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  1. Z

    I'm 6'10"

    Yeah. I forgot to add I'm 6'10" and 170 lbs which makes me look like 10 feet tall. what can I do, eating doesn't gain me weight.
  2. Z

    I'm 6'10"

    I feel like chicks are always looking at my height rather than my good looks. I'm too tall. I'd rather be 5'8" than 6'10". everywhere I go people stare.
  3. Z

    How many of You cheat in LTR ?

    You're a loser. Being a Don Juan is about becoming a better person, finding your confidence and meeting woman. Not cheating on them.
  4. Z

    Calling All Pussies...Let's Get Out There!

    I think he's saying it's too simple. I could be wrong though.
  5. Z

    this girl at work

    lol, that's my point. You're telling a woman you have nothing to do on New Years and are so bored out of your mind you want to work. She was probably wondering why you weren't going out with your friends drinking, or doing something. New Years is a pretty big holiday to not be doing nothing on...
  6. Z

    Good looking + confident = arrogance?

    I've been told by family members, friends, girls, etc. that I'm very good looking. I'm not bragging, honestly. Why I made this post is because I'm pissed off. I'm a very confident person. I actually am not ****y, at ALL. I have great conversational skills, am outgoing, and love to meet new...
  7. Z

    this girl at work

    Oh sh1t. You told a girl you REQUESTED to WORK because you had no plans?? Major no-no.
  8. Z

    this girl at work

    This text she sent you - was this in response to one of yours, or was it out of the blue?
  9. Z

    Im drunk....

    Contrary to popular belief, I see being drunk as a great opportunity to say whatever you want. Woman know you're not in a clear frame of mind and whatever you say doesn't really mean all that much because you're drunk. So, if you were to say something really heavy about your interest in her...
  10. Z

    Whats going on?

    So far, so good. Now it's time for a little sexual tension. Do NOT call her, do NOT make any further contact with her until she does so with you.
  11. Z

    I'm losing it.

    I see this as a sign of insecurity. Complimenting all the time, calling too often, etc. Subconciously you feel like you're always going to lose her unless you do these things. I would put an end to it quickly. Chicks dig guys who are confident and don't need to call them every 5 minutes to see...
  12. Z

    asking why a girl likes you?

    well, personally... I wouldn't want a girl to ask me why I like her. To me that shows insecurity. I wouldn't do it.
  13. Z

    Woman want "Dark and handsome"??

    I get the handsome part, but what does the "Dark" part mean? Do they mean dark as in black skin or what? lol I know it sounds like a stupid question and I've heard woman say they like "dark and handsome" but what exactly does it mean? thanks
  14. Z

    Grass is always greener on the other side?

    I've heard this in reference to relationships, and just wanted to ask you guys what it meant. Thanks.
  15. Z

    FR: HB 9.5 Approach in Starbucks

    If he would have said that, that probably would have ruined everything. I swear you people act like this is a James Bond movie - it doesn't work this way in real life. You say that to a woman when you first meet her, she's gonna think you're a total @$$hole. What he said was to her was...
  16. Z

    Hairy Ass!!!!

    That happens to everyone, you stretched p*ssy.
  17. Z

    Stubble or Clean Shaven

    I've got a goatee, but not one of those gay ones that connects and has a mustache. Just on the chin.
  18. Z

    how can i b alpha male

    Shave your ass hair.
  19. Z

    Hairy Ass!!!!

    If you got a hairy ass like me, whatever you do - DO NOT - I repeat DO NOT shave it. It will feel like a CACTUS CRAWLED UP YOUR ASS FOR A WEEK. Leave the ole grundle just the way it is for Christ Sake.