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  1. D

    argh im such an afc

    Dude! What the heck? Why didn't you just say yes, and go watch the freakin' movie?? What could be so hard about that? By the way, Nemo is a good movie. :D Even for a kiddy one...
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    Phone Priming Help...

    I know this thread is getting a little long winded, but is that the right way to go rich? I was going to e-mail some results from school that I am getting for her next week, (as we were in a class together) but should I wait for the e-mail definately????? The plan was that I would give the...
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    Overheard Chick Conversation: Explains Drama Boyfriend

    Is there anything the Simpsons hasn't covered... :D I remember that episode, and it is true. That is how women think, they do need a little "Action" in their lives.
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    Phone Priming Help...

    Nah, I may sound a little AFC- but definately no ONEITIS here. I got two numbers since she left, and took action on one of those. Definately not oneitis, that's one thing I learned NOT to do here. Thanks for the advice about the e-mails though. I'll hold off the e-mail until next week...
  5. D

    whats the importance of school?

    I hear you about the drinking thing. I just finished high school, a few days ago in fact, and drinking is a huge problem for some kids. Even my a few of my old friends (old meaning, I don't hang out with them anymore due to excess drinking and drug use) did not make it through the last two years...
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    sick of sh*t

    Sex is definately not bad! I believe this to be an American thing. I hope I don't sound racist, but you guys consider an extremely violent movie less offensive than a movie about a passionate love affair with heavy sexual scenes/references. Sex and showing showing passion toward the opposite...
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    Phone Priming Help...

    Wow, that went well. I didn't even have to ask for a date! She told me that she really wants to see me when she returns. BOO YAH! do we e-mail flirt.... :D KIDDING!
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    Phone Priming Help...

    Hey man. Thanks a lot for the reply. I've been holding out for some advice. Thankyou for your opinion keep em' coming if you can be bothered, but I am calling her tonight in an hour or so...
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    Phone Priming Help...

  10. D

    my friends girl tried to kiss me last night

    Sounds like she likes you man...;)
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    Phone Priming Help...

    This is a kind of call for advice on what to do with an interest of mine that is going abroad for a over a month very soon. (Like not tomorrow but the next day!) Okay. I’ve known this chick for a while. She is really great, feisty, good looking cute, intelligent. I’ve been slowly putting the...
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    what do you think about sex

    I like that. I give that statement a big thumbs UP! It is exactly true. Sex is good I say, anyhow!
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    krazy happenings...youll probably enjoy so READ!

    Hooooo ahhhh! :eek: Jesus, talk about tension! Just give her a call dude, it isn't that hard. But watch out! Beware! You mentioned the ol' BF sitting behind you? How loud did the girl say "We should go out sometime?" ? Cos' this could be a case of "I'll show my old BF that I don''t need...
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    Bold or Rude? Where is the line drawn?

    This chick I know and am pursuing kept yabbering on about "That girl over there with blonde hair and great body. What is so special about her?" I replied smugly "Get over it!" And she turned to me and said, "That was very rude". But then later on she seemed more attracted to me. Sometimes...
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    ******** Hint or Nothing

    I think he is trying to say that the boyfriend was BORING hence BOREfriend. (a joke I presume :rolleyes: ) But yes, you are over analysing the situation. Go for it or Next her.
  16. D

    Your girl and your friends...a discussion

    Don't know the kind of chicks you bone, but they like sound filthy *****bags. USE A FREAKIN' CONDOM YOU IDIOT!
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    Your girl and your friends...a discussion

    Drinkin beer, hangin' out at the pool hall... $20.50 Being in the company of a lovely lady, and fukkin her silly...PRICELESS. Fukk Bro's before Hoes!
  18. D

    Total Shocker to My System

    Wow- Puberty is a great thing isn't it? You have a bad case of the "Who careszees" there mister! Thing positive at everything in life, and you will be a better person for it. Sure, everything seems really gay at this point in your life- but get over it. Chalk it up to the raging hormones...
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    Why Women Mention Other Men Even IF They Are Interested in You!

    This post Help's a Newbie This post has been very rewarding and enlightening for me, a new Don Juan "student". I am currently in a situation that can be related to this. Simply: Met great girl in class start of year, "kino" and eye contact (I didn't even know this method, and was using it...