why do girls have this stupid idea about sex being better with jerks?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2001
Reaction score
I was just thinking, girls like to have sex with the jerks and somehow a lot of them think that jerks are better at sex than nice guys. but thats completely contradictory -
if the jerk only cares about pleasing himself and the nice guy cares about pleasing the woman, who do u think will give the woman the most pleasure. I believe the nice guy.
the nice guy could spend an hour giving head to the chick while the jerk only wants to *** and split.
then why is it that girls have this belief that sex is always better with the jerks? and why do they somehow think that if ur not some kind of prepotent ******* who treats people like they were lesser beings than urself , then ur too much of a turn off for them to want to have sex with you?
why do they think ur nice and sweet and totally non sexual if u dont diss people and actually talk and listen to what they have to say instead of just viewing them as pieces of meat?

I am very f*ckin confused =P

Ronin I

Master Don Juan
Mar 8, 2003
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Jerk = misplaced CONFIDENCE

CONFIDENCE = experience with women

experience with women = better in the sack


Don Juan
May 26, 2003
Reaction score
Lose the Prince-style spellings in your posts. They make it hard to read if you have an education.

To answer you, power (even a jerk's) is a turn-on for the chicks. No girl is excited by some foot-massage giving, chick-flick watching fool. (I've given massages, but you guys know what I mean). They got a hairy woo-woo. Why do they need another?

2nd reason, the jerk is bound to have more experience. The nice guy has a closetful of hand lotions and magazines and callouses.

3rd reason, even power wielded like this (by the jerk selfishly) is still better than lying to themselves and laying in bed thinking of masterful guys while some lame alan alda foock gives her sex.

that's why.

rte 66


Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by route66
Lose the Prince-style spellings in your posts. They make it hard to read if you have an education.

To answer you, power (even a jerk's) is a turn-on for the chicks. No girl is excited by some foot-massage giving, chick-flick watching fool. (I've given massages, but you guys know what I mean). They got a hairy woo-woo. Why do they need another?

2nd reason, the jerk is bound to have more experience. The nice guy has a closetful of hand lotions and magazines and callouses.

3rd reason, even power wielded like this (by the jerk selfishly) is still better than lying to themselves and laying in bed thinking of masterful guys while some lame alan alda foock gives her sex.

that's why.

rte 66

prince style spellings? hard to read if u have an education?
dont be so f*cking arrogant and disdainful, buddy.
there was no need in making such a comment.

2nd reason - how would the girl even know the nice guy has a closet full of hand lotions and magazines unless she had seen this things with her own eyes?

3rd reason - who is alan alda? this is stupid. are u saying girls prefer some guy that cums quick, almost uses them as a *** dump and then splits as opposed to a guy who explores their body and enjoys it? and just so u know, nice guys can be masterful as well, it doesnt have to do anything with the stupid "nice guy" and "jerk" labels. there are tons of nice guys out there with masterful bodies, talents and personalities.

Da Game

Senior Don Juan
Feb 3, 2003
Reaction score
WA State
Dude, girls generally aren't thinking about how a guy will be in bed as a prerequisite for dating them (at least, I think not). The bottom line is, jerks are attractive. Nice guys are not. The girl will go with the attractive guy, even if he's not as good in bed, over the boring, unattractive guy.


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2003
Reaction score
My happy place
It's actually quite simple. Jerks give the feeling of everything they do being "taboo" (mystery) which turns the girls on. If you've ever noticed that sex is 90% floor play and only 10% ****ing, then u'll realize that girls respond more emotionally to the Jerk. this is why role playing and nature ****ing is so popular among people, it gives them another sensation other than "sex" to turn them on. It's that simple.

Have an air of unpredictability (mystery) then she will be turned on. This is why women fantasize about the man who will just take her and PUSH her up against a wall and just start ****ing them right then and there.

Mystery is not keeping secret who you are, it's keeping secret what you will do next.

btw, i have first hand experience with this. One time a girl invited me rock climbing, (i was in france at the time and she was 17 i was 19) anyway, there was this bathroom all the way in the back of this climbing gym and i was walking towards the bathroom when she started to follow me. I turned the corner and she couldn't see me when out of nowhere i ambushed her by grabbing her. And believe me, it couldn't have been easier. she was turned on even before i touched her. We did it right then and there in the bathroom.


Don Juan
Feb 6, 2003
Reaction score
They go after power. That does not mean, they go after jerks. I actually know quite a few extremely nice guys with extremely gorgeous girls. The difference is, they have self control, self discipline, they are not afraid of anyone, they have a life... And most of all, it looks like their niceness is genuine. They are not nice to you, because they want something from you or because they are afraid of what you might think of them.


Don Juan
Apr 21, 2003
Reaction score
From reading what simplyme said, I'm pissed off at myself.
I'm a nice guy to generally everyone (although I'm quiet as the day is long), ie helpful, jokey (not good ones mind you, and not to everyone, but you get the idea), and I'm a no date wonder. Started to get to know someone, and she started to see what a stupidly nice guy I was and she went off the boil pretty damn quickly. Lost the mystery quality and couldn't hold her after that.
Don't know whether to write damn confusing women...or damn confusing life..


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2002
Reaction score
chicago,il , usa
Most women imagine sleeping with a guy the first 10 secs they meet them.

and Route66 is dead on.

Women like sin..and being ravaged and subdued by men..

who is better for the job?

Would you rather bang a goody two shoe catholic chick with no sensuality/sexuality..or a deep throating ravenous vixen like porn star chicks?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 20, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Starman

and being ravaged and subdued by men..
Okay everyone listen this is the most honest opinion that I can give you...

Women do not like jerks because well they are jerks!

I personally would not just have sex with a jerk because I think that they are better in bed, but if the theory goes that women think that jerks are better in bed than here is the reason why...

Men, nice guys, THINK that all or most women like to 'make-love' a slow and sensual thing that takes hours, and is multiorgasmic. That every touch is felt, and every kiss is gentile with care and passion.


Once in a while, or more so than that a woman wants to be thrown on the bed and fvcked! She doesn't care about an hour long love making unless it's an hour of hot rodeo sex that is rough and sweaty.

Jerks have the appeal of giving that kind of sex and nice guys are for the the times that we want to just make love and enjoy the finer parts of sex.

Just my opinion,


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2002
Reaction score
Littleton, Colorado, United States
Liz - That's just another mis-conception about nice guys though (although it might be right on a majority of the time, I wouldn't know...)

Even in my hardcore "nice guy" phase I liked all kinds of sex... like many things in life I prefer variety. Rough sometimes and slow other times. Depends on the mood, energy level, etc.

Oscar Wilde

Master Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score
Jeez, you guys are making this difficult, when it's actually very simple:

o Girls like nice guys.
o Girls don't like Nice Guys.

Go figure that out and you'll know the answer.



Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2002
Reaction score
Littleton, Colorado, United States
True, is this even worth debating? We already know that nice guys don't get as much tail.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Happy Valley
Originally posted by Liz
Okay everyone listen this is the most honest opinion that I can give you...

Women do not like jerks because well they are jerks!

I personally would not just have sex with a jerk because I think that they are better in bed, but if the theory goes that women think that jerks are better in bed than here is the reason why...

Men, nice guys, THINK that all or most women like to 'make-love' a slow and sensual thing that takes hours, and is multiorgasmic. That every touch is felt, and every kiss is gentile with care and passion.


Once in a while, or more so than that a woman wants to be thrown on the bed and fvcked! She doesn't care about an hour long love making unless it's an hour of hot rodeo sex that is rough and sweaty.

Jerks have the appeal of giving that kind of sex and nice guys are for the the times that we want to just make love and enjoy the finer parts of sex.

Just my opinion,
I dunno Liz. For 6 years I was with the same girl... KING of the AFC's, even. But what kept her coming back for more is that I kept her coming...

Ahem. I was dominant in the sack, and she got off on it. Hardcore. I was a nice guy, wussy AFC. I have to say your point is invalid.

HOWEVER, girls don't want to have sex with jerks because their jerks. Girls have sex with jerks because they make the approach, and nice guys just sit and listen about what a jerk the ONS she just had was.

-- Zero-


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2002
Reaction score
chicago,il , usa
here is a mindfvck for you

some psych theories say..the biggest fear of a woman..is falling in love..and having the guy leave them..leaving them shattered..

So in order to avoid this..many girls go for the "jerk" because they know he is temporary..and wont hurt their feelings


Don Juan
May 26, 2003
Reaction score
Didn't mean to offend you on legibility issue.

First, as to your question, whether the girl sees the closet, the magazines and the lotion or not-IT'S WHAT THEY THINK. It's perception.

Girls DON'T NEED evidence, it's about feelings with them.

Their feelings are what decide whether they will let you in their bed or not.

Second, think of any nice guy from TV. Girls don't want him in bed. This masterful sex nice guy could've WRITTEN THE KAMA SUTRA, but until girls perceive him as other than another nice guy, nice guy ain't gon' get no love.

Also your original post answers the question about whether girls prefer a jerk in bed or the nice guy who they think is a two-pump chump. Also, if jerk/nice guy are meaningful labels is addressed, too, in the original post.

They want what they want, those silly girlies.



Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2001
Reaction score
I understand all of ur points, but I have to disagree with some, especially with your liz.
the last girlfriend I had (like 3 years ago - now thats a depressing thought) back when I was an afc was crazy about me, not because of my afc personality, but because when I did sexual stuff with her, the afc was completly gone. I made her scream and beg for me to **** her many times and I basically treated her as a piece of meat most of the time we did sexual stuff. It wasnt slow or romantic. it was more like I did anything I wanted to her, whenever I wanted it, wherever I wanted it.
I never asked permission. in fact she was really turned on when we did sexual stuff with her room`s door open and her parents right outside. the rest of the time I was an afc, of course, but she liked my personality and I liked hers. but aside from the sexual moments when I was in complete control, the rest of the time I had this stupid "Im not good enough for you " attitude that eventually tired her and we stopped being exclusive (but curiously enough we kept doing sexual stuff until I tired of her and told her I didnt want it no more). anyway, I have always found that entire episode as an intersting insight into who i was back then and what I am now and how women respond to that.
actually slow and sweet is fine sometimes but for the most part it bores me and I think it bores most girls as well. most of us, guys and girls, want f*cking, big time rough animal f*cking, not sweet sugarcoated love making. its exactly like fly guy says.

anyway, explain to me oscar wilde the thing about 0 girls . what does it mean?

starman - Women like being ravaged and subdued by men..

do they really? is it so extreme? if so, how can I achieve this?


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2002
Reaction score
chicago,il , usa
Women like being desireable to men..they like being subdued..they like feeling sexually desireable..

I dont have the answers to why most women like wild monkey sex..versus some chump asking her for permission to kiss her or feel her up..but they do..


Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2003
Reaction score
Florida State Univ.
I've slept with enough women to know. It's because they know a jerk isn't afraid to take control. Whereas a nice guy projects an image of being soft and controlled in bed, a jerk projects an image of wild, hard sex. Women love kinky, hot sex as much as men. Jerks have no fear. They will pull hair, bite, and thrust deep and hard. Women like that. Project that image and they will get wet at the sight of you. Stop complaining about reality and take advantage of it. You're in a rut, judging by your other posts. Kick yourself in the ass, before I do it for you. ;)