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  1. C

    FR: Club Pick Up

    Ahhh sweet sweet alcohol: The social luberacant. Hey good job have fun.
  2. C

    i'm having probs with the initial convo

    Re: Re: i'm having probs with the initial convo He makes a great point go with something simple. It's not hard all you have to do is not be intimidated! Just remember she's giveing you "the eye" Which is ******** for "Come talk to me quick before I lose intrest in you for being an...
  3. C

    i'm having probs with the initial convo

    Talk to her about something she's doing. It's pretty easy really. Just be loose and fun about it. Where do you see her most of the time maybe I can help.
  4. C

    Clubbing ALONE!!

    Good Man.
  5. C

    need help to overcome a competition

    Try if you like. But I would say at this point it's not really worth it. Look man your on this site and everyone has been where you are at one time or another, we all feel a sense of brotherhood towards each other. So remember to be a True Don Juan is to do your best in all things. Never...
  6. C

    Why Would A Girl Do This?

    Yeah I have to agree with that reply. Eeither take her and make her a Fu*k buddy or tell her straight up that you really don't give a rats a$$ what other guys think about her. If your any sort of DJ you have self respect and really don't need her anyway. If it were me personally I would...
  7. C

    Clubbing ALONE!!

    Yes. Go on a party night (in America that's Friday and Saturday night) when the clubs are packed and dance up on some chick. It's much easier if you drink a little before you get in the door. Just enough to get your confidence up. Now if you don't want to go on to the dance floor right away...
  8. C

    Lonely? or Cheating?

    Haha ok look. In this situation you either A) Trust her or B) Don't Trust her If you trust her let her do her own thing and it will be ok. If you don't trust her you should have never got in the relationship in the first place and you should get out now. Believe me I know how...
  9. C

    Clubbing ALONE!!

    Don't regret anything. Go to clubs on your own it's perfectly fine. If you go there on your own two things will happen. 1) You won't be inhibited by friends that are your AFC and bring you down in mood. Or friends that say you could never get that girl etc. etc. 2) And if you become a...
  10. C

    Help please need advise

    OK! OK! I understand. Always close. Period. If her boyfriend has a problem with it throw him through a window. :D Gotcha ;)
  11. C

    funny thing happened last night

    So wait I'm confused. Are you bragging or are you saying that getting women isn't that hard and all you have to do is chat them up and be confident? Maybe a little of both?
  12. C

    Help please need advise

    This is my first post however I have read a large portion of the DJ Bible and have read the forums here, I also have had a chance to look at the DJ boot camp though I have not started it (basicly I'm trying to say that I'm not a complete beginner). I have a unique problem that I couldn't figure...