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  1. R

    Dumb bit ch won't put out.

    a hooker
  2. R

    Help the Inexperienced Guy out!

    i prefer to avoid movies as a first date(not too much talking/gettin to know her). i would go for something more activity oriented that you can easily get a conversation going(mini-golf, bowling, pool hall, coffee shop, etc)
  3. R

    All you seniors dating Freshmen!

    not that i perticulary agree with seniors getting with freshman, but it seems like you're alittle jealous (kinda like you're a sophmore or junior who has had chicks snagged out from under you by a senior):rolleyes:
  4. R

    Taking Control

    you have to step it up, be more comanding in your actions
  5. R

    GirlFriends Playing a joke on us.

    ask her if she wants to have a threesome with you and gfB
  6. R

    That's it, I'm tired of being a loser.

    no, he means learn yourself before you try to get to know a girl. Be sure to know who you are, be comforatable with that or improve yourself to a level you are happy with and are confident in yourself. Once you are confident in yourself, girls WILL see that and WILL react better to you (same...
  7. R

    issue in class then getting #

    call her up ask her how her day was, ask some questions (as much as feels good), and tell her you want to get together. once you have the details, say good bye and hang up, done deal.
  8. R

    i need help with coach's daughter

    maybe cause you want to get to know her?