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  1. R

    The Dj Films You Must Watch

    Even the guys on the "Don Juan" site are FALLING IN LOVE with "Leonardo DiCaprio" the PRETTY BOY FAIRY, at least you could have picked a movie with a REAL MAN like "Harrison Ford" "Mel Gibson" or "Brad Pitt" but #### DiCaprio #### what an INSULT, :nono:
  2. R

    The Truth About Women

    Of course woman have sex twice as much as most men do because VAGINA'S are of much greater VALUE than PENISES are, a pretty girl can get SEX off just about every good looking guy she sees thats life, I don't read about any of these girls bragging about their sex life though, I wish you guys...
  3. R

    Jealous Friends

    If you had have tried to pick up a gorgeous girl that I was in the company of that I desired you wouldn't have had a plastic glass thrown at your head it would have been my raging fist, :trouble:
  4. R

    How do you play the game if you're a virgin?

    I read alot of RUBBISH in these threads, girls love to SUCK on a fresh VIRGIN C0CK that has never been used, how would they know if the guy was EXPERIENCED or not anyway, most guys who are VIRGINS don't go around telling the girls they are so they wouldn't know, a guy can tell if a girl is a...
  5. R

    hit a girl?

    It must have made you feel very big getting the respect of a girl for standing up to her like that, I guess it would have been a much different story if it had have been some big tough streetfighter dude who was straight out of prison who had sprayed you with water, :trouble:
  6. R

    And she says, "We're not having sex!"

    If the girl is pretty she doesn't need him for sexual pleasure, as it would be so easy for her to go anywhere and find a hunky guy who is more than willing to give it to her, I'm affraid that when it comes to sex and your girlfriend is gorgeous she is the one with all of the power, as there will...
  7. R

    Your favourite ebooks/products and your fav seduction gurus?

    Let me ask you, how can "John Alexander" and "Jason King" and "Mick Jones" etc be empowered with all of this advice to write these dating books. Most of their knowledge comes from other self help gurus and psychologists like "Dale Carnegie" who wrote "How To Win Friends And Influence People"...
  8. R

    I'm a pvssy

    Going into bars and nightclubs is an utter waste of money and time it is really only a fantasy that people put into your mind that you are ever really going to pick up a gorgeous girl in a place like that. I am a good looking guy about an 8 out of 10 and I have never once in my 20 adult years...
  9. R

    Does anyone on this website have a gf who is HB9+?

    My girlfriend is 22, I am 38, she is an attractive shy brunette, I think I would give her an 8 out of 10 rating for her overall facial and psysical beauty, but she doesn't think of herself as being attractive. She is the type of girl who is pretty enough to have alot of guys chasing her if they...
  10. R

    And she says, "We're not having sex!"

    Do you have to have sex with this girl everyday to prove you are a man, have a wank why don't you, allow the girl the right to choose if she wants to have sex with you or not, you must be a pathetic type of a creature, can't you just enjoy a girls company for a time without having sex, go to a...
  11. R

    This whole c&f only works w/ crazy chicks for me

    Only TRUE IDIOTS try to be ****Y AND FUNNY all of the time, many people on this site seem to be OBSESSED by this but it isn't the REAL KEY to WINNING over the GORGEOUS CHICKS, don't believe everything that you read in dating books. The KEY to WINNING over the GORGEOUS CHICKS is in the way that...
  12. R

    Speak LOUDLY!

    It is always great to read the thread of a very smart man, the voice is the key to getting the gorgeous babes, I speak as loud and as deep and as clear as I possibly can, I had to practise this alot but in time it has become easy for me to do it, I don't worry about trying to be ****y and funny...
  13. R

    Report: Getting Hot religious girl

    If you want to get a gorgeous Christian girl into bed then you are going to have to REPENT of your SINS and ask JESUS to come into your life, or at least pretend to do this, then you can MARRY her and do your own thing I guess, but just remember if she catches you commiting ADULTERY then she is...
  14. R

    Complete lack of game or dating skills

    I have to tell you that everything will get so much better the older that you become. When I was 15 I was a complete Wuss, no pretty girl ever liked me, I hated seeing all of these older cool confident dudes with all of the gorgeous girls, I hated living, I almost suicided, and did much worse...
  15. R

    women "flipping" hair

    If girls like you and desire to be with you they often play with their hair, sometimes they will raise their eyebrows at you if they want to be with you as well, if these two things happen then you should just go for it because they definately like you. I will tell you something else that...
  16. R

    how do i make her not feel like a slut

    ****y and Funny, you have been reading too much of "Mick Jones" I think. The easiest way to stop her feeling like a SLUT is simple, stop having sexual relations with her, she obviously doesn't want it, but she probably feels that she has to have sex to be accepted, it is a VERY SAD situation.:(
  17. R

    Short or Long Hair?

    If you were to ask my best schoolboy buddies dad, Brian, this question he would look you straight between the eyes and say, "Son if you are a REAL MAN then get your HAIR CUT, only FAIRIES grow their HAIR LONG", but long before that their was a Biblical charachter named, Samson, he was VERY...
  18. R

    Looks are more important than you think! Merged [Official thread]

    I know a man personally who is short bald and a tad overweight as well and he attracts many gorgeous young babes, the only problem for him is me, we are friends, but as I am better looking and just as confident as he is himself I can often snatch his girls away from him, he hates this as you...
  19. R

    By a woman, about women

    This is an unusual topic but one that has two vastly different sides to it. Firstly the thing that most attractive woman hate more than anything else is a guy who is or comes accross as being a Wuss, but their Second hate is guys who belt them around and are too aggressive and try to dominate...
  20. R

    The W8nk Fast

    I am a reasonably good looking 38 year old man, I masturbate twice a day everyday and I have been doing so ever since I was only 12 years of age. I love to engage in sexual pleasures with gorgeous babes which I do on a very regular basis, but I love my masturbation fantasies and I am never...