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  1. C

    Check this b.s out that a girl I knows guy wrote.

    hahahahhahahahahhaahhahahahahhahahahahhahhahhaha! I read that whole thing and the only thoughts giong through my head were "oh god no hahahaha" and "Does he really believe some of what he's saying?!?!" I have to give it to him though if he had a back bone AT ALL he would change a few things...
  2. C

    Buying a woman drinks yay or nay?

    I agree complety. However my confidence was shaken a bit by reading posts where men bought the women drinks much to their own sucess. Go figure.
  3. C

    Buying a woman drinks yay or nay?

    I have always been very much against buying a woman a drink for several reasons (not in any particular order): 1) It sets up a bad relationship from the start as she will get it into that silly little head of hers that if we do go out I'm going to be buying her more and more expensive...
  4. C

    How do you get them to stop calling you a player?

    Ok recently I've been working on my short game with women and generally practicing all my DJ skills and becomeing a better human being. Recently I have gotten complety over the fear of going and talking to hot chicks (Though I'm still lacking in the closing area) and because of this more than...
  5. C

    Dating outside of one's own race...

    Wow I'm actually very suprised at all the positive and thoughtful respones. I would personally have to say that she is raciest. However I did notice that under your name you have not filed in your location and your age. The age doesn't really matter of course it was just an observation...
  6. C

    My boy is going asexual!

    Here's what you do. Explain to him some of the principles of the DJ bible and TELL HIM HOW TO CLOSE. Being that you're on this site I'm sure I have no need how to tell you this. Explain this to your friend. Go to the bars and make sure you have some kind of signal set up so you can take your...
  7. C

    im 16Hrs away from cheating, Am i ?

    Look if she's freaking out all the time over stupid **** just leave her. If she doesn't make you happy and your looking to cheat just leave her. That way you'll be free to fu*k all you want and you won't have to worry about wether or not it's cheating PLUS: SHE'S IN COLORADO! Jesus man come...
  8. C

    Need help with something.

    ok maybe my question should be "How do I talk to all these girls without them watching me talk to these girls and think that I'm a player?"
  9. C

    Need help with something.

    I have a question. My problem seems to be that I'll go out to the bars on my own (no wing man no friends etc. I find it easier to do my thing that way call me weird) and chat up a few girls but the problem that I've always had is working a room. By that I mean staying in one bar talking to a...
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    I love you!!!

    Yeah I know what you mean about the computer thing. I work at an independent video store. When there is no one in the store and nothing to do it can become one hell of a looooooooooong day.
  11. C

    Have a date tonight with a 7.Wish me luck

    Yeah: don't over do it. Review the DJ bible for anything your rusty on and just be yourself. Do this, be confident, and remember the DJ Bible and their is a VERY high chance that everything will go well. Good Luck Don Juan!
  12. C

    I love you!!!

    ... have you been drinking!? (In a very durnk slobery voice) I LOVEISH YOU TO MAN!!!
  13. C

    neg hits question

    Neg hits are little things to make woman feel less special. Make them a little less unique. Nothing mean or bad, you just want to point out an imperfection about them but make it come across as cute. Something to show them that their not perfect but you like them for who they are. In short...
  14. C

    FR: animalcrackers and GodsGiftToWomen: Pickup as it is supposed to be.

    Yes I have a question. This seems to be my problem. I'll go out to the bars on my own (no wing man no friends etc. I find it easier to do my thing that way call me weird) and chat up a few girls but the problem that I've always had is working a room. By that I mean staying in one bar talking...
  15. C

    when a chick is still in love with her ex

    Yeah I think you handeled that well. The only woman you want to pick up that are on the rebound are the ones looking to get back into the game. The one's just looking to **** because it will make them feel desirable. Thouse are the best! :D
  16. C

    complex girl?

    Personally I think you may have lost your chance. You did a good job at first by ignoring her and you pretty much did everything up until that point fairly well. Where you messed up was when you asked her out. I put the empisis on ASKED. Next time you want a woman to come out with you don't...
  17. C

    Just got my first number!

    Hey congrats on the number. Now wait until alteast Wedsday though I personally would wait until Thursday to call her. And when you do call her call around 9:30 to 10:00 p.m. The reason for this being that most woman don't really go out during the week so it will be easier to get a hold of...
  18. C

    Journal Of Approaches While Working in a Club

    The stuff that your posting isn't very detailed so it's hard to give specific advise but I was just wondering if you were useing any Kino or Mental Kino on these girls? I find that since I've started useing Kino it has really upped my personal success rate. Also you might want to try useing...
  19. C

    Where have all the DJ`s Gone

    I have to agree. I feel like I've given more advise than I have recieved. I haven't posted that much but I've been reading and rereading the DJ Bible for close to a year now and practicing what I've learned and trying new things or new variations. I come on to these boreds and I just want to...