Tell me what a DJ would do!


Don Juan
Mar 5, 2004
Reaction score
OK here's a question for all you DJ's in training. I'm at my school on scholarship, and their's this fat Asian boy in my advanced maths class. Anyway this fat Asian kid, has been giving me **** since last year, and I've gotten to the point I don't know what to do. I've never insulted or attacked this guy but he's been at my throat since I've been at the school. Anyway A few weeks ago, he stole my graphics calculator (you know the TI-83's) not because he needed, he lives in a three story house with a squash court, but because he knew it would hurt me and that I don't have much money.

I knew it was him from the first moment, because he is my only enemy, but he denied it. Anyway in a later maths lesson, I was doing some pentrix, but my pen was leaking, and it sprayed all over him. He lost the plot and started swearing in front of the class. Then wrote on a piece of paper, "I have your graphics calculator, suck ****" and crossed it out. I went to the principle, he denied and I lost about $US100 on a calculator he stole. He's been tormenting me about every day since then when no one's around. And this is an example of only one thing he’s done much more then that. But recently that hasn't been enough to him.

Lot's of my friend's have mentioned to me that he approached them and started trying to make them hate me*. What the **** should I do? I know I could beat him in a fight if I wanted to seeing as I'm in the u/18 state rugby team. But I know all that would solve is me being suspended. I know he's started to dis me to lot's of people round the school. What would you do if you we're in my shoes? This is starting to affect my game.

Ciao.. thanks for the advice.

*him was changed to me
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Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
You're on a scholarship, I wouldn't put it at risk for some guy who is starting to attack everyone. There's usually something you don't know about that kinda kid, like one of his family members died, he has some ind of illness, something. He's pissing off everyone so, someone will probably beat the sh!t outta him. He wants attention, don't give it to him!


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
I don't believe that this is a question that is answered by DJ. Frankly, anyone could help you on this. I do think that this kid may have a recent problem but I don't think he should get away with the calculator. Call the police and tell them your school didnt want to help solve this so you called them.
Now, if this makes your scholarship go *poof*, I suggest talking to the guy and getting to know him. I'm serious. Maybe all he lacks... is a friend.


Don Juan
Feb 10, 2004
Reaction score
sometimes u just gotta wup somebodys ass and this sounds like one of those times, if possible do it away from the classroom and better yet off campus. If thats not possible then wup his ass anyway.


Don Juan
Mar 13, 2004
Reaction score
up north
explain to him clearly that it is offending you and you would like him to stop. make records of everything this kid does to you after that. get some **** on tape and witnesses and whatnot. if he doenst stop now, because he is knowledgable of the effect his actions have on you you should go to the police or a lawyer and have him charged with criminal harrasment. and i guess since you live in the states you could round up some nice punitive damages from his rich parents that could maybe even get you through school. this might seem a little drastic, but whatever.


Don Juan
Mar 5, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Microphone Fiend
You're on a scholarship, I wouldn't put it at risk for some guy who is starting to attack everyone. There's usually something you don't know about that kinda kid, like one of his family members died, he has some ind of illness, something. He's pissing off everyone so, someone will probably beat the sh!t outta him. He wants attention, don't give it to him!
Sorry I didn't explain that very well. He's in the same social group as me, and he acts friendly to everyone else. He even acts friendly to me when others are around "Hey man, how's it going" and stuff like that, but when their gone the mask disappears, he doesn't have any other enemies, so no one else is going to beat the **** out of him. None of his family members have died or anything like that, the only other person I've seen him bully is his Mum, but I was talking to someone about it and they said it's pretty common in China with the "one child policy".

Originally posted by LikRetsam
I suggest talking to the guy and getting to know him. I'm serious. Maybe all he lacks... is a friend.
Yeah, sorry about the post being confusing. He has plenty of them, many of them use him though but he's not aware of it.

Originally posted by teedo
get some **** on tape and witnesses and whatnot.

Do you think that this would be enough proof. He may just bull**** his way out of it like when I told the principle before. If he said something like "Oh, I only said that to annoy him" when he was presented with the tape. Would that be enough evidence?

Ciao... Thanks to all for the advice.


Don Juan
Jan 31, 2004
Reaction score
Lot's of my friend's have mentioned to me that he approached them and started trying to make them hate me*.

i got the same problem from this girl that i 'dated' [used very loosly] once and we just stoped talking and all i c now is that shes going around trying to turn all my friends aginst me ALL WHILE trying to look innocent and doing it covertly

my god i dont want to beat the ****ing **** of this girl but its really annoying

she talked sh!t about me wid dis girl that was throwing a party and i didnt get invited and after all dese guys were like how come u werent invited yo, u were her friend...


Don Juan
Jan 5, 2004
Reaction score
your story sounds like a movie or shyt
stand up for yourself


Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
Reaction score
Aurora, CO, USA
I hate to say this , but the best revenge is living well.


Don Juan
Oct 29, 2002
Reaction score
Louisiana... dirty south. No, seriously, it's ****
You're gonna have to confront the kid, buddy. Don't let him pull that "friendly" bull**** on you around your friends. Give him the ol' cold shoulder (make sure he gets frostbite) and tell him to f'uck off and quit being a two-faced bastard if he keeps on you.

As for the calculator, that's bull****. Tell someone about that crap, that is ****in' theft dude, and he could seriously face some kinda charges on that ****.

F'uck him. Tell him to f'uck off.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2003
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY
As in any situation you have a host of options...

1) Kick his ass. Find him one night when hes alone, or when you are in the bathroom @ school. He has a rep for harassing you... just hit yourself in the face (can we say nose bleed?) and then kick the **** out of him and say he attacked you.

2) Tell the truth. "Look, I see it, so does everyone else here - you are insecure about your weight and jealous of me. Its obvious your just trying to cover up your problems by making fun of me... grow up. Your families got money man, so get a membership to <local expensive gym name> and deal with whats bothing you - sitting there twidling your D!ck, trying to hurt my feelings, isn't gonna get you anywhere."

3) Challenge him. "You know <hisname> you talk like your 10 ft tall... Ill tell you what, you come by my house later and we'll have a lil boxing match - it'll be fun <big grin>! With the way you're always talking about me, I'd imagine you're pretty confident you can kick my butt... why don't you back it up? Lets say, five oclock @ my house <address>. Anyone who wants to come watch is more then welcome - see you there <hisname>." Lol... this is my fav... he'll back down. He will probably make up some excuse - supplicate to his excuse. For example:

He stammers - "Hah, I aint goin down to the ghetto, what are ya gonna do, get all your friends to jump me?"
You retort - "Scared of my neighborhood, eh? Yeah, it can be a rough place... where would you like to box, then?"

The object is for him to direcly decline your challenge, making him look like a total *****. All the while remain calm and collected - like your playing a game.

4) The Law. Tell your parents, have them call the cops... after they call the cops call the school and notify them the police have been informed about the insedent, and you are insulted that they didn't handle the matter themselves, and that they failed to provide an enviornment that facilitated learning and safety.

5) My brain hurts, I'm done typing. Ttyl.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
I recommend that you beat the hell out of him, and steal his clothes and leave him naked in public. Then tell him if he doesn't give you back your calculator, the beating will be worse next time. It may be violent, but often bullies will back off immensely if you take action.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2002
Reaction score
Perhaps you should be Firm yet gentle.

Remember he is a human being just like yourself who wants happiness and doesn't want suffering.

With that in mind, you need to clearly establish dominance. People will only get away with what you let them get away with.

I suggest you do the following. Do it as closely as possible to my instructions.

Say "i would like to talk to you." In a calm yet firm voice. You want to be in complete control of yourself. Do not give in to anger. However, you need to be firm. Speak firmly, crisply, and audiably. Think of an ideal parent disicplining a child. The parent does not give in to anger. He firmly tells the child what exactly to do, and he leaves no room for discussion.

Intruct him to look you in the eye. Each time his eyes start to wonder, demand that he place his eyes right back on yours. He will probably say something like "why do you want me to look you in the eye, are you gay, do you have a crush on me." Do not answer any of his questions. You must remain in control of the situation. Respond with "place your eyes back on mine." follow up with "what are you scared of?" "are you scared to look me in the eye." ask him why he is doing certain things. "why are you moving your hand like that, are you nervous."

The point of this is to break him down. Police officers are giving extensive training in this. It requires very little academic intelligence (scholars don't normally become police officers.)

Also, make sure that he is sitting down and that you are standing. This will visually help establish dominance. You need to be talking down to him, and he needs to realize that you are talking down to him.

Stay calm, and continue to ask him questions about himself and the situation. Once you have broken him down, clearly instruct him on what you want him to do. "you will no longer bother me, do you understand that?" Ask him several times if he understands.

With that say something like "good boy."

and walk away.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 19, 2003
Reaction score
Over Yonder
If you beat the hell outta him he can and more than likely will take legal action...afterall from the sounds of it, this fat@$$ would do anything to skrew with you. So you should probally take legal action on him

...but hey I really like TonyTheTigerOI's Idea about challenging him to a boxing match...that's the sh!t :D

I hate bullies...Lucky me I've always been able to deal with them...but you'd think that at that age people would grow up...some people can be dumb@$$es. :mad: