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  1. M

    Am i not boyfriend material or something?...although

    Ok this is kinda getting to me abit now, because i ALWAY'S pull girls whenever i go out. You know i get them talking,dancing and kissing and feeling each other up or whatever....but then it ends. I don't get one night stands from them even though i'm dancing,kissing and feeling them up...
  2. M

    I put an HB9 ***** in her place, this was so ridiculous you gotta read it (short)

    I ****ing loved reading that after i was messed around by a girl this week....and next time i swear to god i will take the same stance you did!....WTG!!! -Malachi
  3. M

    I should give up on this girl right?

    No i never asked her that, she just came out with it twice on 2 txt messages she sent me.
  4. M

    I should give up on this girl right?

    Yeah no problem, i have to admit that i NEVER EVER go for girls that are 16,17 But i didn't find out her age till wwhile after...i'll just phase her out and ignore her. -Malachi
  5. M

    I should give up on this girl right?

    The Legal age for sex in the UK is 16 Not sure if that's what your getting at?, or are you saying once she hit's 18 she will be more mature?.
  6. M

    I should give up on this girl right?

    No i'm either with her now or not, i mean i can't be waiting around for her to grow up. I'll show her no intrest tomorrow and see how that turns out.
  7. M

    I should give up on this girl right?

    Thx for the reply, yeah people have told me it might be because of her age....but it's going to be difficult to ignore her all week as i have to go near her everyday. But yeah, i'll stay outta the way and show no sign of intrest. -malachi
  8. M

    I should give up on this girl right?

    Ok so a few weeks back my friends told me that this girl who comes into where i work thinks i'm cute. Then i get told that she likes me and wanst me to ask her out, so when i get the op to do so i do. I get her phone number and find out she's only 17 (i'm 23 in July) and that she is on...
  9. M

    guys looks

    Looks don't matter near as much as people think!.... Aslong as you have a set of balls your good to go! :rockon:
  10. M

    my story afc to player, long but read if u want

    "This is the part of your post I like the best. Once you get to the point where you can have almost any girl you want, you realize there are much better things to be doing with your life than obsessing about women. It's ashame that most men (myself included) only realize this after wasting years...
  11. M

    DON'T drink TOO MUCH to get story!

    I was worried about the drink because i'm going to Ibiza soon, and people have said to me "Do you want to go to the clubbing capital of the world and NOT drink?".... which get's me worried about having a good time. I guess i could still drink....but like 1-3 drinks a night or maybe replace...
  12. M

    DON'T drink TOO MUCH to get story!

    See i have this real dilema atm... Cause i love to drink when i go out but i have found 2 BIG problems with doing this 1.I've started going to the Gym and would like to grow some muscle so that i don't look sooo tiny....but the problem is, that if i drink it hinders muscle growth or...
  13. M

    DON'T drink TOO MUCH to get story!

    Ok so for the first time i was able to get back to a girls flat after she was like unzipping me in the damm club i went to....she was all over me like a rash. SO when i finally did get back to where she lives, after having to sneak in cause of the security where she lives. We got undressed...
  14. M

    She wants pictures of me naked.

    Or she could show all your mates and hers or
  15. M

    Best DJ movies!

    "Fight Club" is one of the main DJ movies imho!. But check out "Cruel Intentions 2" it's an amazing film!...but get's abit p$$yish at the end.
  16. M

    How important is Music in changing your inner self?.

    Ok so i have this theory, yeah it's a weird theory which goes like this. I listen to alot of dance,pop and general cheese music...which are great an all...but i can't help but think it doesn't help my inner self to deal with my fear of approach. What if i started to listen to rock...heavy...
  17. M

    TOO much negative crap here people!

    Not really sure if your actually having a go at me, as i've had a few...and so...anyway. But i'm just passing on information and a mindset that has helped ME, whether people choose to adopt this attitude is their choice, and their choice alone. I don't wish to cause any problems for...
  18. M

    TOO much negative crap here people!

    That's right, i use to programme myself to come out with the WORST scenaries when i had a problem. But now i just get on with it and come out with the BEST scenaries and what rewards i can get out of it. I'm going out downtown within the it's my chance to shine again, walk like a...
  19. M

    TOO much negative crap here people!

    How are you going to become the person you want to become with all those negative thoughts in your head?. It's pretty much proven that negative emotions have a great effect on the human what exstent is unknown...but we DO KNOW it has a very bad effect. I've found that instead of...
  20. M

    In response to "looks matter"

    Some useful information, aslong as you look tidy and have good SHOULD be ok. -Malachi