How do you play the game if you're a virgin?

jack knife

Don Juan
May 24, 2006
Reaction score
Here's the deal.

I have this guy friend. He is a virgin. I want to be able to hang out with him and meet girls and all that that during the summer, but I don't know how I can help get him meet girls and get laid if he hasn't done it before. He's 20, and not bad looking, so I want to help him out if I can.



Mar 19, 2006
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are you sure this "friend" isnt you??

Play it the same exact way..... and it will happen.

Rebound Material

Master Don Juan
May 13, 2006
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What i've learned from past experiences is that revealing that you are a virgin to girls TOTALLY brings down your credibility as a guy thus turning girls off. GIRLS WANT GUYS WITH EXPERIENCE. I've heard alot of chicks claiming that they liked it if a guy was a virgin, but what they really mean is that they like him in a PLATONIC(non-sexual) manner. From that I learned not to listen to BS ass media for example "40 year old virgin".

If you're going to reveal that you are a virgin to a girl, make sure that your at least are in a relationship with her first so that she already established feelings for you making it OK for her. Also, if they don't ask, DON'T SAY. And if they do ask about your past sexual experiences, say something like "...Id rather not talk about it." with a smirk/grin in a tone which makes it seem like you're experienced. Decieve her, don't lie(im not a big fan of telling BS). People know when they're fcuking a virgin so at least when they find out you can tell them that you didn't lie to them about it.

This is all from experience and its worked for me.

"Fake it until you make it."
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Master Don Juan
May 29, 2006
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DasaniWater said:
are you sure this "friend" isnt you??

Play it the same exact way..... and it will happen.
That's what I thought too. I think it's f*cking lame a guy can't come out and say "I have a problem."


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2006
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Dude let me tell you a story,i first drove a manual car at 16.Since 13 though i had learned alot about driving,shifting gears etc and i was confident that i "knew" how to drive,when the time came to drive of course i wasn't the avid driver i thought but noone suspected it was my first time driving a manual car.

Knowledge alone cannot give you experience but you will not look like you have a complete lack of it.


Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
I read alot of RUBBISH in these threads, girls love to SUCK on a fresh VIRGIN C0CK that has never been used, how would they know if the guy was EXPERIENCED or not anyway, most guys who are VIRGINS don't go around telling the girls they are so they wouldn't know, a guy can tell if a girl is a VIRGIN but it is impossible for a girl to tell if a guy is, as blood doesn't explode out of a VIRGINS C0CK, :nono:

jack knife

Don Juan
May 24, 2006
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DasaniWater said:
are you sure this "friend" isnt you??

Play it the same exact way..... and it will happen.
I'm positive it isn't me.

Hitman10000 said:
That's what I thought too. I think it's f*cking lame a guy can't come out and say "I have a problem."
I have plenty of problems. Virginity isn't one of them.


Don Juan
Nov 22, 2005
Reaction score
6 months ago i was in the same situation. tell him to read the bible, and get on one of the websites such as myspace or similar. get it over and done with - shag a couple of girls then go out with all his new found confidence and try it for real. at 20-something its very intimidating to be trying to chat up women whilst being a virgin at the same time. use the internet, get it over and done with! but after that get away from the net cos it isnt the real world.

i did this, realised it wasnt such a big deal, deleted my user accounts on the couple of sites i'd been on and went out doing it for real and it works!!

i know i'm gonna get replies telling me why i'm wrong but hey it worked for me and got me over what had been the biggest hurdle in my life without any embarrassment and self doubt. i'm now onto a different problem which i'm going to post in a seperate thread in a minute.

edited to add: don't forget that your friend is probably very self conscious of chatting up women when out with friends who know he is a virgin. if he thinks everyone he's out with is watching him out of the corner of their eyes then it will affect his confidence. not only is the target judging him but also all his friends. i reckon a month on myspace get it over and done with then go out with all the new found confidence that comes with not being a virgin.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
Reaction score
Girls can tell if a guy is a virgin if they are smart, experienced and not drunk. When you have plenty of experience with people from the opposite sex, you can just read these things. Not saying I do, but I know a few players (male and female) and they can just read people in seconds and they are very rarely wrong.

Some girls also like to take a guy's virginity too, it allows them to be in control and that can be quite a thrill for them.

Not all girls obviously but this applies to some real player girls.

As for advice, if you're a player then I'm sure he's hoping that you do all the work the first few times out and go after "not that hot" girls so both of you score. This will increase his confidence and that's all he requires. If you're not that great either then I don't know - it's a bit of the blind leading the blind.

When I was younger I stayed away from "not that hot" girls because I would feel like if I scored with them then that said something about me but that's bollocks, the truth is, you need to start somewhere and you have to learn to walk before you can run. Without experience you have no hope with hot girls.