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  1. Z

    Not Calling Back

    She just called me today I talked for maybe 30 sec to her and said I would call her back in 10 min and of Course never did!!! I figure once she sees me fri with another girl she will get the point. man this web site rules LOL
  2. Z

    Not Calling Back

    Great thanks 4 the help I am gonna practice this on her. My plan is to take this hot chick I know but only "FRIENDS" with to the football game fri When she ask's who the girl is I will tell her its my G/f LOL... thanks DJ's
  3. Z

    Not Calling Back

    I have been talking to this girl and I am sure she lost Interst in me Because every time I call her she says she will call back in 10 min and never did this has only happend twice and It pisses me off I know not to call back but when/if she calls me back do I ignore the call or tell her that is...
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    Just found out she has a B/f

    Ahh it doesnt bother me that she might cheat. Because if she got me she couldn't do any better, and will stay. As for jail Bait she is mature and is a senior in H/s hopfully the law wont mind lol. I found out she had a B/f threw Xanga online Diary. Her B/f is a total AFC. They have been dating...
  5. Z

    Just found out she has a B/f

    I have been talking to this girl for about 3 weeks. she is givin me all the signs she wants me.. she calls all the time and wants to hang out all the time I find out today that she has a B/f. she is 16yr I am 20yr so I have a huge advantage on the current boyfriend... I am thinkin of making her...
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    How Young is too Young??

    I Am 20 yr, and a 16yr girl likes me. she is a senior in HS. She is very mature and pretty should I go 4 it?
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    wingman or solo?

    You are right it is going to be really hard to find girls your age. you want to know why? Because they are all out ****ing 21yr old men who get them drunk!! Do your self a favor, and go for the younger girls. That's how the food chain works. Yea sure you may luck out, And hook up with a hottie...
  8. Z

    Blind date.

    I have been set up on a blind date I emailed the girl, and she is good looking we are gonna get to gether soon but untill then I have tryed to be mysterious and not give too much info. any help on how not to screw up would b nice. Thanks
  9. Z

    Need help on closing the deal!!!

    when i am out shopping and see a pretty cashier I will make sure I go threw her line. I am usually very friendly, and open, but still have some AFC in me. I have troble closing the deal. My plan is to wright a note to the cashier that says " Hey my name is Bob and I think your attractive...
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    I f*cked up today

    Right when you start to have that hevy feeling in the pit of your stomach, an you can't feel your legs. And you are telling your self to go over to her an F&#%ing talk to her. Rember this she weighs 110 pounds and cant physically hurt you. Try to find somthin wrong with her like she has a zit or...
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    what to do after she's ur G/F

    I have been analizing my last relationship and I know what I did wrong. I am too nice I am scared of KINO. My last relationship lasted 2 months an we kissed 2 times, because I was too nice an scared. Which killed her attraction to me. My delima is when in a relationship I feel like if I touch or...
  12. Z

    clubbing help needed

    Go with girls if the bouncer see's ya with a group of hotties he will not kick you out for fear that the girls are with you an will not enter. Also clubs always try to have a high ratio of girls to guys to eliminate sausage fest. So meet up with a pack of hotties an talk 2 em an walk in with...
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    Hair style

    I am thinkin about getting my hair cut soon for summer But my qustion is whats in style I have heard that long hair is in. Not sure tho. Thanks
  14. Z

    Girl Gold Mine!!!!!!!!!

    I do go to church for god the girls are a side effect
  15. Z

    Girl Gold Mine!!!!!!!!!

    Ok I found a gold mine today!!!!! CHURCH. Some would say its shallow to go to gods house to mack..But there were alota hotties walkin around, an they wernt slutty which is a big factor to me. The bigger the church the better ur chances try it once its worth it.
  16. Z

    Date Ideas

    The fire date works great I know some friends that play the guitar an played next to the fire it was really cool an fun. this works really well to set the mood.. 8 out of 10
  17. Z

    picking a girl up on AIM

    Ok I need some pimp advice I know this girl she is hot an single she is a senior an I graduated last year I dont really know her but I do have her AIM screen name I am gonna talk to her online but dont really know what to say i have read nothing on this site on this kinda pick up any one have...
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    Junior Prom

    Most proms u have to have a tux or they wont let ya in.. Go to a tux shop an let them dress u they know what there doing they will hook ya up with whats hott!!
  19. Z

    stuck on one girl!!!

    yeah thanks it made alotta help.. I am tryin not to only focus on her!! I wanna learn some more pimp skills then maybe if she is cool an the time is right hit it up.. thanks alot !!!!
  20. Z

    stuck on one girl!!!

    I really like this one girl from school but we dont hang in the same circles so I dont know her she is really hot an i just found out she has a boyfriend but I cannot stop thinkin about meeting her I just dont know how.. Because I dont even know her I thought about getting a part time job where...