anyone else experience deja vu when watching "The Hulk"


Don Juan
Mar 7, 2003
Reaction score
Austin, TX (it sucks)
I saw the movie about 2 weeks ago and felt deja vu during many of the scenes. Like me, Bruce can't get the girl. He's stuck doing research for a college and has to spend all of his time around a woman who he wants but can't have. I'm working on my Kinesiology (sports training) degree and I spend alot of my time with beautiful women. There's nothing worse than measuring, pinching, poking, and prodding the hottest chicks in school and then having them act as if your invisible the next day.

Bruce has some family probs. His Dad killed his Mom and had some probs of his own. While my Dad didn't kill my Mom, things were pretty abusive when I was younger. Although Bruce and I try to avoid being like our fathers, we're bnoth worse than them in a way.

When I was kid I got picked on for being the runt. Adults did nothing. Then I got bigger and still got picked on. The adults laughed. Then I became self aware and used my new strength to my advantage. Then the adults blamed me for defending myself. I later developed an anger problem. Once when I was attacked by eight kids and corned, I had a black out and when I came to, two were laying down. The rest were running. When they got a safe distance away, one who was crying lifted up his shirt. On his stomach was a large red welt in the hape of my shoe. Things like this happened every now and then until I was 15. Then people figured out that it wasn;t worth the trouble.

The scene that jumped out at me was when Bruce was standing in front of his bathroom mirror. He see the Hulk reach out from the other side and grab him. I stand in the mirror after a shower and think to myself. This is usually when those self critical thoughts run through my mind. It was something that began when I used to be into bodybuilding and would inspect my progress. I'm no longer into bodybuilding, but now thoughts like "you f-ing afc" run through my mind.

Anyone else experience anything like this?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
Well anger is one of the motivators to become a DJ. However being a boxer and sword fighter and now a DJ I would point out that anger is not enough reason alone to get in physical confrontation. In fighting it makes you reckless with too much. Its one thing to stand up for yourself but if your fighting physically it best be to defend yourself or others. We all have self doubt at assorted parts of the day. Its not if we have them or not, but rather how we deal with them;)

Ninja Dude

Senior Don Juan
Jun 11, 2003
Reaction score
Another plane of existence
Anger is the great cleanser of bad habits. Embrace that anger but transmute it into constructive sh!t, like making yourself a better person and not taking bullsh!t from anyone. I haven't seen that movie but am a huge Stan Lee fan and will definitely check it out this weekend!


Don Juan
Mar 7, 2003
Reaction score
Austin, TX (it sucks)
I took martial arts and it helped for a while but I feel the anger startig to surface again. I have this one man hating chick hinging on everyword I say. She's out to prove she's not a man hater by shifting the blame and making me a woman hater. At first my friends thought I was paranoid, but now they're like "damn". I've had chicks who've actively tried to ruin my rep because I said they weren't worth having, but this chick takes it to a whole new level. She's defective.

She's what we call a "breeder". Her main goal in life is to get married and have kids. She thinks she has other goal but she never pursues them so they don't relaly matter. SHe's dating my friend whichis why she's on guard. She's been after me ever since I laughed at her for dating her ex boyfriend who's considered a sellout by the guys. He'll do anything to make himself look good for a female. Picture a house negro back in the days of slavery. That's him. She later lost interest in him but since I was the one who brought her back to reality, she's been after me.

Her views on relationships are so messed up. So I have her making problems in my social life, probs in college, and financial probs. This is why the "beast" is starting to surface.


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2003
Reaction score
bruce did get the girl man.....that girl cared about him a lot. I think the plot of hulk growing up was suppose to relate to society, thats why everyone can relate so much to it. I sure can.....eventhough its just a movie i see how it can be similiar to other peoples lives.

Why did you stop body building? Body building is that best thing that has even happened to me. I can't live without it.....besides looking good it gives you a healthy activity to be apart of. I have made so many connections because of the gym and lifting weights.


Don Juan
Mar 7, 2003
Reaction score
Austin, TX (it sucks)
Originally posted by Legend
bruce did get the girl man.....that girl cared about him a lot. I think the plot of hulk growing up was suppose to relate to society, thats why everyone can relate so much to it. I sure can.....eventhough its just a movie i see how it can be similiar to other peoples lives.

Why did you stop body building? Body building is that best thing that has even happened to me. I can't live without it.....besides looking good it gives you a healthy activity to be apart of. I have made so many connections because of the gym and lifting weights.
I just don't like being big anymore. I'd give a million bucks to be average size again. I still exercise, but now I set performance goals and not visual ones.


Don Juan
Sep 18, 2002
Reaction score
hello, are you stupid?
You are standing there pinching and measuring the hottest chicks? GREAT! Who says you can't have them? Start conversations, use C&F, kino shouldn't be a problem too. How can you let ALL these opportunities go by and then complain they pretend they dont see you the next day?


Don Juan
Mar 7, 2003
Reaction score
Austin, TX (it sucks)
Originally posted by mystik
hello, are you stupid?
You are standing there pinching and measuring the hottest chicks? GREAT! Who says you can't have them? Start conversations, use C&F, kino shouldn't be a problem too. How can you let ALL these opportunities go by and then complain they pretend they dont see you the next day?
First of all, you can't do anything witht he chicks you're working with because if you create the slightest bit of discomfort, that's your butt. I got grilled for taing too long with a chick I wasn't even attracted to. 2nd Kino = bullsh t . It has never worked for me or anyone else I know of. My friend who we call the Pied Piper has had no success with it.

All the class is is an oportunity to make yourself noticed. Other than that, there are no opportunities in the class but it's still every bit as frustrating. It's even worse in the gym where you do have an actual opportunity, but can't take it because you have to focus all of your attention on a client that you're training. My grade comes fromtheir evaluation. You also have teacher assistants showing up at random.


Don Juan
Mar 7, 2003
Reaction score
Austin, TX (it sucks)
damn, i woke up angry this morning. now i have try to be all rosey because i have to train a client in a couple hours. it's so hard no to be a drill instructor when so many things in your life are going wrong.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 28, 2002
Reaction score
I know this seems kinda OT, but I think your mindset needs a little work. Think positively, no one likes being around a downer. First of all Austin does not suck, you suck :p

I really hate how some people complain about how wherever they are living sucks and wish they lived somewhere else. You ever notice the people that are happy wherever they are? They are able to make the most out of everything because of their mindset.

You see, changing your environment may or may not make you happier, but that's only a temporary solution to a long term problem, the real problem being your attitude.


BTW, how big were you? If you didn't take steroids I imagine you weren't very big. And when you say you were big do you mean you had lots of muscle but also fat? Being big is great, if you are cut as well. Helps your confidence, health, makes you feel better (the testosterone) etc.

I think it is possible that again you are attributing something to your problems, when, like I said the problem is your attitude and mindset.

Oh yea, you better check this out too :), as well as the links above.

Change comes from within, you morons!

Anyway, whether you want to help yourself is up to you (your the only person who can!). But eventually a MAN will have to step up to his problems and fix them.


Master Don Juan
Jul 25, 2002
Reaction score
Well, haven't seen it yet, but I have been a small guy all my life. Born 3lbs 13oz, and even had to take HGH (injections) to grow. Used to always get made fun of in school for being short. Now even though it wasn't hate jokes, everyone knew me for my size, it always kept on going even till high school.

I used bodybuilding to help me personally, as well as drumming for anger control. Now I am not angry all the time, but when I do get angry I pound the sh*t out of the drums. I have played over 11yrs, and found at one point in life it is a good stress reliever. Shure there are days when you get so depressed you fell like its the end of the world, but the days you can drum, you just feel like you are invincible after you play a few min. You say.... Damn i'm good, sweat a tad, drop your sticks at the end and walk off like your some kind of monster.

Last few days I have been really upset but when I went out last night I didn't even think about it. I was funny with the ladies, they were funny back, and I was in a good mood all night, and even went to bed with a smile on my face cause I had a blast last night. Even Kareoked to Ice Ice Baby after my Long Island Ice Tea.

But I hear you about the getting picked on and that stuff. Being a guy and 4'7 when you enter high school is hell. I'm 5'5 thanks to Growth Hormone, but when your faced with situations like that in life you do the best you can. At times too your self confidence goes down, and you have to work on that too. Even when you get older.


Don Juan
Jul 4, 2003
Reaction score
The major parallel I have with the Hulk is that I too used to flip out when angry occasionally. When I was younger, I'd play off any bull**** I got from people and pretend like it didn't matter. After a little while, I got really good at this and it seemed like it really doesn't matter. But occasionally, I'd get really frustrated or angry and whig out.

Luckily, I played football all the way through high school and middle school, and that's where it usually would manifest itself. After all, you're supposed to beat the snot out of people in football, and they're expecting it. When I flipped out, I'd start hyper-ventilating, wouldn't be able to stand still, and wouldn't be able to think. The next few minutes would just flash by until I calmed down, at which point I'd think how good that felt but what an ass I was.

I also picked up critiqueing myself in the mirror from bodybuilding. I think that's pretty harmless; everyone needs to kick themselves in the pants occasionally.

And, no, Austin does NOT suck. If you ever need to be reminded of this, drive an hour south to San Antonio. Now there's a city that sucks.


Don Juan
Mar 7, 2003
Reaction score
Austin, TX (it sucks)
Originally posted by jive
I know this seems kinda OT, but I think your mindset needs a little work. Think positively, no one likes being around a downer. First of all Austin does not suck, you suck :p

I really hate how some people complain about how wherever they are living sucks and wish they lived somewhere else. You ever notice the people that are happy wherever they are? They are able to make the most out of everything because of their mindset.

You see, changing your environment may or may not make you happier, but that's only a temporary solution to a long term problem, the real problem being your attitude.


BTW, how big were you? If you didn't take steroids I imagine you weren't very big. And when you say you were big do you mean you had lots of muscle but also fat? Being big is great, if you are cut as well. Helps your confidence, health, makes you feel better (the testosterone) etc.

I think it is possible that again you are attributing something to your problems, when, like I said the problem is your attitude and mindset.

Oh yea, you better check this out too :), as well as the links above.

Change comes from within, you morons!

Anyway, whether you want to help yourself is up to you (your the only person who can!). But eventually a MAN will have to step up to his problems and fix them.
austin does suck. the cost of living is insane. all of the entertainment is geared towards rock or country music. movies cost too much. there is almost no middle class. there are just haves and have nots.


Don Juan
May 26, 2003
Reaction score
I think the one guy who told you about how some people are happy anywhere, had it right.

I lived in Texas and we used to go Austin all the time & enjoyed it.

There's also dance clubs and other places. Coffeehouses.

Also, you can hike in the hill country outside and there are all kinds of fun freaky college type things to do since Austin is like the lone star state's san francisco.

I know about anger, too. Also, my father was an abusive drunk who beat one of my siblings unconscious and after awhile, you gotta let it go or else it will haunt you.

I have great anger, but I've since learned to manage it (it's still there).

You got all the tools to make yourself happy right now.

Concentrate on that. Happy. The same processes that go into spoiling your mood can also boost your mood.

It's the same mind, after all.

peace to you

rte 66


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Keesler AFB, Mississippi
Originally posted by regulus
2nd Kino = bullsh t . It has never worked for me or anyone else I know of. My friend who we call the Pied Piper has had no success with it.
Then you and your friends probably suck at using kino. If where you live sucks so bad, move. Or go to other cities to have a good time. Austin has to have some suburbs.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 28, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by regulus
austin does suck. the cost of living is insane. all of the entertainment is geared towards rock or country music. movies cost too much. there is almost no middle class. there are just haves and have nots.
Whatever dude. There are worse places. I like living here, but like I said, this is not so much about where you live, it's more about YOU.

If you don't want to be helped, that's cool. Your life, not mine.

And about the kino being bs - there has to have been some attraction in the first place. Kino increases attraction. That is exactly why you work on yourself first before the techniques.


Don Juan
Mar 7, 2003
Reaction score
Austin, TX (it sucks)
Originally posted by DJ IronGirevik
Austin has to have some suburbs.
not really. there are nearby towns that almost exclusively suburbs. it's where those who can't afford penthouses go to get away from austin. never heard of white flight? Most of my teachers live 30 miles south in San Marcos, or 15 miles north in ROund Rock or Pflugerville. Some live even farther away.