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  1. T

    how much is too much money for supplements?

    ive seen nitric oxide boosters that run up to $120cdn for a one month supply. if you combine that with creatine, protein, multivitmains, amino acids, fma, tongkat ali....etc you could easily be going over $200/month
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    Avoiding/defining one-itis

    i have another question on this topic. i met this girl thru a friend. she is amazing. she has every good quality of every girl i have ever met. ive only once gone out with her but i honestly had the most amazing time i have ever had. she is also by far the most amazing girl ive ever...
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    i find that girls arent attracted to one particular style of hair. different styles of hair look good on different guys. i find girls are usually attracted to guys with clean hair, and altogether a good level of personal hygene.
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    Tell me what a DJ would do!

    explain to him clearly that it is offending you and you would like him to stop. make records of everything this kid does to you after that. get some **** on tape and witnesses and whatnot. if he doenst stop now, because he is knowledgable of the effect his actions have on you you should go to...
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    Movie Pick Up

    i went down to the theatre with my buddy once, back when i was all afc he walked up to a bunch of girls he said in his EI accent "hey, what movie are u girls gonna go see?" they said "the hot chick" hes says "hey, i hear thats really good. mayb me and my buddy will come with you" they say...
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    getting expelled (must peep)

    if u do this ull be a hero in my books. i ****in wish i had the balls to do that
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    Attached but Need to Dump Her

    u need to tell urself that she doenst mean anything to you and she was no prize. talk to some other girls. then call her and break up wit her quickly. dont get ur buddy to call her or somethin gay anyhow
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    should I be worried?

    if i were in your position id wait for him to come up to my girlfriend and start flirting with her. then id go up to him then say almost jokingly, "you wanna quit tryin to pick up my girlfriend?". then he'll been on the spot, and he'll know that you dont like appreciate his actions.
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    Get her to open up a bit?

    i find that if you gotta make them want more. u shud try holding her from behind and kissing her neck. then move up her neck to the earlobe, and tickle it with ur tongue. if u tease her and make her feel good, then she'll gradually want more and, depending on her morals, it shud eventually...
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    need some advice

    see. theres this girl i went out with for a while. but she started to say that she really loved and she wanted to be with me forever. i didnt share these feelings, so i guess i started acting like an ******* and eventually i broke up with her. her friend said she took it really hard. this...
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    How to get a girl to fool around spontaneously?

    i suggest u get close to her a couple times. do sum keno ****. and then put ur hand around her neck, slowly fling her hair behind her neck. then look her deep in the eyes. smile. and if she smiles back, go for it. this has worked for me many a time. good luck ;)