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  1. R

    i must be growing...most self-important girl in the world...

    it was more win-win than anything.... Let me clarify since it doesn't look i was clear.... this girl followed me. halfway through one of her monologues i excused myself to go to the restroom and went up to a girl and guy i know and told them. "see that chick over there?" "yeah?"...
  2. R

    i must be growing...most self-important girl in the world...

    I must be growing. Friday at a nightclub I was talking to some girl in silly shoes with a d-cup and she was telling me all about her business plan that she had for getting her business going. Well she talks about this awhile, doesn't ask me questions about me and sometimes repeats...
  3. R

    instructor knows me and

    maybe i will try that, binh. long as girls dont' think i'm that dude who asks everyone and the janitor's mother out.... snoopy, i'll consider what you're saying on the competition tip. Ok. But i just call 'em nakeula (as in naked) and bustula (bust) just to keep 'em straight in my head...
  4. R

    instructor knows me and

    Thanks, Snoopy! Never thought of this Domino Theory of Building Attraction that you propose....make the ug 4's like you so the 5's will so the 6's will so the 7's will so the 8's, etc etc. i'll have to think about that one....thanks again. out, 66
  5. R

    instructor knows me and

    Serious. How do girls decide if you're joe womanizer/playa or not? anyone know? 66
  6. R

    instructor knows me and

    yeah i'm trying to avoid the reputation of playa by not hitting on anything and everyone......the ladies seem to put you on their sexual spam list if you do... the one i like more is on vacation sunning her breasts at home with her family.... On the other hand, Bustula has big boobs and...
  7. R

    instructor knows me and

    thank you-thank you-thank you!!! don't know what i'll do with Nakula and Bustula but at least now i got some idea of what the options are.... not sure if can keep Bustula away from instructor, but oh well.... 66
  8. R

    instructor knows me and

    Been reading dj bible, don't see this one, so i'm asking. Got this girl (let's call her Nakula) who's interested in me, i think. Started sitting next to me, talking before our yoga class starts, giving good eye contact etc......(i'm sparing you the details) Well the female instructor...
  9. R

    anyone else experience deja vu when watching "The Hulk"

    I think the one guy who told you about how some people are happy anywhere, had it right. I lived in Texas and we used to go Austin all the time & enjoyed it. There's also dance clubs and other places. Coffeehouses. Also, you can hike in the hill country outside and there are all...
  10. R

    Chicks getting in my face in the club

    don't let it get you down. i've had some bow-wows pull that manuever on me and they were gaggingly ugly. we're not talking beer goggles. we're talking beer blindness. The only thing i can think is they are trying to create some interest where it doesn't exist. how sad that ladies like...
  11. R

    I need an opinion on this guys (not long!)

    Don't drag it out. If you want to do her, then take the first step towards 'doing' her (i.e. getting the number). Now this may not pan out, but it sounds like you have a life outside this chick, so you shouldn't be so worried. Anyway, it's not like it's a marriage proposal or...
  12. R

    She's asking for a "loan"...

    She's testing you in a sex for money ploy. Only kind of loan she should ask for is, "um, uh, obbidex, will you loan me man-meat for my mouth? I'm all out of lollipops." After banging her a few times, if she persists, then you can 'loan' her your boot against her behind when you kick her...
  13. R

    religion and the ladies...

    Long time ago... I dated other religious chick. I misplaced my backbone in those days. So when she said let's go to church, I went. But all i did was look at girls in sunday clothes and fantasize of doing them. (I hid my desires, laid hymn book on lap). When services ended my gf...
  14. R

    religion and the ladies...

    Oh my God! (not blaspheming, I swear) Guys...these replies are pretty intelligent. I'm going to reread some of them and post a reply-the quality of the replies demands a rereading.... ...but I'll tell you. Never been the big bad atheist who insults beliefs. I think it's cool to have...
  15. R

    why do girls have this stupid idea about sex being better with jerks?

    Didn't mean to offend you on legibility issue. First, as to your question, whether the girl sees the closet, the magazines and the lotion or not-IT'S WHAT THEY THINK. It's perception. Girls DON'T NEED evidence, it's about feelings with them. Their feelings are what decide whether...
  16. R

    The worst AFC song ever!

    a song whose music i like very much is also an afc gagfest..................... butterfly by crazy town in essence i don't deserve you and all that la-di-da the clouds parted with a vision of you.... scary how they sneak it in behind the beats. route 66
  17. R

    religion and the ladies...

    Last gf I had got bothered by my atheism (though I never tried changing her into one). I just never wanted to go to church with her in the future if we should marry. Now we had other problems.... but lately when I ask dudes where they look for honeys, some mention getting involved at...
  18. R

    why do girls have this stupid idea about sex being better with jerks?

    Lose the Prince-style spellings in your posts. They make it hard to read if you have an education. To answer you, power (even a jerk's) is a turn-on for the chicks. No girl is excited by some foot-massage giving, chick-flick watching fool. (I've given massages, but you guys know what I...