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  1. D

    UK Crime

    WTF! Considering most of our population lives in concentrated areas on the eastern seaboard, that is pretty bad logic. You don't think people are armed here? Just check with your nearest Aussie farmer, and see what he has in his gun closet!! :D
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    UK Crime

    That table is right I reckon. "Victim of crime" can be any crime at all. I was physically assaulted when I was a school kid...just me and me little sister riding our bikes, and we got a kick in the head each and sand thrown in our eyes. Got attempted mugged before, bike stolen, other various...
  3. D

    Good tip for teasing girls online

    This right here is what you should be listening to. Read the Bible, and you will see why IM, MSN etc can be bad for macking chicks!!! If she asks you "what are you doing?" and you've been on IM for 4 can't exactly say your "Busy doing homework, working out at the gym, walking the...
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    You gotta have interest first...

    I gotta do this quick, I need to go to work. But guys, you can read all the articles on here or anywhere for that matter about dating...but it won't really help unless the girl had interest in you in the first place. Since joining here, I have learnt so much. One thing I have noticed is...
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    Chicks who smoke pot

    Bingo! You: "My dog got hit my a car today. He died". Pothead Girlfriend: "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Did it look trippy?" Well...a little ebellished...but ya know... PS: I have differing opinions of weed now. I think it is a generally degrading substance to take. Most folks who take it...
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    This place has gone to Sh1t.

    Although I found that funny, are you an imitation diplomatic_lies?
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    This place has gone to Sh1t.

    Where did I say women were the enemy?? Quote where you reckon I said that. Why would I be here if I thought women were the enemy. And I do like this site, I came back the read the untained articles. A bit of a refresher course you might say. This place helped me gang, and it hurts me a...
  8. D

    This place has gone to Sh1t.

    Man, this place has turned into Queer Eye since my last visit. What's with the women giving tips??? They trickin' you guys. hahaha! ****, there are still good articles though. Don't see many names from the last time I logged in. Its good to stay on this site reading, gathering ya tips and...
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    John Titor: Fraud or Time Traveler?

    WHY DID PEOPLE EVEN QUESTION THIS PERSON??? HOW STUPID CAN YOU BE???? TRAVELLING BACK IN TIME???? COME ON!!!!! How can you possibly travel back to a time that has already occured. It is the biggest load of Sh1t I have read in a long time. In fact, it provides me with light entertainment...
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    No marriage

    I dunno if this is the right place for this, so move it if it isn't. Came across this site a few months back now... This site is a bit of an eye opener, and I accept that it can't be right for every situation...but this is what I picture Marriage to be like. What...
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    Pet Peeves About Women...

    Here here!! That gives me the friggin' S hitts!! :mad:
  12. D

    Sammo Transformed - Week 1

    I've been away for a Here i am. what Sammo says is right to a degree, but modify it to your own program. Some people here can't run up the biggest hill in their town. Different People, different strokes! But Sammo, you're a good guy...i like you're enthusiasm!
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    Cell phone Text messages

    I agree with the above. The jokes are very good I think, but I don't think they would work in the form of SMS. The jokes made me laugh!:p
  14. D

    i cant get girls to buy me anything..

    Wow, that post really put me at ease for some reason. I don't know, but a girl had never bought me a gift before until today. (This is the biggest coincedence, this topic being here) She went overseas and bought me a really cool and thoughtful gift. And that post from Oddtech really made...
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    Desperation as seen from the other side

    This topic couldn't have come at a better time for me! I need some advice if you guys can give me out PLEASE and tell me (I doubt it) if this can be repaired. I gave my e-mail to this girl after a few instances where we would bump into each other at school etc. Right from the...
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    The number of life

    YEP! Totally dude! I was reading you're account of the thoughts that run through your mind when you are just about to dial that number, that is exactly how I feel and probably a lot of other guys. But when the its ringing.......ringing.....ringing.....then..."Hello?" it all pays off. It feels...
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    Finding an HB virgin

    This means that the girl got the pointy end of a key, and scratched up the guy's BMW car... Wow, reading this really makes me wanna seize the day and get me a virgin. :D Cheers fellas.
  18. D

    The Art of Tickling

    I agree with the kneecap one as well! This is weird, somehow is doesn't work when you do it on yourself, as said above. But the kneecap one is good if you get it right.