night away from this girl and show him (Cause of his looks) what girls he COULD get if he would get out his **** and use it?. Or failing that you could post him a letter from the **** donation...
  10. M

    Girl Tells Me She Loves Me after 1 week WTF

    OH MY!!!....aren't we a fast worker...ahahah
  11. M

    Finding your confidence! Help me with your comments!

    I have to say my respect goes out to you sapiens as i see what your trying to do and totally give you my respect for that. I would LOVE to join your bootcamp, but i don't think i'm ready just yet,and to see so little availible spot's (20 i think)...i think maybe i should sit this one out...
  12. M

    After you have sex for the first time?

    I'm a Virgin even though i have an amazing amount of confidence in me...the way i walk,talk,dance and **** have an arora of confidence. But does it get me anywhere?, yah it get's me a few dances and a kiss and a feel or whatever....but it NEVER GOES ANY FURTHER than that...why?, maybe...
  13. M

    an example of an AFC

    As his friend you OWE IT TO HIM to make him see sense by any means!. i mean even if it put's your friendship at risk you gotta help him out, if you were him what would convince you that your acting like a piss sack?. -Malachi
  14. M

    After you have sex for the first time?

    I thought it might be a bit on the bull**** side.....i guess people are saying that once you have experienced sex...then girls can sense this and become more attracted to you or something?. AHAH i'm thinking too much here aren't i?, just wondered as some people can get women easy even though...
  15. M

    What is your greatest fear ?

    Approach..... They might reject me... -Malachi
  16. M

    After you have sex for the first time?

    Ok i'm not gonna fool anyone and tell them that i've screwed this chick and that chick....yeah i'm still a big deal i guess. but i hear people say that after you have sex for the first time, alot of women look at you in a diffrent light...maybe you change or it radiates that you no...
  17. M

    23 Year Old Virgin: Help Me Get Laid

    Could you post a picture?,so we know what you look like?. -Malachi
  18. M

    Buying Drinks - What if this happens?

    SO SO SO true, i like that my friend ahahah
  19. M

    How many did you DO in 2005?

    "I would hearby like to donate my penis to anybody here who can find a use for i obvously don't deserve one!!!" Lol sorry couldn't resist....most i got this year was ALOT of kissing and abit of a feel....probally as i pull in clubs and can't seem to get them into bed....
  20. M

    English People - Help

    I ADMIT that it is very hard to be a Dj in England...yes i'm "English" not "Bitish"..don't get me started on how being called "British" is wrong .... Anyhow i think it's hard,but the main thing ENGLISH girls go for is Confidence and somebody with balls. you basically have to grab your balls...